

Market Research

Market research led business consulting

About us

We are a strategic marketing consultancy We are provocative, challenge convention, ask difficult questions and allow clients to see their business from a different perspective. We solve business problems.

Market Research
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2-10 employees


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    I was watching Oppenheimer the movie this weekend. Great film with Einstein making a cameo appearance. Made me think about this story.... “If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 55 minutes defining the problem and five minute resolving it,” Albert Einstein said. Those were wise words, but from what I have observed, most organisations don’t heed them when tackling innovation projects. Indeed, when developing new products, processes, or even businesses, most companies aren’t sufficiently rigorous in defining the problems they’re attempting to solve and articulating why those issues are important. Without that rigour, organisations miss opportunities, waste resources, and end up pursuing innovation initiatives that aren’t aligned with their strategies. How many times have you seen a project go down one path only to realise in hindsight that it should have gone down another? How many times have you seen an innovation program deliver a seemingly breakthrough result only to find that it can’t be implemented or it addresses the wrong problem? Many organizations need to become better at asking the right questions so that they tackle the right problems. At NorthBailey we say, “spend time defining the problem you are trying to solve" We bring fresh perspective and critical thinking along with a network and wealth of experience.  We are provocative, challenge convention, ask the difficult questions and allow clients to change their mindset to see their business from a different perspective. We solve business problems. What problem are you trying to solve?

    spend time defining the problem

    spend time defining the problem

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    a. people who don't take risks generally make two big mistakes a year b. people who do take risks generally make two big mistakes a year The difference is risk takers make bigger changes. NorthBailey are provocative, challenge convention, ask the difficult questions and allow clients to see their business from a different perspective to make better decisions on the bigger bets. Let us help you manage your risks

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    In the business world, problem solving is an integral part of our working day and all of us need critical thinking and adaptability in our tool kit. However, it has been said that if the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. In work cultures where a quick solution is seen as success, and a slower one loses the owner credibility, the tendency is to fall back on the “that’s how I’ve always done it” mindset which gets immediate results but can be the equivalent of sweeping the problem under the carpet. A quick fix prevents the cycle of problem/ solution from breaking.  This, in turn prevents us from stepping back and really assessing a problem.  As Einstein said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” At NorthBailey we say, “You can’t dig a hole at a different location by digging the same one deeper.” We bring fresh perspective and critical thinking along with a network and wealth of experience.  We are provocative, challenge convention, ask the difficult questions and allow clients to change their mindset to see their business from a different perspective. We solve business problems. No hammers required.

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    After twenty years in retail I know that there are always different approaches to the same problem ... One day, the Winston Churchill and his wife were walking through London. People greeted and exchanged words with the Prime Minister. A street sweeper greeted Mrs. Churchill in particular, and the two stayed aside for a while engaged in a friendly conversation. Churchill then asked his wife what she had had to discuss with a street sweeper for so long. "Ah… he was in love with me a long time ago," she said. Churchill smiled and said, "You see, if you had married him, you would be the wife of a street sweeper today." Mrs Churchill looked at her husband in amazement and said the legendary words: "But no Darling, if I had married him, he would be Prime Minister today." Often at work we only look at problems from one point of view.  At North Bailey we bring fresh perspective and critical thinking along with a wealth of experience.  We are provocative, challenge convention, ask the difficult questions and allow clients to see their business from a different perspective. We solve business problems. Come and get the Mrs Churchill experience at NorthBailey.

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    After 20 years in retail marketing roles I learnt to look at the bigger picture to solve problems... and this story reminds me why There once was a farmer who grew exceptional corn.  Each year the Corn Growers Association honoured him with first prize for the highest quality corn. A local newspaper reporter interviewed him on the secret of him success.  Whilst keeping a little of the information under his wide brimmed hat, the farmer volunteered the fact that every year he shared his seed corn with the neighbouring farms. “Why would you share your seed corn with your competitors?” Asked the journalist.  “Aren’t you just making your job harder?” “Why Sir, no”, replied the farmer.  “As part of the growing cycle the wind picks up pollen from the ripening corn and swirls it from field to field.  If you flew above us, you would see how interconnected the farmland is.  If my neighbours grow inferior corn, the cross pollination will steadily degrade my crop and result in an inferior yield.  In order for me to grow a great crop, I need my neighbours to grow a great crop too.” COVID forced a change in the way that organisations cooperate. Sharing supply chains, working together on common problems, recognising that we share a common goal, rather than always competing. We are programmed to exploit our competitive advantage and to see our success in terms of our own bottom line, and not that of the market.  Sometimes we need to take a step back and be aware of the bigger picture: can achieve even greater success is we see the wider picture and grow the common good. At North Bailey we are experienced in taking the ‘helicopter view’ and seeing the bigger picture looking outside the immediate problem and looking at interconnected problems. We bring fresh perspective and critical thinking along with a wealth of knowledge.  We are provocative, challenge convention, ask the difficult questions and allow you to see your business and the marketplace in which you operate from a different perspective. Let us improve your yield.

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    The iceberg of success is a compelling metaphor for the journey to achieving one's goals. Just like an iceberg, success is often only visible on the surface, while the hard work, dedication, and perseverance remain hidden beneath. It reminds us that success is not an overnight phenomenon, but the result of consistent effort and determination. By embracing this mindset, we can stay focused and motivated, knowing that our efforts will eventually lead to the visible success we desire. #SuccessMindset #AchieveYourGoals At NorthBailey we have a wealth of experience leading retail marketing teams. We bring fresh perspective and critical thinking along with that wealth of experience.  We are provocative, challenge convention, ask the difficult questions and allow clients to see their business with renewed clarity and from a different perspective.

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    A few years ago the Kenyan Bronze Medalist Abel Mutai was running a cross-country race in Burlada, and just before crossing the finishing line he became confused with the signage and stopped running, thinking he had already won. The athlete behind him, Ivan Fernandez Anaya realised what had happened and began to shout at Mutai to continue running but Mutai didn’t know spanish. Catching up to him, Fernández Anaya helped to guide Mutai to the finish line, letting him cross first. Fernández Anaya came second and when he was asked by a journalist “why did you let him win?” he replied, “I didn’t let him win, he was going to win”. The journalist replied “but you could have won!” and his response was “But what would be the merit of my victory? What would be the honour of that medal?” “What would my Mother think of that?” Later, Ivan was asked what his mother's response was and he told us:  "My mother was very happy with the decision I made. My parents always told me, before making a decision, put yourself in the place of the other party". "My advice to the next generations is to try to help and be great people. Remember to be remembered for the kind of person we were ... not just for our titles or professional achievements." At NorthBailey we have a wealth of experience leading retail marketing teams. We bring fresh perspective and critical thinking along with that wealth of experience.  We are provocative, challenge convention, ask the difficult questions and allow clients to see their business with renewed clarity and from a different perspective. We solve business problems, but experience tells us to always ask what would my mother think as we solve them? NorthBailey

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    I love my job. After 20 years experience in retail marketing leadership (in Tesco, Sainsbury's Asda, Coop & M&S), setting up NorthBailey has enabled me to use my experience & network to solve strategic marketing problems for NorthBailey clients. At NorthBailey we bring fresh perspective and critical thinking along with that wealth of experience.  We are provocative, challenge convention, ask the difficult questions and allow clients to see their business with renewed clarity and from a different perspective. Do you love your job?

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