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You can’t avoid paying your taxes - but you can avoid the stress of tax season. From tax returns, credits and deductions to strategic prep and planning, we provide you with the information you need to make confident decisions when it comes to your personal taxes.


Tax Deductions For The Self-Employed Taxes

Tax Deductions For The Self-Employed

If you’re self-employed, you may feel a little lonely during tax season. After all, it’s hard to gauge which deductions you’re entitled to when there are so many personalized expense categories to consider. Regardless of your income, these tax reductions can lead to significant savings. Let’s break down which deductions are available for the self-employed, […]

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Tax Deductions For Working From Home Taxes

Tax Deductions For Working From Home

With more employees working from home than ever before, the subject of tax deductions has become very topical. Perhaps you’ve heard other remote workers brag about the expenses they’ve managed to trim from their income taxes by working from home. Well, enough with the anecdotal hearsay! Let’s determine whether you’re eligible to save money working […]

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Tax Exemption vs Tax Deduction: Know The Difference Taxes

Tax Exemption vs Tax Deduction: Know The Difference

When discussing income tax, it’s easy to confuse similar-sounding technical terms. The boundaries around tax exemption and tax deduction are particularly blurry. Although these two types of reductions tend to be used interchangeably, they have separate structures and operate under distinct criteria. Recognizing the differences between exemptions and deductions will help you gain a better […]

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