Privacy @ Weborama

Privacy at the heart of our technologies

At Weborama, we make no compromises when it comes to protecting the privacy of Internet users. Our engineers adopt the Privacy By Design approach, which takes privacy into account throughout the development process of our technologies and products.

Archana Arunthavakumaran
Data Protection Officer

“As Data Protection Officer, my role is to ensure that the privacy of Internet users is respected and that client contracts and systems (DMP/CDP, AdServer and Media Activation) comply with personal data protection regulations in France and Europe. It is essential for an AdTech such as Weborama to respect the laws and regulations and guarantee compliance in terms of privacy protection. At Weborama, this is part of our DNA and our corporate culture. All Weborama employees are aware of and trained on all regulatory obligations related to privacy.”

Weborama secures your data

While remaining in compliance with RGPD

Privacy Policy

A clear Privacy Policy
A usable opt-out page on your environments
A membership to
Compliance with the RGPD and
Automated 30-day data provision process


Full integration of TCF V2 into our Marketing Platform
IAB France membership with a director’s seat


Data hosted in Ile-de-France and Belgium
Secured access, codes…
Backup & Redundancy
Right to privacy
Right to audit

The Weborama Privacy Commitment


Compliance with current regulations regarding personal data is an essential part of the products and services we provide to our customers and partners. 

The present privacy policy defines and informs you of the manner in which Weborama collects, uses and protects personal data.  

Weborama is a member of IAB Europe’s Transparency and Consent Framework. This protocol enables us to respect your choices and provide you with quality information.

Weborama is certified within the professional association EDAA (European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance) for its compliance with the European Industry Self-Regulatory Framework on Data-Driven Advertising.

You can configure the cookies used by member companies of the program by visiting

About Us

Weborama is the leader in semantic artificial intelligence, optimising companies’ marketing strategies using technological assets, data and data science expertise.

As part of its business, Weborama identifies content, services and products that correspond to your centers of interest, based on your browsing experience on our partners’ sites.

Since its creation in Paris in 1998, more than 300 key accounts have placed their trust in Weborama’s innovative solutions to manage and optimise their marketing investments.

How can I contact Weborama?

Weborama, Simplified Joint-Stock Company , registered with the RCS of Nanterre under number 418663894, represented by Mr Daniel Sfez, Chief Executive Officer.

Address: 36 rue Raspail 92300 Levallois-Perret – France

Weborama's activities

We offer our customers relevant marketing strategies to reach the desired audience, using data collected by Weborama as well as data provided by our customers and partners. The aim is to make effective advertising content available to our customers and consumers.

By collecting your data, Weborama pursues the following activities:

  • Delivering you the advertising and commercial offers best suited to your needs and preferences,
  • Helping advertisers and publishers better target their customers and future customers as part of their loyalty and sales prospecting campaigns,
  • Help companies deliver advertising that matches users’ interests,
  • Optimize advertising frequency (marketing pressure) to avoid saturation,
  • Produce studies for advertisers in various industries (automotive, real estate, retail, etc.) with a view, in particular, to helping them gain a better understanding of consumer needs and their market, and to helping them analyse the performance of their loyalty and sales prospecting campaigns,

Weborama constructs areas of interest in the form of scores from 1 to 20, based on the number of times you have been exposed to word clouds while surfing the Internet over the past 30 days. These scores enable us to build audiences. 

These audiences are a group of Internet users segmented by semantic analysis of the words contained in the pages visited on a browser. Weborama provides this audience segmentation to its Clients and commercial partners in order to send you personalized content and offers, for example. Weborama does not collect any data that could identify you directly (such as your surname, first name, email address, telephone number, etc.) and does not structure any sensitive data that could reveal your state of health, your racial or ethnic origin, your religion, your sexual orientation, your political opinions or your trade union membership.

How can you contact our Data Protection Officer?

Weborama has appointed a Data Protection Officer whose role is to ensure compliance with the regulations in force within the company. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact him or her. 

DPO address: [email protected]

Who is affected by Weborama's processing operations?

Weborama collects and processes data relating to customers and prospects of companies that use Weborama’s services in order to improve their customer loyalty and commercial prospecting operations.

