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Serial liar George Santos knocks back demands to resign from US Congress

Serial liar George Santos has declared he will not resign from Congress despite mounting pressure from within his own party.
The local Republican Party chairman has demanded Santos quit the House of Representatives after his many mistruths were exposed.
"George Santos's campaign last year was a campaign of deceit, lies and fabrication," Nassau County Republican Committee Chair Joseph Cairo said.
Almost everything George Santos said about himself before the election has been revealed to be a lie.
Almost everything George Santos said about himself before the election has been revealed to be a lie. (AP)
"He's disgraced the House of Representatives, and we do not consider him one of our congresspeople."
Four other Republican congressmen from New York also called for him to quit, including the two from neighbouring districts.
But Santos held firm, announcing his resolution not to quit in a tweet.
"I was elected to serve the people of (New York's Third Congressional District) not the party & politicians, I remain committed to doing that and regret to hear that local officials refuse to work with my office to deliver results to keep our community safe and lower the cost of living," he said.
"I will NOT resign!"
When recently retired Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger demanded he resign in a tweet, Santos replied: "Go on CNN and cry about it."
For now, Santos has the tepid support of Speaker Kevin McCarthy.
George Santos is resisting pressure to resign from his own party.
George Santos is resisting pressure to resign from his own party. (AP)
"The voters elected him to serve," McCarthy said.
"(Santos) has to answer to the voters and the voters can make another decision in two years."
McCarthy was elected Speaker of the House on the weekend by a margin of one vote.
Santos is one of his supporters.
Santos has faced calls to resign after revelations he lied about his job history, his education, religion, ethnicity, his relationship history, his real estate portfolio, his finances, his apparently non-existent charity and the cause of his mother's death.
He is also facing a criminal investigation in Brazil for cheque fraud.
George Santos under investigation after it was revealed that he lied about his entire past
George Santos is under investigation after it was revealed that he lied about his entire past (AP)
Today it was also revealed he lied about being a champion volleyball player for Baruch College.
Baruch College did win the league championship, but Santos never attended that school as claimed.

What did George Santos lie about?

Santos also claimed his mother was a trailblazing financial executive who died as a result of the September 11 attacks. 
Her friends described her as a cook and cleaner who died in 2016.
The New York Times today published Santos' resume, which contained more falsehoods.
Santos claimed to have doubled revenue for a department at investment bank Goldman Sachs in eight months, from US$300 million to US$600 million.
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Goldman Sachs said Santos never worked for them.
The resume also touted degrees from two universities, neither of which he attended.
Santos was swept into office in a suburban New York district, touting his business credentials and heritage as the grandchild of Holocaust survivors.
It has since been revealed his grandparents were Brazilian Catholics and two Wall Street firms he claimed to work for had no record of him as an employee.
He also lied about being a college graduate, attending a top preparatory school and having a Belgian mother.
Rep.-elect George Santos, R-New York, under investigation after he lied about his entire past
George Santos has also claimed a significant and unexplained net worth. (AP)
In another instance, the openly gay man claimed he had "never had an issue with my sexual identity in the past decade" but only three years earlier, he had been married to a woman.
In 2020, he claimed he had no assets.
In 2022, he claimed to have a net worth of as much as $17 million from a business that does not appear to have any web presence.
He also claimed to have run an animal welfare charity called Friends of Pets United.
But the group was never registered as a charity.
He held at least one fundraiser for an animal rescue charity, but the beneficiary claimed Santos never donated the money.
The bizarre jobs politicians had before running for election

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