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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Anonymous asked:

Thoughts on Orion? I've been slowly working my way into that New God business and Orion seems kinda neat, being raised by the opposite side and turning out good as a sort of nature over nurture type of deal while also being prophesized to take out Darkseid which is always a neat idea, seems kinda Greekish for a god to be destined to be taken out by their own son. Also kinda seems like a chill guy lmao

docgold13 answered:

Orion is awesome.  And in retrospect I like that his tale wasn’t about nurture over nature, but rather nature and nurture working in tandem.  He was valiant and nobel and selfless as he was raised to be by his adopted father, but was still plague by the rage and recklessness that he inherited from his biological father.     

Orion is in many ways the prototypical Kirby hero.  He’s basically all these different mythological achitypes thrown together into a blender and decked out in cosmic threads.  

When I first read New Gods and it was revealed that Darksied is Orion’s father, I thought it was a rip off on Star Wars.  I didn’t realize at the time that the comics came out a number of years before Empire Strikes Back… that if anything Star Wars was actually riffing on New Gods.    


According to Tom Scioli’s Kirby biography, the similarities between his work and Star Wars did not go unnoticed by Jack.


lol perfect :D


There is a very strong thread of Shakespearean influence with Kirby. The New Gods, the Asgardians, the Eternals, and the Inhumans are all remarkably Shakespearean in their thematic makeup.

Orion is like a war-mongering Hamlet. Raging against the memory of his father, while striving to be his own man, and yet doomed to be the same man as Uxas.

If anything, the heavy-handed Shakespearean influences were a turnoff for me in the beginning. They’re so overt that it was like getting hit over the head with the themes.


I am a fan of Kirby’s artwork and concepts. His writing is not great… it’s like Aasimov. Great ideas, storylines, and concepts but HORRIBLE character writing. Kirby’s ideas are amazing.

Orion is maybe his best original idea, in that it is so purely Kirby. There is no other creator. Orion is all Kirby. As I said, the Shakespearean themes abound, but the design is all Kirby.

So, as a fan of Orion, I have two suggestions: read Grant Morrison’s DC Comics work, and especially read Walt Simonson’s Orion book.

Grant Morrison & Howard Porter:



indeed jack kirby orion new gods fourth world art illustration comics master class dc comics dc Grant Morrison Howard Porter Walt Simonson

Geological horror. You find a geode and crack it open and the crystal lining its walls is human blood that can't be genetically matched to anyone. You find a human skeleton but every one of the bones is made from rock, a rock that you know can't be whittled into those shapes. You find layers of clay and loam that sport ancient fossils at the top and the still-rotting corpses of modern animals at the bottom.


This reminds me of the blood river in Antarctica. For like a century scientists had no clue why this river looked like, acted like, and felt exactly like blood. Turns out it’s just really high in iron.


"Blood River in Antartica" yeah right there's no way a river looks like bl-

A massive waterfall pouring out of an ice shelf that looks exactly like bloodALT



Blood Falls isn't just high in iron, it's the byproducts of extremophile bacteria that have been isolated under a glacier in a iron- and sulfur-rich anoxic brine for the past 5 million years.


You chip away at the geode some more. Slowly, it seems like you’re exposing what looks like a form of metal.

The geode seems to have grown from the metal, and is continuing to grow from the metal. It’s an alloy of some sort. The edge of the right side of the metal has most of what looks like an Arabic character on it. A brief search reveals the logo for the UAE’s space and exploration divisions.

Your hand feels chalky and stiff. You look at in the sunlight and your forefinger is refracting light like a prism.


You ever see someone call for violet revolution and just -know- they've never so much as slaughtered an animal for food, let alone placed incredible violence on a human being?

Before you say "Animals are innocent," so are some of the people you will have to kill to make your revolution happen.

Innocent people will have to not only die, but be killed. Good people, even.

You will have to kill them.

You won't have the stomach, because you likely have a good, if flawed, nature.

Your fellow revolutionaries, who will kill you, will not have that.

Have fun with that.

Uh, I don't think when revolutionary people say "violent revolution" they mean "let's go kill a random half of the population". It means "let's irreversibly harm the lives of the corrupt people in power". What, do you think we're animals? Even if violent revolution meant murder explicitly, we know the difference between those who are innocent and those who harm the lives of others.


You will, in the course of your revolution, have to kill innocent people.

You will be required, by the course of reality, the lack of proper information, and the fact that not all innocent people will support you, have to kill innocent people.

You don't understand this, because you likely don't have a comprehension of the depth and breadth of both the problem and the depravity of the solution you would posit.

Being ignorant of these facts does not make them any less real, or true, and your intent means nothing compared to the results, which will be that the streets will fill with the offal and blood of innocent people.

A violent revolution does not care greatly for Blackstone's Formulation. It will snap up innocent and guilty alike, and it will permanently damage all those that engage in it, in ways you cannot reasonably comprehend.

The same people who want this revolution have no arms, have no training, Have no resources, no land, no food, have no means beyond to beg the same men they hate, the police and the state, to do the work of their petty jealousies. That isn't a revolution, that's a coup, an overtaking of the system for the sake of the ideologically posessed at the expense of due process and the innocent, yet again.

To you, whether you articulate it or not, the innocent you will kill are merely incidental. Excused away as acceptable losses, counter-revolutionaries, or not firm enough in their conviction and thereby suitable fodder.

And those who come after you, the more extreme, the more severe, the more willing to be violent and do harm and violate, in every sense of the word, the good and the innocent, will string you up, and feed on you.

