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Melbourne-born Islamic State fighter Neil Prakash to be returned to Australia to face terror charges

The Melbourne-born Islamic State fighter once dubbed Australia's most dangerous man is set to be returned to the country to face terrorism charges.
Neil Prakash has been detained in Turkey for the past six years but it is believed he will soon be extradited to stand trial in Australia.
The 31-year-old Jihadist appeared in several videos trying to recruit fellow Australians to the ISIS fight, as well as fighting himself for the terrorist organisation overseas.
Neil Prakash
Neil Prakash has been detained in Turkey for the past six years. (AAP/Supplied)
The former government tried to have Prakash's Australian citizenship cancelled, but that was effectively overturned by the High Court.
While the federal government won't comment on Prakash's expected extradition, the opposition has welcomed the move.
"Neil Prakash's extradition back to Australia and a trial will see justice served, and we welcome that," shadow defence minister Andrew Hastie said.
If Prakash is extradited, he will be charged with a string of offences, and will likely face court in his home state of Victoria.

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