Purposes and legal basis of Weborama's data processing operations

Weborama collects and processes data relating to customers and prospects of companies that use Weborama’s services in order to improve their customer loyalty and commercial prospecting operations.

Purposes and legal basis of Weborama’s data processing operations

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, each data processing operation we carry out must have a legitimate basis provided by law.


Legal basis


Data used by Weborama

Tracer deposit


Reading and writing cookies on your browser. Collection of mobile advertising identifiers.     Synchronise identifiers with our advertising technology partners.

Cookie identifiers, mobile advertising identifiers.

Display personalised advertising


To provide you with advertising and commercial offers best suited to your needs and preferences.

Cookie identifiers, mobile advertising identifiers.

Contextual advertising display

Legitimate interest

Display of relevant ads based on the content of the web page or mobile application you are visiting.

URL browsing qualified by areas of interest.

Advertising performance measurement

Legitimate interest 

Calculate aggregate statistics (number of ad exposures, number of clicks, number of conversions) to evaluate ad performance.

Match user conversions to campaign events, such as clicks and views.

-Browsing URL, cookie identifier and mobile advertising identifier (if consented), IP address, 

-Identifiers, browser technical information.

Measuring content performance

Legitimate interest 

Measure how content was delivered and how users interacted with it, and generate reports using directly measurable or known information about the users who interacted with the content.

Browser URL, cookie identifier and mobile advertising identifier (if consented), IP address,

browser technical information.

Select basic ads

Legitimate interest  

Ad delivery without targeting

Browsing URL, technical information about the device used, IP address.

Apply customer knowledge studies to generate audience information


Develop studies for advertisers in various industries to help them gain a better understanding of consumer needs and their market, and to help them analyse the performance of their loyalty and sales prospecting campaigns.

-Browsing URL, cookie identifier and advertising identifier (if consented), IP address, browser characteristics


Weborama Legitimate Interest

Weborama relies on the legal basis of legitimate interest for purposes relating to measuring the performance of advertising campaigns, site content and the selection of contextual advertising. 

For Weborama, this legitimate interest is justified by the need to provide a quality service to its customers. In fact, Weborama must be able to process the data collected in order to compile accurate statistics on its customers’ advertising campaigns. 

Personal data is processed to provide advertisers, agencies and publishers with aggregated campaign statistics.

Weborama takes care to ensure that users’ fundamental rights are not infringed: 

      • Weborama uses the data collected to measure the performance of advertising campaigns. 
      • Weborama only processes pseudonymous data that is indirectly identifiable.
      • Weborama does not process data that can be used to deduce sensitive information about individuals, nor to discriminate against them in any way whatsoever.
      • Weborama implements the technical and organisational measures required to preserve the confidentiality and security of personal data processed. 
      • Weborama has put in place the necessary procedures to enable individuals to exercise their rights and thus to object to the processing carried out by Weborama, access it, delete it, etc.
      • Weborama informs you transparently about the data processing carried out.
What are the sources of the data collected by Weborama?

The data processed by Weborama about you comes from our partners:

  • Third-party data providers (including data brokers) and publisher site networks;
  • Third-party sites, in connection with services provided by Weborama.
What categories of data does Weborama process?

Weborama collects and uses pseudonymous data such as cookie identifiers, hashed IP addresses and hashed emails on behalf of its customers. The technology offered by Weborama makes it possible to collect data relating to user browsing on the Internet. 

In the context of its services, Weborama may act as a data controller when collecting data via its services. It may also act as a subcontractor when acting on the orders and instructions of its customers.

As stipulated in Weborama’s contractual agreements, partners are required to inform you of the presence of Weborama technology on the sites you visit. They are also required to obtain your consent for the collection and use of your data. Weborama ensures compliance with this contractual obligation.

For your own account  

Via Internet browsers

  • Weborama Cookie ID (Displays W or Wui ), 
  • IP address.
  • The URLs of the various sites consulted.
  • The time of access during which you consult the various pages of the sites.
  • Browser type and version,
  • Cookie identifiers from partner technology platforms that serve the same purposes for which this data was collected. 
  • Recording of consent signals, objections and user preferences. 
  • Data collected by Weborama may be enriched by data from other intermediaries, in particular our partners.

