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'Eighth wonder of the world' still missing after dive to Nazi ship

The location of the legendary Amber Room - ornate Russian treasure looted by the Nazis - remains a mystery after divers investigated a World War II shipwreck.
This week the Baltictech dive-team completed an expedition to the sunken German steamer the Karlsruhe in waters off Poland.
After they discovered the wreck last October, the technical divers returned to investigate mysterious crates scattered near the wreck 90 metres below the Baltic Sea.
The dive team found military equipment and civilian items on the wreck. (Tomasz Stachura/Baltictech) (Supplied)
The vessel left Koenigsberg - which is today the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad - in May 1945 before it was sunk by Soviet warplanes.
The ship had been taking part in the sea evacuation in history of more than one million German troops and civilians from East Prussia at the end of World War Two.
Historical records suggest the vessel was carrying a heavy cargo of about 300 tonnes and more than 1000 people.
The Baltictech divers believed the crates could have contained the missing gold-leaf and mirror-decorated Amber Room wall-panels, looted by the Germans in 1941 after they invaded Russia.
A diver inspects the propeller of the sunken German ship. (Tomasz Stachura/Baltictech) (Supplied)
But at the end of the expedition, the divers said they had found no sign of lost artwork or treasures, the fate of which remains unknown.
"All the open and damaged chests contained military equipment and the smaller ones were simply private suitcases of refugees from East Prussia," Baltitech posted on social media.
'We didn't touch them, of course, but they made a huge impression nonetheless.
Technical wreck divers inspect part of the sunken German steamer beneath the Baltic Sea. (Tomasz Stachura/Baltictech) (Supplied)
"Everywhere, scattered shoes, belts and private luggage reminded us that nearly 1000 people died on the wreck of Karlsruhe."
The Amber Room - frequently described as the eighth wonder of the world - was built in Prussia and then given to the Russian royal family in 1716 as a gift.
It was last seen in 1945 during the final months of World War II in a Nazi-controlled Baltic port city.
A file photo of the reconstructed Amber Room in St Petersburg. The location of the original has been a mystery for decades. (AP)
<p>Archaeologists have&nbsp;literally&nbsp;struck gold&nbsp;after an excavated&nbsp;site in southwest Greece&nbsp;they took to be&nbsp;an ancient house in fact&nbsp;proved to be the tomb of a Bronze Age warrior.</p><p>An international group of researchers, led by archaeologists from the University of Cincinnati stumbled upon a treasure-lined tomb while excavating an unexplored field&nbsp;in Pylos, on the&nbsp;southwest coast of Greece.</p><p>The tomb belongs to an adult male buried about 3500 years ago, dubbed&nbsp;the ‘griffin warrior’ for an ivory griffon plaque found resting between his legs.</p><p>More than 1400 artefacts including a&nbsp;gold-and-ivory hilted&nbsp;sword, gold necklaces, rings and precious stone beads have been recovered from the site – one of the biggest hauls&nbsp;at any single burial site in Greece ever.</p><p>The find has been hailed by&nbsp;a university representative as&nbsp;“one of the most magnificent displays of prehistoric wealth discovered in mainland Greece” in more than six decades.</p><p>Here, senior research associate Sharon Stocker  poses with a 3500 year-old skull found in the ancient tomb. </p><p><strong>Click through the gallery to see video and images of the surprise treasures.</strong></p><p>(University of Cincinnati)</p>
Archaeologists uncover surprise treasure trove in ancient ‘griffin warrior’ tomb
Following World War II, Russian experts constructed a replica Amber Room in the Catherine Palace in St Petersburg.

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