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Top secret cabinet documents from 2002 released

Previously top secret cabinet documents were unsealed today, revealing what went on behind closed doors in former prime minister John Howard's cabinet room 20 years ago.
Around 240 previously secret cabinet records from the year 2002 have been released by the National Archives of Australia.  
The trove of documents gives an insight into the issues that were being considered at the highest levels of government.
Former prime minister John Howard recalls the events of 2002 and his cabinet's actions at the time.
Former prime minister John Howard recalls the events of 2002 and his cabinet's actions at the time. (Nine)
"These records tell the story of what the government was thinking about," Simon Froude, from the National Archives of Australia, said.
In 2002, the nation and its decision makers were entering a frightening new era as the world tried to come to terms with 9/11.
Fears of a terror attack close to home would soon be realised. 
"The world had been turned on its head," Howard recalled to 9News of the turbulent time.
His cabinet was facing some of its toughest decisions.
"Once you'd had 9/11, it was clear that what could be done in the United States could be done here," former coalition minister Amanda Vanstone told 9News.
National security was front of mind, with Australian troops on the ground in Afghanistan and John Howard visiting ground zero in New York in January.
US president George Bush had warned of an "axis of evil" and, in June, he set his sights on Iraq with the Australian prime minister by his side.
Hundreds of cabinet documents from 2002 have been declassified.
Hundreds of cabinet documents from 2002 have been declassified. (Nine)
In September, Howard briefed his team regarding conversations about Iraq - which was believed to be maintaining so-called "weapons of mass destruction" - but details are not included in the cabinet documents released. 
When asked if he recalled that briefing, Howard said he did.
"It followed a telephone call I'd had from the president in which George Bush confirmed he'd seek a new resolution from the United Nations to authorise a potential attack.
"I knew that at some point in the not too distant future, we'd have to decide whether or not we'd make a contribution."
Six months later, Australia joined the invasion of Iraq in the hunt for weapons of mass destruction that were never found.
"I don't have any regrets about the decision we took," Howard said.
In October 2002, 88 Australians died in the Bali bombings.
The wreckage from the Bali bombings
Two hundred and two people were killed; 88 Australians, 38 Indonesians, 24 Britons, seven Americans and 30 others from a number of European countries. New Zealand, Brazil, Canada and Japan also lost citizens, as did South Africa, South Korea and Ecuador. (AP)
"I'm sure every cabinet minister - every member of parliament - was focused on what we could do to keep Australians safe," Vanstone said of the time.
Osama Bin Laden released chilling audio tapes linking the attack to Australia's involvement in Afghanistan, as cabinet noted evidence the Al-Qaeda leader had an interest in Australia prior to the September 11 terrorist attacks, indicating US allies and Australia, in particular, have been singled out as substantial terrorist targets.
Another cabinet policy in 2002 pursued the offshore processing of asylum seekers, launched after the Tampa refugee crisis the previous year. 
Cabinet agreed to fast-track a detention centre on Christmas Island.
The Coalition was also trying to decide whether to sign up to the Kyoto protocol, an international agreement to reduce emissions.
"Back then, in 2002, the environment was a second-order issue politically," University of NSW Associate Professor David Lee said.
"Now it's front of mind with floods, bushfires, and other climate events around the world."
Despite warnings from its own scientists that global warming was getting worse, cabinet decided against ratifying the agreement after the US refused too.
Howard said he had no regrets about the actions his cabinet took in this regard.
"Still in my opinion it remains the right decision," Howard said.
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