Virginia House of Delegates Member Listings

House recessed at 3:23 p.m. pursuant to the provisions of HJR 6001

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Delegate District #Room #PartyCapitol PhoneDistrict PhoneEmail
Anthony, Bonita G.92nd1002D(804) 698-1092(757) 204-5492[email protected]
Arnold, Jonathan E.46th802R(804) 698-1046(276) 783-8197[email protected]
Askew, Alex Q.95th920D(804) 698-1095(757) 453-3168[email protected]
Austin, Terry L.37th708R(804) 698-1037(540) 254-1500[email protected]
Ballard, Jason S.42nd805R(804) 698-1042(540) 787-5011[email protected]
Batten, Amanda E.71st712R(804) 698-1071(757) 741-7001[email protected]
Bennett-Parker, Elizabeth B.5th1105D(804) 698-1005(703) 239-3155[email protected]
Bloxom, Robert S., Jr.100th711R(804) 698-1000(757) 824-3456[email protected]
Bulova, David L.11th909D(804) 698-1011(703) 310-6752[email protected]
Callsen, Katrina E.54th901D(804) 698-1054(434) 443-5400[email protected]
Campbell, Ellen H.36th803R(804) 698-1036(540) 280-0778[email protected]
Carr, Betsy B.78th1110D(804) 698-1078(804) 698-1078[email protected]
Cherry, Mike A.74th706R(804) 698-1074(804) 946-1221[email protected]
Clark, Nadarius E.84th820D(804) 698-1084(757) 839-4758[email protected]
Cohen, Laura Jane15th821D(804) 698-1015(703) 261-9171[email protected]
Cole, Joshua G.65th1020D(804) 698-1065(540) 642-0165[email protected]
Convirs-Fowler, Kelly K.96th912D(804) 698-1096(757) 364-8428[email protected]
Cordoza, A.C.86th719R(804) 698-1086(757) 751-0929[email protected]
Cousins, Rae C.79th917D(804) 698-1079(804) 698-1079[email protected]
Coyner, Carrie E.75th710R(804) 698-1075(804) 698-1075[email protected]
Davis, Will P.39th717R(804) 698-1039(540) 963-5221[email protected]
Delaney, Karrie K.9th1112D(804) 698-1009(703) 996-9415[email protected]
Earley, Mark L., Jr.73rd701R(804) 698-1073(804) 698-1173[email protected]
Ennis, N. Baxter89th817R(804) 698-1089(757) 354-3751[email protected]
Feggans, Michael97th1104D(804) 698-1097(757) 204-1524[email protected]
Fowler, Hyland F. (Buddy), Jr.59th1108R(804) 698-1059(804) 227-3177[email protected]
Freitas, Nicholas J.62nd716R(804) 698-1062(540) 222-7706[email protected]
Gardner, Debra D.76th921D(804) 698-1076(804) 698-1076[email protected]
Garrett, Thomas A., Jr.56th720R(804) 698-1056(804) 869-4444[email protected]
Gilbert, C. Todd33rd1401R(804) 698-1033(540) 459-7550[email protected]
Glass, Jackie Hope93rd1011D(804) 698-1093(757) 472-1293[email protected]
Green, W. Chad, Sr.69th816R(804) 698-1069(757) 219-2081[email protected]
Griffin, Timothy P.53rd702R(804) 698-1053(434) 515-1752[email protected]
Hayes, C. E. (Cliff), Jr.91st1111D(804) 698-1091(757) 364-0272[email protected]
Helmer, Dan10th1013D(804) 698-1010(571) 445-0251[email protected]
Henson, Rozia A., Jr.19th818D(804) 698-1019(804) 698-1019[email protected]
Hernandez, Phil M.94th1103D(804) 698-1094(804) 698-1094[email protected]
Herring, Charniele L.4th1402D(804) 698-1004(703) 606-9705[email protected]
Higgins, Geary M.30th721R(804) 698-1030(804) 698-1030[email protected]
Hodges, M. Keith68th810R(804) 698-1068(804) 277-9801[email protected]
Hope, Patrick A.1st709D(804) 698-1001(703) 486-1010[email protected]
Jones, Michael J.77th916D(804) 698-1077(804) 698-1077[email protected]
Kent, Hillary Pugh67th1018R(804) 698-1067(804) 456-8360[email protected]
Keys-Gamarra, Karen7th1001D(804) 698-1007(804) 698-1007[email protected]
Kilgore, Terry G.45th1007R(804) 698-1045(276) 386-7011[email protected]
Knight, Barry D.98th809R(804) 698-1098(757) 426-6387[email protected]
Krizek, Paul E.16th1010D(804) 698-1016(703) 688-2983[email protected]
Laufer, Amy J.55th1021D(804) 698-1055(540) 251-4603[email protected]
