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New deep-sea coral species discovered in Scotland

A new species of coral has been discovered in waters off the coast of Scotland, with scientists predicting it could be a gamechanger for deep-sea biodiversity.
Scientists from the Scottish Government teamed up with researchers from the University of Seville, Spain, for an almost decade-long assignment to learn more about the murky, rarely-traversed deeper depths of the ocean off the Scottish coast.
The team collected multiple specimens from the continental slopes and plains of the Rockall Trough, off the west coast, travelling to depths of 2000 metres.
New deep-sea coral species Pseudumbellula scotiae discovered off Scotland
New deep-sea coral species Pseudumbellula scotiae discovered off Scotland. (Scottish Government)
Among the samples collected were sea pens, a type of coral with a long flexible skeletal shaft with numerous branches fanning out of the sides.
The Scottish scientists worked with University of Seville coral expert, Dr Pablo Lopez-Gonzalez, combining traditional collection methods with cutting-edge genetic analysis.
One of the samples was at first thought to be part of the Umbellula family, but genetic results along with microscopic study of the sample's fine skeletal structure led scientists to discover this is a new species of sea pen never before found in the science world.
Officials have formally named the new species Pseudumbellula scotiae – in part due to the physical similarities to Umbellula, but also in honour of the Scottish Government's Marine Research Vessel Scotia and its major contributions to science and conservation in the surrounding waters.
The new deep-sea coral species Pseudumbellula scotiae was named in part after the MRV Scotia (pictured) for its contribution to scientific investigation in national waters. (Tom McInnes/Flickr)
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Scottish Environment and Land Reform Minister Mairi McAllan said the find was an important and exciting discovery showing just how diverse the underwater environment is around Scotland.
"Scotland has some of the most beautiful and diverse marine ecosystems on the planet and we are committed to protecting and safeguarding them for future generations," Ms McAllan said in a statement.
"Marine Protected Area (MPA) status is an important way to ensure protection of some of the most vulnerable species and habitats. Our MPA network includes sites for the protection of biodiversity and demonstrates sustainable management and covers around 37 per cent of our seas - exceeding the new global target of 30 per cent by 2030".

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