Acceptable Use Policy

Last Updated: 2023.07.06

This Acceptable Use Policy forms part of the IBM Terms of Use.

IBM provides this Policy to remind IBM Video Streaming Users of the requirements you must follow when using the IBM Video Streaming Cloud Services as further provided in the IBM Terms of Use. IBM may immediately terminate your IBM Video Streaming or IBM Enterprise Video Streaming account and/or use of the Site and Services, if IBM becomes aware that you have violated this Policy or that your use of the service is not exclusively for employee communications; commercial or academic or public service virtual conferences; commercial promotion; government proceedings; concerts or other entertainment; or other virtual services or events, such as recreational classes, weddings, funerals or religious services.

You agree to comply with the following terms and conditions in using the IBM Video Streaming Site and Cloud Services, in broadcasting via the IBM Video Streaming Site or Cloud Services and otherwise interacting with IBM Video Streaming Users:

  • Cloud Services may not be used in any jurisdiction for unlawful, obscene, offensive, or fraudulent content or activity. Examples of prohibited activities are advocating or causing harm; interfering with or violating the integrity or security of a network or system; evading filters; sending unsolicited, abusive, or deceptive messages; introducing viruses or harmful code; violating third party rights; or streaming content that would constitute offensive speech, including content that could be interpreted as racist or discriminatory, with the latter category specifically including speech that is intended to discriminate based on race or ethnicity, religion, gender or gender expression, or sexual orientation.
  • Cloud Services may not be used to upload, stream or otherwise transmit content: (a) that is inappropriate, as reasonably determined by IBM; (b) that is indecent, obscene, pornographic, defamatory, libelous, harassing, threatening, abusive, hateful, or violent; or (c) containing fraudulent, false, deceptive, or misleading offers, statements, claims or representations.
  • Cloud Services may not be used in any manner that would infringe, dilute, misappropriate or otherwise violate a third party’s privacy, publicity, or other personal and intellectual property rights.
  • Cloud Services are only to be used for authorized and lawful purposes, consistent with all applicable laws and regulations and the rights of others.
  • You agree to take reasonable precautions in all interactions with other IBM Video Streaming Users.
  • You will not interfere with or disrupt the Site or Cloud Services or attempt to gain access to any systems or networks that connect to the Site or Cloud Services except as required to use the Site or Cloud Services in compliance with this Policy.

If you ever believe that an IBM Video Streaming User is acting contrary to this Policy, has violated the law or is defrauding, threatening or endangering you, herself or himself or a third party, we urge you to immediately contact the appropriate law enforcement authorities directly for help.

In accordance with the IBM Privacy Policy, we will cooperate with any law enforcement officials or court order requesting or directing us to disclose the identity of anyone broadcasting or otherwise making available any materials that are believed to violate this Policy.