Our Success Cases

Asana XING Marketing Solutions
Online & Software

How Asana increased their brand awareness with XING Ads

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metacomp teaser
IT & Telecommunications

How MetaComp doubled new customer sales thanks to XING Ads

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Philipp Westermeyer OMR
Media sector

Successful XING Content Ads for the Online Marketing Rockstars

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Webinars & Trainings

Learn from us how to implement your advertising messages successfully in the XING AdManager. Learn exciting tips and tricks from the pros in our German webinars.

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Whitepaper on Advertising with First-Party Data

Learn how you can make the future of campaign planning work for you right now.

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Target Group & Media Data

You can find out everything about the XING target group and user media data here.

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Reach over 22 mil. members with XING


67% of XING users use the platform mobile


Specifications for XING Ad Formats

You can find out how your ads on XING should look, what dimensions the graphics must have and how many characters your ad text should contain on the following page.

Go to specifications