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Bird flu spreads to second Victorian farm as separate outbreak found in Western Australia

Bird flu has been detected at a second farm in Victoria, officials announced today.
A case of Avian influenza (H7N3 strain) was confirmed at a property in Terang, which Agriculture Victoria said was linked to a property at Meredith where the disease was found.
It comes as a separate, less dangerous strain of the disease was detected in Western Australia today.
Chickens were only domesticated about 1500 BC, a new study has found.
File image: Separate to the bird flu outbreak detected on a Victorian farm yesterday, a less dangerous strain of the disease was detected in Western Australia today. (AP)
Agriculture Victoria said that the movement of animals, vehicles and poultry products was restricted in a 15km buffer zone around the Terang property.
A 20km buffer was placed around the Meridith farm where the virus was discovered yesterday.
"Consumers should not be concerned about eggs and poultry products from the supermarkets, they do not pose a risk and are safe to consume," Agriculture Victoria said.
In a separate case unrelated to the Victorian detections, a positive case of a different bird flu strain was found at a farm in WA's south-west.
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development is working with the affected poultry operation to manage the infected animals.
Officials were quick to clarify that the outbreak in the state's south-west was unconnected to the cases detected in Victoria.
"The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development is managing a detection of low pathogenic H9N2 avian influenza in a poultry operation in the South West of Western Australia," WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional development acting chief veterinary officer Katie Webb said.
She said that the H9N2 strain is different to the other more dangerous varieties that have been detected elsewhere around the world.
"Testing at the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness confirmed this is not the more serious H5 high pathogenicity avian influenza associated with disease and mortality in poultry in other countries, or the H7 high pathogenicity avian influenza that is currently being managed in a Victorian poultry farm," she said.
"The property is currently under a pest control notice to manage the movement of relevant animals and products off the property.
"The detection is an important reminder for owners of poultry including backyard chickens and aviary birds to follow simple biosecurity measures to reduce contact with wild birds and reduce the risk of introduction."
She stressed that unusual signs of disease or mass mortalities in domesticated birds, wild birds, or other wildlife should be reported to the state's animal disease hotline.
Experts have warned that while these strains are not the same as those causing havoc around the world, Australia should not become complacent.

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