Verizon Partner Solutions| Contact an Account Manager
If you work for a telecommunications service provider, please respond to the questions in the form below. An account manager will contact you to discuss Verizon Partner Solutions service offerings.
Tell Us About Your Company
Please take a few moments to respond to the questions below. Your answers will help us understand your business needs. You can expect to hear from a Verizon Partner Solutions representative soon.

We are unable to respond to inquiries that are not for the Partner Solutions organization. For assistance with those requests, please visit .
Fields denoted by * are required in order for us to serve you better.

General Information

* First Name * Last Name
* Title * Company
* Address * City
* Zip * Country
* State/Province * Phone
* Email Website
* Do you currently purchase any services from or have any business contracts with Verizon?

Type of Business

*  Please select the type of business from the drop-down menu.

Request Information

*  Please enter the information you would like to get from Verizon Partner Solutions.

* Do you want to receive marketing communications from Verizon Partner Solutions, including newsletters, invitations to webinars and/or events, and other product and program information?

Business Information

*  How did you hear about this site?
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Magazine Ad
Sales Brochure
Trade Show
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Business Acquaintance
Sales Person
Internal Gold Lead
Internal Associate Referral

The information you provide will be used in accordance to the terms set out in our Verizon Privacy Policy. California residents can also view our California Privacy Policy.


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