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2. Settings & Options


  • Accounts and Privacy Settings

    Clicking on the Accounts and Privacy tab at the top of the WooCommerce > Settings page takes you to the accounts and privacy Settings. These settings are where you can enable or disable guest checkout, control customer account creation, decide how personal data is retained or removed from your shop, and set your privacy policy […]

  • Advanced Settings

    The “Advanced” settings area is where you set WooCommerce pages like the cart and checkout, create access tokens to integrate external applications with the REST API, add custom webhooks to your store, and enable new or experimental features like high performance order storage and the new product editor.  Find them at: WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced. […]

  • Approved Download Directories

    Approved Download Directories is a feature that helps manage which directories are allowed for the storage of downloadable product files. Introduced in WooCommerce 6.5, it’s of particular use if you already sell, or plan on selling, downloadable products, and especially if there are multiple users on your site with the ability to create and modify […]

  • Email Settings

    WooCommerce has a variety of built-in emails to help communicate your store’s operations. This guide provides a detailed overview of the email settings in WooCommerce, including: Find these settings on your site at: WooCommerce > Settings > Emails. The video below provides a brief overview of the settings available. Email notifications For each WooCommerce email […]

  • General Settings

    When you first navigate to WooCommerce > Settings, you’ll see the general settings for your store. Here you can enter your store’s address, define where you will sell and ship orders to, enable features like tax calculations and coupons, and select the currency your shop will use for sales. The general settings sections include: Below […]

  • Product Category Shortcodes

    These two shortcodes will display your product categories on any page. Available Product Category attributes Examples of Product Category Scenarios Show Top Level Categories Only Imagine you only wanted to show top level categories on a page and exclude the sub categories, well it’s possible with the following shortcode. [product_categories number=”0″ parent=”0″]

  • Products Settings

    Clicking on the Products tab at the top of the WooCommerce > Settings page takes you to the Product Settings. These settings are for products and how they are displayed, measured, inventoried, and downloaded from your shop. Below you’ll find a general overview and explanation of the settings. If you need more information about adding […]

  • Products Shortcodes

    While WooCommerce primarily uses blocks to offer interactive and customizable display settings for products, you can still use legacy product shortcodes on your store by adding them to a shortcode block. This document lists and explains the available WooCommerce product-related shortcodes. Here’s a video overview of how product shortcodes can be used. The [products] shortcode […]

  • Related Products, Add-to-Cart, and Notification Shortcodes

    On this page are shortcodes for adding a related product section, an add-to-cart button with price, and showing shop messages/notifications on non-WooCommerce pages. Listed below are each shortcode and their attributes. Related Products If you want to show the related products (products with similar tags or categories) on a single product page to encourage cross-sells/up-sells […]

  • Troubleshooting Shortcodes

    On this page, you’ll find a few common issues for why WooCommerce shortcodes might not work as expected. Shortcodes Cannot be Embedded between <pre> tags If you correctly pasted your shortcodes and the display looks incorrect, make sure you did not embed the shortcode between <pre> tags. This is a common issue. To remove these […]