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SA school curriculum revamped to focus on real-life skills

SA public schools are undergoing a comprehensive curriculum overhaul to better prepare students for life beyond graduation.
The focus will shift towards foundational subjects, with an emphasis on reading and practical mathematics skills deemed essential for success in the real world.
Kate Carter, a dedicated teacher and mother of two, has long advocated for a simplified approach to learning. 
SA public schools are undergoing a comprehensive curriculum overhaul to better prepare students for life beyond graduation. (Nine)
"I think it is very important to go back to the basics.. and not make it complicated, it doesn't need to be," she said.
The state government is now on the same page, planning to "declutter the curriculum" and concentrate on core skills.
"We're trying to make sure we aren't just throwing a huge amount of information at kids and seeing some of it stick and some of it fall away," Education Minister Blair Boyer said.
Education Department Chief Executive Martin Westwell said subjects will not be eliminated but "trimmed" to provide teachers with more time.
The changes stem from recent NAPLAN results that showed a decline in basic literacy and numeracy among SA students. 
In addition to academic subjects, the revamped curriculum will also incorporate the teaching of qualities such as resilience and empathy which employers have said they find increasingly essential.
The curriculum changes will be implemented gradually, starting from Reception and progressing through to Year 10. 
The entire overhaul is expected to be completed by 2027.
This article was produced with the assistance of 9ExPress.

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