The Palm Springs International Film Awards has announced that Jennifer Hudson will be its top honoree this year. The “Respect” star will receive the chairman’s award at the group’s upcoming ceremony in January.

The awards body made the news public with an announcement on Monday morning.

“In ‘Respect,’ Jennifer Hudson brings to life Aretha Franklin’s rise from childhood gospel singer to international star,” said festival chairman Harold Matzner in a statement. “Hudson transforms into the Queen of Soul singing her heart out in this legendary performance. It is our honor to recognize Jennifer Hudson’s phenomenal acting and singing talents with the Chairman’s Award.”

Hudson was previously honored at the festival with the breakthrough performance award in 2007. The list of past recipients of the festival’s chairman’s award includes Amy Adams, Jessica Chastain, George Clooney, Tom Hanks, Nicole Kidman, Regina King, Gary Oldman, Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon. Hudson joins this year’s previously announced slate of honorees, including Jane Campion (director of the year award), Jessica Chastain (Desert Palm achievement award, actress), Penélope Cruz (international star award, actress) and Kristen Stewart (spotlight award, actress).

Released by United Artists Releasing in August, “Respect” is a biographical drama about the life of Aretha Franklin. In addition to playing Franklin, Hudson also executive produced the film. Hudson is seen as one of the season’s top best actress contenders for her performance in the film.

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The Palm Springs International Film Awards will take place in-person on Jan. 6, 2022 at the Palm Springs Convention Center, with the subsequent festival running through Jan. 17, 2022.

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