National's Christopher Luxon would work with NZ First if he has to

September 25, 2023

It comes after the party's leader has previously refused to say whether he would cut a deal with Winston Peters or not. (Source: 1News)

National leader Christopher Luxon says he would form a coalition with New Zealand First after the election if he had to.

It comes after Luxon has previously refused to say whether he would work with NZ First leader Winston Peters or not.

In a video posted to social media today, Luxon said: "My strong preference is to form a strong and stable two party coalition government between National and ACT.

"I believe that government would be in the best interests of New Zealanders at this very uncertain time.

"However, if New Zealand First is returned to Parliament, and I need to pick up the phone to Mr Peters to keep Labour and the Coalition of Chaos out, I will make that call.

"Frankly, I think Chris Hipkins will ultimately do exactly the same thing."

Christopher Luxon said, however, he would prefer a two-party coalition with ACT. (Source: National Party) (Source: Supplied)

It comes as overseas voting begins this Wednesday, meaning New Zealand citizens and permanent residents currently living elsewhere can download and submit their voting papers.

The latest 1News Verian poll shows National and ACT would have a total of 61 seats in Parliament, just enough to form a government.

New Zealand First polled at 5%, enough to enter Parliament. Adding NZ First's numbers, the coalition would total 67 seats.

ACT and NZ First have clashed in the election lead-up.

ACT Party leader David Seymour has said he won't work with NZ First after this year's general election.

Seymour took aim at Peters: "He can't work with anybody."

In response, Peters refused to say Seymour's name during a campaign stop in Auckland's Epsom, Seymour's electorate.

Winston Peters.

"[Working with NZ First is] not my first preference. We all remember 2017. New Zealand First hasn't gone with National in 27 years — and could choose Labour again," Luxon said today.

Labour leader Chris Hipkins has ruled out forming a coalition with NZ First and Peters after the election.

"Division isn't a path to progress, and it's just not how I operate," he said.

"Winston Peters brings chaos wherever he goes, I ruled out working with Winston Peters because stable government does not come from working with Winston Peters," the Labour leader said at last week's first TVNZ Leaders' Debate.

"With all due respect Chris, Winston Peters and David Seymour would be running circles around you."

'Voters will decide this issue' - Peters

The NZ First leader was tight-lipped on whether he would have any bottom lines for an agreement after the election. (Source: Breakfast)

Peters responded to Luxon's announcement this morning on Breakfast.

"I don't know why we're running this stuff," he said. "It's not about photo opportunities and speculation.

"Voters will decide this issue, the voter's our master here. Politicians are the servants.

"Why can't people get that clear in their heads?"

Asked which way the party's supporters would want NZ First to go, Peters said that would be determined after the election.

However, he said New Zealand's had "chaos" from the Government since 2020.

Peters was deputy prime minister in the Labour-led government from 2017 to 2020.

"You have to work with people that you may have had differences with in the past," Peters said.

"There's a bigger responsibility. If you don't understand that, you should not be in politics.

"The voters are the master here... and yet they've been sidelined in a cacophony of speculation."

The NZ First leader was tight-lipped on whether he would have any bottom lines for an agreement after the election.


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