Saturday, April 13, 2024


 Take Your Dead to These Old Corpse Roads

The dead “were carried along strictly defined corpse roads for the belief that coffins sterilized the                  land because the dead were forced to walk that way until their souls were purged, ~                                                      New Scientist Magazine 1977                                                                      

Recently, I did a paranormal investigation at Pacifica California's Historical Sam Mazza Castle;                 a beautiful place filled with antiques and hosts music salons, and also a highly active paranormal                      space.

In one room I came across a "pathway" like the older pathways known as Corpse Road or                              Coffin Path or Road and also other terms depending on the country term.

In Britain can be known as a bier road, burial road, coffin line, coffin road, corpse way, funeral                             road,  lycnh way or proceeon way.  

Such "church-ways" have developed a great deal of associated folklore regarding ghosts, spirits,                wraiths    (a ghost or ghostlike image of someone, especially one seen shortly before or after their death.) 

As scary or strange that might sound in this day in age, it was considered a practical means                                for transporting corpses, often from remote communities to cemeteries to the parish churches                           in coffins or for those unable to afford a that, wrapped in a sheet, to their final place of internment.

Of course folklore and mythology became part of this tradition with belief it's  a very active                      paranormal space where spirits and ghosts of all kinds can be seen moving in the same direction. 

You can image how eerie ghosts stories and sightings of phantom lights in the dark traveling on                       these corpse roads were shared around fireplaces.

To this day in England and although rare, if you walk the roads you might come upon coffin stones,      some with crosses carved in the stones where coffins or at times only the sheet-wrapped corpses                           were placed when their carriers needed a rest. 

The pathways I've encountered are quite busy, full of activity with many spirit images and travelers                      human and animal ghosts. I can also see the terrain before buildings cut the pathway off and hasn't                   seem to stop the flow to a person, like myself who sees beyond the physical boundaries.

My latest investigation

My YouTube channel

@thehauntedbay @sammazzacastle @mazzafoundation @ghoststories @corpseroad @paranormactivity @hauntedcastles @hauntedplaces @ghosttours @pacifica @pacificacastle

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