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Government accused of 'supressing votes' with new ID law

Controversial laws to force Australians to produce ID before voting have been introduced into parliament, prompting a fierce reaction from Labor.
The Federal Government says the legislation will improve public confidence in elections and reduce the risk of fraud.
That's despite the Australian Electoral Commission describing instances of multiple voting as "vanishingly small". 
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The Morrison government has proposed a new law that would force Australians to show ID when voting. (AAP)
Labor has accused the Coalition of a "desperate attempt" to suppress votes, arguing Indigenous and vulnerable Australians may not have access to identification and would therefore be discouraged or excluded from taking part in elections.
"On the eve of an election, the Morrison-Joyce government is trying to ram through a bill to stop Australians voting," Labor leader Anthony Albanese told parliament.
"This is a desperate attempt to undermine our strong democracy and deny Australians their basic democratic rights."
Labor leader Anthony Albanese has accused the Morrison government of trying to suppress votes. (Alex Ellinghausen)
The government may be able to get the laws through parliament with the support of the Senate crossbench, with Centre Alliance "generally supportive" of the plans.
Under the proposed bill, there would be a safeguard for anyone unable to produce ID.
They can still vote if their identity is verified by someone else, or if they provide their date of birth and a signature.

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