Aquatic Reserves Program Newsletter
Bringing together partners to inspire science-based stewardship of Washington's extraordinary aquatic resources   


The days have been getting shorter and the nights colder, but our aquatic reserves staff members are hard at work, ensuring your local reserve is getting loved just as much as when the days are long and the nights are warm. This fall, the Puget SoundCorps Team has performed water quality analysis at Lake Kapowsin and gone to Cherry Point, Cypress Island, Protection Island, Maury Island, and Nisqually Reach Aquatic Reserve to conduct seagrass monitoring surveys. In their free time, the team has gone to Lake Kapowsin not once, not twice, but three times to work on restoring a hill side habitat overlooking the north part of the lake. These days have been filled with invasive species removal, planting native plants, maintaining trails, and laughter.

The Aquatic Reserves Program

Cover photo by Erica Bleke, fog bank over Smith and Minor Islands. 
We have some very exciting news for all our stream enthusiasts out there. Vashon Nature Center has compiled 20 years’ worth of community science data on stream and invertebrate monitoring! The monitoring shows that the health of many island streams has improved.
Click here to view the full story!
Mola mola, ocean sunfish, the largest bony fish in the world; these are all names used to describe a species of fish typically found in tropical or temperate marine waters. However, as our summers get warmer, so does the Puget Sound, and with that comes range expansions by species typically found in warmer climates. This past summer, a Mola mola was found in the waters of Nisqually Reach Aquatic Reserve. These fish love to feast on jellyfish, which have also become more prevalent in the Puget Sound under warming conditions.
Read the full article on Puget Sound's warming waters
View full article on northern red-legged frog
Learn how to be a responsible orca watcher!
View full article about orcas in Quartermaster Harbor
Read the full eelgrass article!
Vashon Nature Center - Maury Island Vashon Nature Center - Maury Island
RE Sources - Fidalgo Bay and Cherry Point RE Sources - Fidalgo Bay and Cherry Point
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Cherry Point Aquatic Reserve Facebook Cherry Point Aquatic Reserve Facebook
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DNR Aquatic Reserves Website DNR Aquatic Reserves Website


Newsletter created by Olivia Fletcher
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