Leftwich, James A. (Jay), Jr.90th1008R(804) 698-1090(757) 382-4145[email protected]
LeVere Bolling, Destiny L.80th1101D(804) 698-1080(804) 698-1180[email protected]
Lopez, Alfonso H.3rd1014D(804) 698-1003(571) 336-2147[email protected]
Lovejoy, Ian T.22nd918R(804) 698-1022(571) 774-4322[email protected]
Maldonado, Michelle Lopes20th819D(804) 698-1020[email protected]
Marshall, Daniel W., III49th807R(804) 698-1049(434) 797-5861[email protected]
Martinez, Fernando J.29th904D(804) 698-1029(804) 698-1029[email protected]
McClure, Adele Y.2nd1102D(804) 698-1002(703) 239-4425[email protected]
McNamara, Joseph P.40th813R(804) 698-1040(540) 384-0276[email protected]
McQuinn, Delores L.81st914D(804) 698-1081(804) 698-1081[email protected]
Milde, Paul V., III64th1003R(804) 698-1064(703) 728-2828[email protected]
Morefield, James W. (Will)43rd808R(804) 698-1043(276) 345-4300[email protected]
Mundon King, Candi23rd906D(804) 698-1023(540) 318-3413[email protected]
Oates, Delores31st703R(804) 698-1031(804) 698-1031[email protected]
Obenshain, Joseph C.41st804R(804) 698-1041(804) 647-0372[email protected]
O'Quinn, Israel D.44th713R(804) 698-1044(276) 525-1311[email protected]
Orrock, Robert D., Sr.66th1107R(804) 698-1066(540) 891-1322[email protected]
Owen, David L.57th718R(804) 698-1057[email protected]
Phillips, Eric J.48th1004R(804) 698-1048(434) 326-5878[email protected]
Price, Marcia S. (Cia)85th911D(804) 698-1085(757) 266-5935[email protected]
Rasoul, Sam38th910D(804) 698-1038(540) 904-6905[email protected]
Reaser, Atoosa R.27th1016D(804) 698-1027[email protected]
Reid, David A.28th913D(804) 698-1028(703) 662-1395[email protected]
Runion, Chris35th811R(804) 698-1035(540) 255-0504[email protected]
Scott, Don88th1403D(804) 698-1088(757) 966-7914[email protected]
Scott, Phillip A.63rd919R(804) 698-1063(540) 360-3789[email protected]
Seibold, Holly M.12th902D(804) 698-1012(804) 698-1012[email protected]
Sewell, Briana D.25th905D(804) 698-1025(703) 261-4787[email protected]
Shin, Irene8th1115D(804) 698-1008(703) 677-8334[email protected]
Sickles, Mark D.17th1232D(804) 698-1017(703) 922-6440[email protected]
Simon, Marcus B.13th1114D(804) 698-1013(571) 327-0053[email protected]
Simonds, Shelly A.70th1106D(804) 698-1070(757) 276-3022[email protected]
Srinivasan, Kannan26th1017D(804) 698-1026(804) 698-1026[email protected]
Sullivan, Richard C. (Rip), Jr.6th908D(804) 698-1006(571) 210-5876[email protected]
Tata, Anne Ferrell H.99th1019R(804) 698-1099(757) 213-5193[email protected]
Taylor, Kimberly A.82nd1005R(804) 698-1082[email protected]
Thomas, Josh21st903D(804) 698-1021[email protected]
Torian, Luke E.24th1223D(804) 698-1024(703) 785-2224[email protected]
Tran, Kathy KL18th1113D(804) 698-1018(703) 539-2066[email protected]
Wachsmann, Howard Otto, Jr.83rd704R(804) 698-1083(804) 469-0872[email protected]
Walker, Wendell S.52nd812R(804) 698-1052(434) 515-2264[email protected]
Ward, Jeion A.87th1009D(804) 698-1087(757) 827-5921[email protected]
Ware, R. Lee72nd707R(804) 698-1072(804) 598-6696[email protected]
Watts, Vivian E.14th907D(804) 698-1014(703) 978-2989[email protected]
Webert, Michael J.61st714R(804) 698-1061(540) 999-8218[email protected]
Wiley, William D. (Bill)32nd1006R(804) 698-1032(804) 698-1032[email protected]
Willett, Rodney T.58th1012D(804) 698-1058[email protected]
Williams, Wren M.47th705R(804) 698-1047(276) 200-4089[email protected]
Wilt, Tony O.34th814R(804) 698-1034(540) 208-0735[email protected]
Wright, Thomas C., Jr.50th1109R(804) 698-1050(434) 696-3061[email protected]
Wyatt, Scott A.60th806R(804) 698-1060(804) 442-2737[email protected]
Zehr, Eric51st801R(804) 698-1051(434) 333-6333[email protected]

