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Millions of Australians looking for a second job as cost of living crisis continues

Millions of Australians are looking for a second job, new research has revealed.
A survey by comparison website Finder showed that 32 per cent of respondents - nearly a third - felt financially pressured to work more than one job.
Finder said that equated to 6.7 million people.
Bills stock pic
Household pressures are pushing millions of Australians to look for second gigs. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)
Nearly twice as many women (41 per cent) felt the need to get a second job compared to men (24 per cent).
Finder money expert Rebecca Pike said more households were struggling to make ends meet.
"Many have no option but to take on a second job to keep their head above water," she said.
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"The cost of living crisis means many are in financial strife and are finding it difficult to pay for rising insurance and energy bills."
Finder's research showed it was young Aussies feeling the pinch the most, with 56 per cent of gen Z admitting they'll need to look for a second job this year.
This was followed by 40 per cent of millennials.
Pike said having a second job could be a big commitment.
"Look at other ways you might be able to boost your bank balance. From renting out equipment you're not using at home to renting out a spare room or advertising your skills on AirTasker, side hustles can be a great way to earn some extra cash," Pike said.
"That way you can pick and choose when you work."
Pike urged people to build up a financial buffer to pay for unforeseen costs.
"Remember, most of us pay some sort of 'loyalty tax' by sticking with the suppliers and providers we've been with for years," she said.
"But shopping around and comparing what you're paying – whether it's your car insurance, streaming subscriptions, or your home loan provider – can save you big on household bills," Pike said.
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