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Family of dad who died from lung cancer say hospital mistakes cost him his life

The family of a father who died from cancer claim he would still be alive if he was told how sick he was sooner.
Jason Warwick was initially admitted to Robina Hospital in 2022 when an X-ray found a mass in his chest. Doctors diagnosed it as an infection and sent him home with antibiotics. 
But there was also a possible cancer, and the 51-year-old grandfather was supposed to go in for a follow up six weeks later. 
Jason Warwick lung cancer patient Queensland Gold Coast
Jason Warwick died from terminal lung cancer in January of this year. (9News)
An investigation has found correct procedures were not followed during his admission.
This meant key reports and discharge papers weren't sent to his current GP or his home address. Before his death, Warwick told 9News he wasn't warned or followed up with.
"I didn't know they were after me. If they wanted me to see them, I would have been in there ... if there was a chance to not die," he said last year.
At the time, Gold Coast health bosses insisted no mistakes had been made in treatment and denied any wrongdoing.
"Nothing has gone wrong in this case," Dr Kellie Wren from the Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service said last year.
Jason Warwick lung cancer patient Queensland Gold Coast
He first presented to Robina Hospital in 2022 and was told he had an infection when an x-ray found a mass in his chest. (9News)
But now, according to the hospital's own internal investigation, mistakes were in fact made.
"The correct procedure for patient identification and registering/admitting a patient in the emergency department was not followed," the report said.
The review also found: "Due to human factor and system issues the follow up did not occur which contributed to the patient sustaining likely permanent harm with a terminal diagnosis."
In addition, Warwick's scans "were not reviewed by the inpatient treating team during the patient's admission".
Jason Warwick lung cancer patient Queensland Gold Coast
His daughter Tayla Burns said if proper hospital procedures had been followed he might still be alive. (9News)
"If the patient had been advised specifically of the result there would have been a higher probability of being diagnosed at a curative period of tumour growth," the report found.
Warwick's daughter is angry that the disease wasn't stopped when doctors first found a mass in his chest, and that her father didn't live to see the results of the investigation.
"He was devastated - he never wanted to die and he knew there was nothing more that he could do," Tayla Burns said today.
When asked about the case again today, Wren maintained no mistakes were made during the X-ray part of the process. 
Jason Warwick lung cancer patient Queensland Gold Coast
Jason Warwick and his daughter Tayla Burns spoke to Tim Arvier last year. (9News)
In regards to Warwick's overall care, she said: "There were definitely areas for us to improve on and we will work through the recommendations at every step. The communication could be better - but it wasn't a communication breakdown."
The report was delivered four months overdue, which meant Warwick died without ever seeing it.
"He was never granted the answers he deserved. It was always too late for that," Burns said.

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