Via Mobile Application

To collect data via mobile application, Weborama uses various partners to collect your mobile advertising ID.


On behalf of our customers 

-Browsing data on our customers’ sites 

-Data transmitted by our customers from their databases: Weborama asks its customers to pseudonymize your data beforehand. Weborama is therefore unable to identify you directly. 

-Data collected by Weborama on behalf of its customers:

Via Internet browsers 

  • Weborama Cookie ID (Affiche W or Wui),
  • IP address.
  • The URL pages of the various sites consulted.
  • The time of access during which you consult the various site pages,
  • The type and version of browser you’re using,
  • The website on which you were exposed to advertising,
  • Your behaviour in relation to the advertising you received.
  • Cookie identifiers from partner technology platforms used for the same purposes for which this data was collected. 
  • Data collected by Weborama may be enhanced by data from other intermediaries, in particular our partners.

Via mobile application 

Customers send us your mobile advertising ID.

How long does Weborama keep the data it processes?

The retention periods for the data collected are defined and established with regard to the purposes for which they are processed.  

Weborama cookies are kept for 13 months. 

  • 13 months for Weborama cookie Id
  • 13 months for data associated with cookies used to deduce areas of interest 
  • 7 days for synchronisation cookies

How Weborama cookies work

Cookies 3rd Weborama Name Purposes Opt-Out Storage life Affiche W


-Performance Measurement


-Display advertising

-Consumer research

Yes 13 months Wui



Yes 13 months
Weborama sync Wam-sync

Synchronisation with partner platforms

(Google, Xandr)

Yes 7 days
What are the categories of recipients of the data collected?
  • Defined categories of Weborama employees are authorised to access the data described above, for the purposes of Weborama’s activities and for the limited period of time for which it is kept. 
  • Our customers and partners (governmental organisations, advertisers, media agencies and publishers) are recipients of all the data we process. 
  • Our service providers in the context of the services they provide to us (hosting providers, technology providers).
Data transfer outside of European Union

Your Personal Data is treated confidentially within Weborama and with Partners and Service Providers located inside and outside the European Union. In any event, any transfer of Personal Data outside the territory of the European Union is governed by one of the mechanisms or appropriate guarantees provided for by the General Data Protection Regulation.

How can you exercise your rights?

In accordance with the applicable regulations, you can exercise your rights: (access, deletion, opposition…).  

You can exercise your rights by contacting the Data Protection Officer: [email protected]

As Weborama is unable to identify individuals directly in its database, it is necessary for you to provide us with your Weborama advertising identifiers, available here:, so that we can process your request:


Please send this information to the following address: [email protected], your request will be processed within 30 days in accordance with regulations.

If Weborama does not respond to your request within the given timeframe, you may lodge a complaint with the relevant regulatory authority, France CNIL (Commission National Informatiques et Libertés.)

Opt out

Exercising your right to opt-out of cookies will result in the deletion of the Weborama cookie identifier on the browser used, and will stop the construction of your profile for the future. The lifetime of the opt-out cookie is 5 years.

Please note that by clicking on this button, your right to object will only be effective on this browser. To fully exercise your right of opposition, you need to perform the same action on all the browsers you use.

Existence of automated decisions

Weborama’s data processing operations are subject to automated decision-making, which consists of enabling a customer to decide whether or not to display an advertisement based on the appetence scores that Weborama makes available. 

However, the appetence scores developed by Weborama are voluntarily categorised in such a way as to ensure that their use for advertising targeting purposes does not result in legal or equivalent effects that could significantly affect you.

Data security

As part of its services, Weborama attaches the utmost importance to the security and integrity of your data. Weborama undertakes to take all necessary precautions to ensure the security of your data, and in particular to protect it against accidental destruction, alteration, distribution or unauthorised access, as well as against any other form of unlawful processing or communication to unauthorised persons.

To this end, Weborama implements security and organisational measures to protect your data from unauthorised disclosure. We use various security and organisational measures, such as the installation of identification tools.

Weborama implements appropriate security procedures to safeguard and preserve the data collected through its services, in order to ensure an optimal level of confidentiality and, in particular, to prevent unauthorised access and to guarantee the accuracy and proper use of your data.

Weborama may modify or update its privacy policy from time to time. 

Last update : 23/08/2023