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Greta Thunberg named Time Magazine's 2019 Person of the Year

The 16-year-old activist is the youngest-ever named by the prestigious magazine.
The magazine's editor in chief, Edward Felsenthal, said Thunberg was chosen "for sounding the alarm about humanity's predatory relationship with the only home we have, for bringing to a fragmented world a voice that transcends backgrounds and borders, for showing us all what it might look like when a new generation lead".
"That Thunberg is the youngest individual ever named TIME's Person of the Year says as much about the moment as it does about her," Felsenthal said.
"The 92-year-old franchise is rooted in the so-called Great Man theory of history, the notion that powerful individuals shape the world.
"Historically that has meant people who worked their way up the ladders of major organisations and were at home in the corridors of power.
"But in this moment when so many traditional institutions seem to be failing us, amid staggering inequality and social upheaval and political paralysis, we are seeing new kinds of influence take hold.
Greta Thunberg has arrived in Lisbon ahead of the UN climate conference
The 16-year-old activist is the youngest-ever named by the prestigious magazine. (AP)
"It is wielded by people like Thunberg, leaders with a cause and a phone who don't fit the old rubrics but who connect with us in ways that institutions can't and perhaps never could."
Each year, the magazine features the most influential person, group, movement or idea of the previous 12 months.
Last year, it was "The Guardians," a group of journalists who have been targeted or assaulted for their work. In 2017, it was "The Silence Breakers," the group of people who came forward to report sexual misconduct.
2 Greta Thunberg
The honour comes months after Thunberg shamed world leaders in New York over their inaction on climate change. (AAP)
Past Persons of the Year include Adolf Hitler, Ayatollah Khomeini and Joseph Stalin. The shortlist this year included Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi, The Whistleblower and the Hong Kong protestors.
"In the 16 months since, she has addressed heads of state at the UN, met with the Pope, sparred with the president of the United States and inspired four million people to join the global climate strike on September 20, 2019, in what was the largest climate demonstration in human history," the magazine said today
"Margaret Atwood compared her to Joan of Arc. After noticing a hundredfold increase in its usage, lexicographers at Collins Dictionary named Thunberg's pioneering idea, climate strike, the word of the year.
Thunberg rose to global prominence last year by taking time off school to demonstrate outside Swedish parliament about the lack of action to combat climate change.
Inspired by her weekly protest, millions of young people protested around the globe last Friday to put pressure on governments to act.
In October, the teen sailed to New York in a zero-carbon emissions vessel, where she won milliions of admirerer when she shamed world leaders at the UN climate summit for stealing her dreams and childhood with empty words on climate change.
Her comments attracted online viral fame internationally and did not go down well with US President Donald Trump, who has questioned climate science and has challenged every major US regulation aimed at combating climate change.
Retweeting footage of her speech at the time, he mocked Thunberg by saying: "She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!"
With Wires.

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