Advance • Inspire • Empower • Act

Vision, Mission, Objectives


Our vision is to connect, inspire and empower women in technology at UCI to reach their full potential as innovators and leaders. 


To create a supportive community that recognizes and brings awareness to gender imbalances surrounding women with careers in technology, and to develop innovative approaches and solutions by connecting, empowering, and developing women together. Open to faculty, students, and staff. All individuals are welcome.


Working with campus partners and collaborators, we are committed to achieving the following goals:

  • Build a strong community of women and their allies who support our vision, including students, faculty, staff, alumni and strategic partners; all gender identities are welcome.
  • Highlight the accomplishments, research and thought leadership of UCI women in technology and UCI women who create excellence through the creative application of technology to solve today’s problems and create tomorrow’s opportunities.
  • Increase the retention and advancement of women in staff and academic roles at UCI.
  • Connect women with role models who can promote, support and provide mentorship.
  • Partner with like-minded organizations and associations to advance complementary initiatives, e.g., Academic & Professional Women of UCI.
  • Make a measurable difference in the metrics that matter.
  • Influence through outreach to the greater community, including K-12.
  • Change attitudes, remove barriers, equip and empower UCI women to succeed and lead in the digital economy.