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Fisherman took crocodile home after catching it in Queensland dam

A fisherman who caught a crocodile in a Far North Queensland dam and took it home is under investigation.
The man spotted the 1.7-metre saltwater crocodile while night fishing in his boat in the Peter Faust dam, near Proserpine, on Saturday.
The Department of Environment and Science (DES) said he captured and restrained the animal before taking it to his home.
Authorities are reminding people they risk serious injury if they harass or approach a crocodile. (Supplied)
He later called DES officers who retrieved the crocodile and later took it to a zoo.
Authorities are continuing to investigate the incident.
People are being reminded they risk serious injury if they harass or approach crocodiles.
"A 1.7m crocodile is quite capable of inflicting serious injuries on a person, particularly when it is feeling threatened," a DES spokesperson said.
"And people who kill or cause injury to a saltwater crocodile can be fined up to $30,026."
A file photo of the Peter Faust Dam in Far North Queensland from where the crocodile was taken. (Queensland Outdoor Recreation Federation) (Supplied)
The young male crocodile taken by the fisherman is now at Bredl's Wild Farm at Bloomsbury, north of Mackay.
Co-owner Zeb Bredl told people interfering with the animals often underestimate their strength.

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