This powerful, formula-free add-on enhances Google Sheets by integrating various financial data and charts, including End-of-day Historical, Live, Intraday, and Fundamental data for Stocks and more.
Ultimo aggiornamento scheda:9 luglio 2024
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Our Financial Add-In For Stocks & Crypto Market Data allows to get End-of-Day (EOD), Intraday, Delayed and Real-Time prices for:
 • Stocks
 • ETFs
 • Funds & Mutual Funds 
 • Indices
 • Futures
 • Bonds & Government Bonds
 • Options
 • Forex Pairs
 • Cryptocurrencies

In a few clicks you can download the Fundamental data for:
 • Stocks
 • ETFs
 • Funds & Mutual Funds 
 • Indices

You'll be able to explore the detailed financial statements and tables eg:
 • Earnings
 • Balance Sheets
 • Equities
 • Cash Flows
 • Income Statements

The Add-In could be used in a free trial mode, the DEMO API key allows obtaining data from a limited set of tickers data AAPL.US | TSLA.US | VTI.US | AMZN.US | BTC-USD | EUR-USD

To get full coverage of 150,000+ tickers | 20000+ ETFs | 600+ indices | 1100+ forex pairs | 120+ CRYPTO pairs, in just a few clicks from 70+ Exchanges all around the world, you should subscribe to the EOD Historical Data service and get your personal API key.

Explore the full documentation to learn more about all available symbols, exchanges, and API methods.
Informazioni aggiuntive
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