You will lament, confused, as has always happened in these sort of things, and cry out "Have I not been a good revolutionary?" As you hold in your intestines from the bayonet, as you cry and bleed in a gutter of the rubble that was once a home, a nation, a place of life, imperfect, but vital, you will remember these words.

Gnash your teeth, and bite your tongue, eat the ash you turned the fields to, and bury yourself under the rubble of the homes you've destroyed. Lament the innocence you violated, your own, and others, posessed by an ideal that was always homicidal, abusive, and vitriolic.

Always remember, revolutionary.

You walk on a thin crust of civility held together by rare and precious things, spun like fine silk.

And below that, is a chasm of hell and depravity so deep and abiding it has eaten entire civilizations, a screaming, hateful void of every indignity and violation, done in an endless cycle of abuse and retribution.

Those precious things strain, like catgut wound too tight.

You can hear them singing, if you listen.

Tread lightly.




Here’s the thing. Bernie Sanders is an objectively good and decent human being. He has flaws. His goals are generally seen as good and for the benefit of the masses. But he is an outlier.

He would not be able to gather the support of the senate, the governors, the House of Representatives or the courts. He would have support from his voting base, and isolated local leaders and senators seeking their own successful careers by joining in Sanders’s leadership. And all that means that Sanders would not be able to pass meaningful legislation.

So, the hypothetical situation of a communist leader in the US is now posed with the very predictable reality of all communist rulers. They have to remove the obstacles to their goal of serving the greater good.

That’s it. That’s the thinking. The justification of believing that your opinions are best for everyone else’s lives can allow you to justify almost any action. Because then it becomes your moral duty to save America by getting rid of the bad Americans.

And Bernie Sanders is one man in a massive governmental machine. And I have looked and I cannot find much about Bernie to hate on. Except he’s one idealistic man, and realistically achieving his goals on a massive enough scale to support socialist beliefs would mean destroying a lot more lives than any of us can truly grasp. It’s not just the corporate fat cats that would lose. It would be all of their employees too. From the VPs down to the doormen. More than half of the United States is employed by companies that could justifiably be called to answer for their crimes before a socialist tribunal.

Don’t be fooled by the rhetoric. Peaceful communist revolutions are possible. But they don’t last. And when the peaceful options end, the violence begins. So get comfortable understanding that you’re advocating for a long and violent war, or rethink your opinions on socialism.

It’s what Kasaron said. You’re gonna have to kill a LOT of innocent people if you really want socialism to take over.

politics revolution socialism

Rob Liefeld 1996 - Rob Liefeld 2019

Always improve your craft.


Character (artist) arc.




Reverse RCDart


Does anybody out there know how old Rob was when he first started comic books professionally.

He was fucking 16 with no formal lessons.

He was a fucking undisciplined 16 year old making Marvel Comics money hand-over-fist and they didn’t give a shit about his quality as long as he kept making them money.

Ain’t nobody trying to push him to be better when they could just gas him up and use it for everything they could get out of him.

Also for those who want to talk about him being arrogance I once again refer to the fact that he was fucking 16 and already living the dream and like I said before there was no shortage of Yes Man ready to use with what they can get.

Also how hot were any of you at 16.

For more on the man I recommend the following.


Lmao the last argument is gold🤣👌🏻


Believe it or not that’s none of my concern. However I would still take 10 of him over what we have now.


Yea , y'all got that shit.


Linkara’s gonna need to update his theme song, because Liefeld is absolutely an artist compared to this^^^


And I think someone at the beginning of this post already pointed out the big difference.

An actual artist will work to improve themselves.

While and egotistical hack will make excuses and blame everyone else.

art comics encouragement rob liefeld marvel art inspiration artist inspiration inspiration illustration

A rotting, decaying, bloated sperm whale on a beach was gutted by a biologist in the process of disposing of the dead animal. It’s a thing that has to happen. So, here’s a video of a dead sperm whale’s entrails violently exploding from the gaseous pressure.

Why? Because it was in my YouTube feed. And now it’s on your scroll. *forehead kiss*

Random YouTube Life



Largely considered a military tradition, nose art painting began for practical reasons of identifying friendly aircraft. Since World War II, pilots have decked out the noses of their aircraft in creative ways, allowing people to connect not only with the machine, but the operators as well. This history of aircraft nose art has developed in fascinating ways from the 1940s to present day. As the United States entered World War II, nose art regulations were relaxed, or in many cases totally ignored. WWII would become the golden age of aircraft artistry. Nose art was found on many models of fighters, and bombers such as the B-17 Flying Fortress and the B-24 Liberator. The B-29 Superfortress was a popular palette due to its large expanse of relatively open "painting space" on the nose of its massive fuselage. Not only pinups were used but cartoon characters, protests, patriotic messages, animals, and films were painted.

airplane history world war ii airplanes pinups art pilots nose art aircraft illustration


Lobo wearing what he wore in his first appearance in The Omega Men #3.

What do you think? Should Lobo bring this look back?


I like the idea that he still owns it. The biker look is his casual clothing, which he wears because most situations don’t require his full effort. This “costume” is like the Czarnian version of a military uniform.

Lobo doesn’t wear his anymore because he fragged those bastiches long ago. But in the right circumstances, he might think it necessary to wear it again.

Maybe think about dressing it up further. Rank and accomplishment designations of some sort. Lobo is a brawler that relies on his invincibility more than his intellect. But he was able to eliminate his entire race when “motivated”. The dude knows how to conduct warfare when he needs to.

dustin weaver lobo fan art sketchbook the omega men dc comics art illustration comics