
Buckland Cross

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Barony of Buckland Cross
Argent, two bucks counter-salient in saltire proper within a laurel wreath vert, a bordure embattled sable.
Founded: May 1996
Location: Bucks Co., PA



Meaning: Taken from the mundane county name, and a place in Devon.

Established: May 20th, 1990 as the incipient Canton of Hemmatir (Ymatir), a Canton of Bhakail. Name changed to Canton of Buckland Cross in 1994. Formally recognized in May 1996. Independent Shire status granted in July 27th, 2002. Granted Baronial status by the SCA Board of Directors, April 21, 2018.

Blazon: Argent, two bucks counter-salient in saltire proper within a laurel wreath vert, a bordure embattled sable.

Heraldic officer's title: Herald

Awards: Order of the Able Heart (Service), Order of the Golden Lamp (Arts & Sciences), Order of the Antler of Style (Marshal Expertise)

Newsletter: Tidings from the Shire

Fighting Unit(s): Buckland Cross currently fields a fine group of fencers

Barons and Baronesses of Buckland Cross

The Baronage of Buckland Cross

More Information

The Barony of Buckland Cross is located in the Southern Region of the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism (or SCA). In modern geographic terms we represent Bucks County in Pennsylvania. You may use your zip code (spreadsheet download) to discover if you might be a citizen of our Shire, or perhaps one of our good neighbors.

We have many activities in our fair Barony: fencing and archery; weaving, embroidery and sewing; book arts; leatherworking; armoring; glass bead making and so much more! We participate in the Village Faire at Wrightstown each September, and frequent camping events in the region.

Our business meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month, barring conflicts with major events. Tuesday evenings hold fencing, Saturday afternoons during good weather frequently finds many of us at archery practice. The Arts & Sciences are scattered about to allow for greater participation, and socializing – well we do that often! All of our events can be found on our Facebook Page. We typically meet at the Churchville Nature Center. You may also wish to explore events in other parts of the East Kingdom.

Eastern Territories
Crown Principalities/Regions: Tir Mara, Northern Region, Central Region, Southern Region
Baronies/Provinces: Østgarðr, An Dubhaigeainn, Bergental, Beyond the Mountain, Bhakail, Bridge, Buckland Cross, Carillion, Carolingia, Concordia of the Snows, Dragonship Haven, Endewearde, Havre des Glaces, Iron Bog, L'ile du Dragon Dormant, Malagentia, Ruantallan, Settmour Swamp, Smoking Rocks, Stonemarche
Shires: Anglespur, Ar n-Eilean-ne, Avonmore, Barren Sands, Blak Rose, Bois Ardent, Caer Adamant, Coill Tuar, Coldwood, Eisental, Frosted Hills, Glenn Linn, Hadchester, Hartshorn-dale, La Selve d'Aure, Lyndhaven, Midland Vale, Montevale, Mountain Freehold, Nordenhalle, Northern Outpost, Old Stonebridges, Owlsherst, Panther Vale, Quintavia, Rusted Woodlands, Smithwick, Wyndhame
Cantons/Ridings: Appleholm, Aschehyrst, Black Icorndall, Bowman's Rest, Brokenbridge, Distant Shore, Dragon Forge, Dragon's Aerie, Fennbrycg, Forestgate, Gryphonwald, Hawkes Reache, Ivyeinrust, Keep by the Endless Sea, Lions End, Marwick, Northpass, Ravenhill, Sea Tyger's Rhyn, Seashire, Towers, Wyndriche, Ynys Y Gwaun
Other Information: Former Territories, Kingdoms