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Alarming figures show just how much demand for Foodbank has soared

Alarming new Foodbank figures show just how many South Australian families are struggling to put a meal on the table amid the cost-of-living crisis.
Demand for Foodbank aid has spiked by 35 per cent in 12 months, and many of the clients need the help despite having a job, or being able to hold a mortgage.
The agency's newest site has opened at St Marys, and has been co-located with a community garden, men's shed, op-shop, and kitchen facilities.
Alarming new Foodbank figures show just how many South Australian families are struggling to put a meal on the table amid the cost-of-living crisis.
Alarming new Foodbank figures show just how many South Australian families are struggling to put a meal on the table amid the cost-of-living crisis. (9News)
The St Marys site has been made possible by increased financial support from the State Government, although Foodbank says more funding will be needed to meet further growth in demand.
"We've got a very deliberate strategy to connect all of these pieces of social equity policy, that will drive long term well being," said Nat Cook, Human Services Minister.
This article was produced with the assistance of 9ExPress.

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