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Virginia House of Delegates 2024
Delegate Alfonso H. Lopez
Member Since: 2012
Majority Whip (2020-2022)
D - County of Arlington (part); City of Alexandria (part)
3rd District
Capitol Office
General Assembly Building
201 North 9th Street,
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Office: (804) 698-1003
Email Address:[email protected]
Room Number: 1014  Map It
Legislative Assistant: Bryan Estey
Administrative Assistant During Session: Patricia Howle
District Office
P.O. Box 40366
Arlington, VA 22204
Office: (571) 336-2147
District Description:
County of Arlington (part); City of Alexandria (part)
  • House District: 3rd
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3rd District Map
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Personal Information

  • Birth Year: 1970
  • Place of Birth: Williamsport, PA
  • Gender: Male
  • Race(s): Latino
  • Spouse: Sarah Mitte Zevin
  • Children: Aaron and Gabriel
  • Membership & Affiliation: Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership (state board member)
    Arlington Fiscal Affairs Advisory Commission (former member and HHR subcommittee chairman)
    Virginia Environment and Renewable Energy Caucus (founder and co-chairman)
    Arlington Historical Affairs and Landmark Review Board (former member)
    Shirlington Employment and Education Center (former board vice chairman)
    Arlington Veterans' Memorial YMCA (former board co-chairman)
    Commonwealth Coalition (former statewide advisory board member)
    Democratic National Committee (at-large member), Hispanic Caucus (Southern Region vice chairman)
    Democratic Party of Virginia, State Central Steering Committee
    Democratic Latino Organization of Virginia (former president)
    2012 Democratic National Convention (Virginia delegate)
    Virginia Latino Caucus (founder and co-chairman)
  • Education: Robinson Secondary School (1988)
    Vassar College, NY (B.A., 1992)
    Tulane University Law School, LA (J.D., 1995)
  • Occupation/Profession: Partner (public and government relations/services firm)
  • House Leadership: Majority Whip (2020-2022)
  • Awards: Boy Scouts of America, Eagle Scout (1988)
    Arlington Young Democrat of the Year (2003, 2004)
    Virginia Young Democrat of the Year (2004)
    Virginia Bicycling Federation, Bicycling Friendly Award (2012)
    Virginia League of Conservation Voters, Legislative Hero (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015), Legislative Leadership Award (2015)
    Virginia Education Association, Rookie of the Year (2012), Solid as a Rock Award (2013, 2014, 2015)
    Virginia Housing Coalition, Legislative Leadership (2013)
    Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy, Legislator of the Year (2013)
    Sierra Club, Energy Freedom Award (2013), Leadership Award (2015)
    Potomac and Chesapeake Association for College Admission Counseling, Outstanding Legislator (2013)
    Warren G. Stambaugh Outstanding Democrat of the Year (2013)
    Virginia Young Democrats, Young Democrat for Life Award (2015)

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