Academic Success Center

Unlock your potential

L: Tomson Hall 153 | P: 507-786-3288 | [email protected]

Make an appointment

The Academic Success Center offers student-centered, accessible, and inclusive services made to unlock the potential of every Ole.

Learning is better together.

Academic Advising

Learn mORE

Academic Tutoring

Learn mORE

Success Coaching

Learn mOre

Multilingual Support

Learn mOre

Supplemental Instruction

Learn mORE

Writing Tutoring

Writing Desk

ASC Masonary Grid 1

Disability and Access (DAC)

Through collaboration with the entire campus community, DAC promotes disability pride, self-determination of the student, and universally accessible design principles so that everyone has full access to the St. Olaf experience.


Register for DAC
First year move-in 930 (1)

St. Olaf Orientation to Academics and Resources (SOAR)

An extended orientation for all students in their first year to equip them with the knowledge and tools to be successful at St. Olaf.

Learn more about soar

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Unlock your potential.

Join our student team

Year after year, our department hires more than 300 students.
Are you ready to support a fellow Ole?
Student Employment