Get company information from Tracxn directly into Google Sheets
정보 업데이트:2024년 6월 19일
호환 기기:
The Tracxn Google sheets plugin makes it easier than ever to create investment diligence spreadsheets.
Now, with the Tracxn plugin, you can access our database of 1.4M+ companies directly from Google Sheets.
Get the latest data for multiple fields including founded year, location, total funding, investors, and much more.

Using the Tracxn Google Sheet plugin:
- Install the plugin
- In your Google Sheet, navigate to Add-ons > Tracxn > Open
- Select companies and output fields
- Click on 'Get Data' to update information in your Google Sheet

You will need premium access to the Tracxn platform to use this plugin.

Reach out to [email protected] for help with the plugin.

About Tracxn
At Tracxn, we track Innovative companies across 1800+ feeds and multiple countries.
Explore the full potential of the Tracxn platform on

Note: No. of customers as on Mar 31, 2021. All other data points as on May 31, 2021
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