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photo of empty gallery space

Graduate Facilities

The Department of Visual Arts offers graduate students access to various galleries, fabrication shops, and labs.

Main Gallery

photo of the Main Gallery

photo of the Main Gallery

photo of the Main Gallery

SME Gallery

photo of the SME Gallery

photo of the SME Gallery

photo of the SME Gallery

Commons Gallery

photo of the Commons Gallery

photo of the Commons Gallery

Performance Space

photo of the Performance Space

photo of the Performance Space

photo of the Performance Space

SME Theater

photo of the SME Theater

photo of the SME Theater

Fabrication Shops


The Woodshop is equipped with a variety of woodworking machines and hand tools to accommodate various projects.


The Metal Shop offers a full range of basic to intermediate metal working machines and tools.

Spray Booth


Ceramic Studio:

photo of the ceramics studio

photo of the ceramics studio


The Photography Labs offer both Analog and Digital Image making opportunities. The Darkroom contains enlargers that will accommodate film sizes from 35mm to 8x10” sheet film as well as a variety of historic and alternative processes.

The Digital Labs consist of a Mac Teaching lab as well as a Print lab with Epson p900 printers as well as Epson v850 Pro and 12000xl Scanners for digitizing negatives and images. In addition a Grad only lab offers a large format printer up to 44” wide and advanced film scanning capabilities.

photo of the photography labs

photo of the photography labs

photo of the photography labs

photo of the photography labs

photo of the photography labs

photo of the digital photography labs

photo of the digital photography labs

photo of the digital photography labs



Media & Editing Suites

The Media & Editing Suites (located at the Visual Arts Facility) offers isolated workspaces with for video and sound editing, analog media transfers, color grading, and graphic design.

Sound Studio

The Sound Studio is an experimental sound room that can be used as a traditional recording studio as well as an experimental sound space. It includes a control room and live performance room to accommodate various recording setups, such as digital multitracking, reel-to-reel tape recording, podcasting, and live mixing.

photo of the media labs

photo of the media labs

photo of the media labs

photo of the media labs

photo of the media labs

photo of the media labs

Printmaking & Design

The Printmaking and Design Suites offer Screen, Intaglio, Relief, and Riso printing as well as Bookbinding capabilities.

 photo of the printing and design labs

photo of the printing and design labs

photo of the printing and design labs

photo of the printing and design labs

photo of the printing and design labs

Sample Grad Studios

Photos from Open Studios coming soon!

Other Resources

For all inquiries, please contact: [email protected]