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'Staggering losses' for Russia after three months of Ukraine war

It is three months since Russia invaded Ukraine - a 12-week period in which Russian forces have wrought devastation on the country and its people, resulting in death on a vast scale and causing millions to flee.
But the invasion has not been the military success Moscow hoped, with Russian casualties from the three-month campaign the equivalent the nine-year Soviet-Afghan war, according to one Western country.
The bulk of fighting has moved to the east, after failed Russian advances in central Ukraine.
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A Ukrainian man takes a photo of a destroyed Russian tank near Kyiv. The UK Ministry of Defence estimated Russian deaths had reached 15,000 lives in the first three months of the war. (Getty)
The defenders are even focusing on retaking some key areas nearer the Russian border, while Moscow is seeing its troops beaten back in a few key battles.
Here's what has happened in several key areas since the war began.

Bungled Russian offensive

The fight started poorly for the invaders and went downhill from there.
When President Vladimir Putin launched his war on February 24 after months of build-up on Ukraine's borders, he sent hundreds of helicopter-borne commandos to assault and seize a lightly defended airfield on Kyiv's doorstep.
Other Russian forces struck elsewhere across Ukraine, including toward the eastern city of Kharkiv as well as in the contested Donbas region and along the Black Sea coast.
But as the seat of national power, Kyiv was the main prize.
Putin's forces have shifted away from Kyiv, to eastern Ukraine but the failure to seize the capital was a major defeat.
As the war continued, Russian casualties mounted due to poor tactics, limited air cover, a lack of flexibility and a command approach that reinforces failure and repeats mistakes.
The UK Ministry of Defence said this week that after three months fighting, Russian force have experienced a death rate similar to that suffered by the Soviet Union during its nine-year war in Afghanistan.
During the 1979-1988 conflict, the Russian military recorded about 15,000 killed in Afghanistan and an additional 35,478 wounded.
Two Ukrainian National Guard soldiers drink a toast to their comrades who died in the war after they were buried at the Kharkiv cemetery. (AP)


After weeks of intense fighting, Ukraine's eastern Donbas region is "completely destroyed," Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said.
He accused Russia of a "deliberate and criminal attempt to kill as many Ukrainians as possible" after a village in Chernihiv was hit with missiles, leaving many dead.
Officials in the region say the front line is being shelled "day and night," with Russian forces attempting to break through Ukrainian lines.
A NATO military official said that the alliance expects something of a stalemate over the next few weeks.
But the official said NATO believes momentum has shifted significantly in favour of Ukraine and the debate within NATO circles is now over whether it is possible for Kyiv to retake Crimea and the Donbas territories seized by Russia and Russian-backed separatists, respectively, in 2014.
The city of Mariupol in eastern Ukraine has been devastated by Russian attacks. (AP)


Mariupol, a port city on the Sea of Azov, finally fell to Russian forces after weeks of relentless bombardment.
The city was the scene of some of the most intense fighting since Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine.
It was there that Russia carried out deadly strikes on a maternity ward and the bombing of a theatre where hundreds of civilians had sought refuge from the violence.
Mariupol became a symbol of Ukrainian resistance as its defenders held out until last week at Azovstal, a sprawling steelworks plant where as many as 1000 civilians had taken shelter at one point, with stocks of food and water dwindling.
Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said last Friday that almost 2000 Ukrainian soldiers have surrendered at Azovstal.

War crimes

More evidence of potential Russian war crimes is emerging in Bucha, the northern Ukrainian city near Kyiv, the capital.
Evidence of mass graves and civilian executions in the towns of Bucha and Borodianka has continued to emerge since early April, following the withdrawal of Russian forces from the Kyiv region.
A Russian soldier who pleaded guilty to killing a Ukrainian civilian was sentenced to life in prison on Monday in the first war crimes trial since Moscow invaded three months ago.
Sergeant Vadim Shishimarin, 21, pleaded guilty last week to shooting a 62-year-old man in the head in a village in the north-eastern Sumy region in the early days of the war.
He apologised to the man's widow in court.
This Bushmaster armoured vehicle was among Australian military aid for Ukraine. (Getty)

Massive aid package

The US and its allies, including Australia, have supplied the outnumbered Ukrainian military with billions of dollars worth of military equipment and humanitarian aid over the past three months.
This week US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin said 20 nations said that they will send new packages of security assistance to Ukraine.
Many countries are donating critically needed artillery ammunition, advanced missiles, tanks and other armoured vehicles.
Australia's contribution included Bushmaster armoured vehicles and howitzer artillery.

Probable NATO expansion

One of the driving forces behind Putin's decision to invade Ukraine was his concern about the eastwards expansion of the NATO military alliance.
But weeks into the war, neutral Finland and Sweden announced they will seek membership of the 30-nation NATO.
Helsinki and Stockholm had, for decades, avoided joining the alliance, but cited Moscow's invasion as the ultimate impetus to do so now.
The two countries formally handed in their applications in mid May. Most NATO members appear ready to support both bids, except for Turkey.
Russia has banned gas supplies to some European countries in retaliation for economic sanctions. (AP)

Sanctions slam Russian economy

Within days of the invasion, Western governments and corporations unleashed extensive economic sanctions on Russia.
Three months after the February 24 invasion, many ordinary Russians are reeling from those blows to their livelihoods and emotions.
Moscow's vast shopping malls have turned into eerie expanses of shuttered storefronts once occupied by Western retailers.
McDonald's — whose opening in Russia in 1990 was a cultural phenomenon, a shiny modern convenience coming to a dreary country ground down by limited choices — pulled out of Russia entirely in response to its invasion of Ukraine.
Ikea, the epitome of affordable modern comforts, suspended operations. Tens of thousands of once-secure jobs are now suddenly in question in a very short time.
The assets of super-rich Russian oligarchs, Kremlin officials and their close families have also been seized by Western governments.
They've included super yachts, private jets and mansions.
But the economic consequences have yet to fully play out.
In the early days of the war, the Russian ruble lost half its value.
But government efforts to shore it up have actually raised its value to higher than its level before the invasion.
- Reported with CNN, Associated Press
June 17
Ukraine defenders 'bending but not breaking' in fierce fighting

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