A Low-Carb Switch for Mashed Potatoes

Credit Andrew Scrivani for The New York Times

Thanksgiving is problematic for dieters and anyone who wants to avoid carbohydrates. But what are we supposed to do about our beloved mashed potatoes? We look forward to their place on the Thanksgiving menu, especially now that we know that enriching them with butter and whole milk is not as bad for us as we once thought it was. If you’ve been following recent studies you’re aware of the fact that fats have gained a lot of ground over simple carbohydrates in the nutritional world.

But what about the potatoes themselves? Not wanting to eliminate them altogether, I decided to play around with colcannon recipes. Colcannon is an Irish dish that traditionally pairs mashed potatoes with cabbage or kale. I decided to broaden the range of combinations, pairing different vegetables with potatoes, with the proportion of potatoes to the other vegetables evenly weighted or skewed toward the other vegetables. It turned out to be a delightful week of experimenting and we had a feast of colorful purées when it was all done, each one with its own special flavor, all of them offering the comfort of mashed potatoes we expect and look forward to on our Thanksgiving menu, with a more complex carbohydrate load and lots of additional vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients you don’t get from plain mashed potatoes.

Broccoli Crown, Leek and Potato Colcannon : This bright green-flecked colcannon is a great way to serve mashed potatoes and broccoli in the same dish.

Carrot, Parsnip and Potato Colcannon : A light, brightly colored colcannon with sweet flavors.

Dandelion or Chard Colcannon : Potatoes taste particularly sweet against bitter dandelion greens.

Celery Root, Red Cabbage and Potato Colcannon : Purple mashed potatoes add some color to the Thanksgiving table.

Colcannon With Roasted Squash and Apple : Apple adds a secret sweetness to this dish.