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Comments made by Pell’s lawyer in court spark debate

Victoria's police chief says sex crimes are not treated as "plain vanilla offences", after George Pell's defence used the phrase to describe the Cardinal's crimes.
During Pell's pre-sentence hearing on Wednesday, his barrister Robert Richter argued his offending was at the low end of the scale and had no aggravating features.
"This is no more than a plain, vanilla sexual penetration case where a child is not volunteering or actively participating," Mr Richter said.
Detectives interviewing the Cardinal inside a Rome hotel in October 2016. (9news)
County Court Chief Judge Peter Kidd was not impressed by Mr Richter's comment.
“It must be clear by now I am struggling with that," Judge Kidd replied.
Pell, 77, has served his first night in jail after a jury convicted him of orally raping one 13-year-old boy and molesting another after a Sunday mass at St Patrick's Cathedral in East Melbourne in 1996.
When asked about Mr Richter's turn of phrase, Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton told 3AW radio: "Well, we certainly don't treat them as plain vanilla offences".
Cardinal Pell's lawyer Robert Richter QC leaves the County Court in Melbourne, Australia, Wednesday, February 27, 2019. (AAP)
“It's probably a question you'd have to ask a victim of any sexual offending, not specifically talking about this case, but more generally whether they find that term offensive and I'm pretty sure I know what answer you'd get," Mr Ashton said.
Mr Ashton said the force has changed how it deals with sex assault victims and was now among the world leaders on that front.
"We have done a lot in terms of investigating sexual offending over probably the last 10 years. There's been a lot of reforms in that area both through our multi-discplinary centres for sexual assault and interview techniques," he said.
"We've traveled internationally and with the experts we've got in, we're among the world leaders in interviewing victims of sexual offending now."
Judge Kidd will sentence Pell on March 13.
“Well we certainly don’t treat them as plain vanilla offending.” (AAP)
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