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Australian politicians accused of being 'complicit' with Anning’s spread of hate

Australian politicians have been accused of being “complicit” with controversial MP Fraser Anning’s spread of hate speech by not showing enough compassion for those imprisoned in “hideous tropical prisons”.
High-profile New Zealand actor, Sam Neill, made the comments in the aftermath of his country’s worst ever mass shooting.
The Jurassic Park star was in the back of a taxi in Auckland last Friday afternoon when Australian man Brenton Tarrant allegedly stormed mosques in Christchurch and gunned down 50 worshippers.
The 28-year-old allegedly live streamed the mass shooting on Facebook. The victims were aged from three to 77.
“I said, “I think there is something happening in Christchurch should we turn on the radio?” Neill told Tom Steinfort in a Today show exclusive.
“I was with a Muslim taxi driver. As we were driving back to my brother’s house the full horror of what was happening, what had happened became apparent on the radio.”
Neill said he was in a “flood of tears” by the time he arrived at his brother’s house.
“My brother, my Muslim taxi driver was comforting me. It mean … (it was) an extraordinary day.”
“To think that these people who have come here from the worst places in the world to get away from the worst things find this, this terror, this horror in one of the quietest little refuges in the world, it is unthinkable.”
In response to what he believes Australians could take away from the atrocities, Neil said it would be for more compassion for “their brothers and sisters” in detention centres. He also offered a few stern words for the nation’s politicians.
“All Australian politicians should be thinking about, well, you know, we should be castigating Fraser Anning but I think there should be a little bit of castigation on all of them because all of them are complicit in this,” he said.
“We all want to look tough on boarders but we are really compassion people. How can you do that – simultaneously do that? It is not possible.”
Queensland-based senator Anning sparked global outrage last week when he said “the real cause of bloodshed” in Christchurch was the country’s immigration program that allowed “Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place”.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has condemned Senator Anning's comments following the Christchurch massacre as a "disgrace".

“Our (Prime Minister) has been outstanding from the first moment. She is an extraordinary individual and her sense of empathy, and just the wearing of hijab as well, as a message of respect for these people and as a very, very solid symbol,” Neill said.
“Think of the difference between that and Pauline Hanson wearing a burqa in parliament. I mean, there is a gulf between those two people. At least I am not crying today. I can say these things.”
A petition calling on Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison to remove Anning from parliament has now been signed by more than 1.3 million people.
Mr Morrison has said the government will censure Anning over his comments.

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