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China's maritime militia - the unofficial navy Beijing refuses to admit exists

They've been dubbed China's "Little Blue Men," an allegedly Beijing-controlled maritime militia that analysts say could be hundreds of boats and thousands of crew members strong.
China doesn't acknowledge their existence and when questioned, refers to them as a "so-called maritime militia." But Western experts say the alleged militia is an integral part of Beijing's efforts to exert its territorial claims in the South China Sea and beyond.
They claim its blue-painted vessels and their crews - allegedly funded and controlled by the People's Liberation Army - can quickly bring a Chinese presence so large around disputed reefs and islands they are almost impossible to challenge without triggering a military confrontation.
Chinese vessels are moored at Whitsun Reef, South China Sea.
Chinese vessels - believed to be from its maritime militia - are moored at Whitsun Reef in the South China Sea. (Philippine Coast Guard)
The apparent militia made headlines last month when more than 200 Chinese fishing boats crowded around Whitsun Reef, a Philippine possession in the Spratly Island chain in the South China Sea.
Analysts at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in Singapore say they've never seen a Chinese operation of this size before.
"The Whitsun Reef incident is unprecedented in scale and notable for its duration: the largest numbers of Chinese fishing vessels gathered at any time at one Spratly reef, and staying there for several weeks," Samir Puri and Greg Austin, both senior fellows at the IISS, wrote last week on the organisation's blog.
The Philippines protested the Whitsun incident to Beijing, calling the boats a "swarming and threatening presence" and saying the flotilla was infringing on Philippine territory and fishing grounds. Manila demanded the Chinese boats leave the area, which it maintains is in an exclusive economic zone.
Beijing countered that the boats, which numbered 220 at one point, according to the Philippines Government, were simply escaping rough seas.
This satellite image provided by Maxar Technologies shows Chinese vessels anchored the Whitsun Reef located in the disputed South China Sea on March 23. (Supplied)

How does the Chinese Maritime Militia work?

Despite Chinese government denials, there is little ambiguity in Western circles about what the Pentagon calls the People's Armed Forces Maritime Militia (PAFMM).
"The People's Armed Forces Maritime Militia don't fish," Carl Schuster, a former director of operations at the US Pacific Command's Joint Intelligence Centre, said.
"They have automatic weapons aboard and reinforced hulls, making them very dangerous at close range.
"Also, they have a top speed of around 18 to 22 knots, making them faster than 90 per cent of the world's fishing boats."
Some experts have taken to referring to the militia as "Little Blue Men", a reference to the colour of their boats' hulls and to Russia's "Little Green Men," soldiers in unmarked green uniforms who infiltrated Crimea before Moscow annexed it from Ukraine in 2014.
"The Maritime Militia is used by Beijing 'to subvert other nations' sovereignty and enforce unlawful claims,'" a December report from the heads of the US Navy, Marines and Coast Guard said.
The Whitsun Reef lies in waters between the Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia. (Google via AP) (Google via AP)
"The Militia is a key component of China's Armed Forces and a part of what it calls the 'People's Armed Forces System,'" Conor Kennedy and Andrew Erickson, two leading American experts on the subject, wrote for the US Naval War College in 2017.
It is "a state-organised, -developed, and -controlled force operating under a direct military chain of command to conduct Chinese state-sponsored activities," they added.
The alleged militia is integrated with China's fishing fleet, the world's largest with more than 187,000 boats, Mr Erickson said, but the actual number of armed boats remains unclear to Western experts.
"China is typically secretive about its Third Sea Force (behind the PLA Navy and coast guard), which might conceivably number in the thousands of vessels and in the tens of thousands of personnel. Possibly more," Mr Erickson said.

What is the purpose of a maritime militia?

The concept of a maritime militia, or an irregular naval force, allows China to make territorial claims in huge numbers without ever involving the People's Liberation Army proper, Western experts say.
Even if lead boats are relatively small in number, they can spearhead flotillas in the hundreds - as seen in Whitsun Reef. "These classic 'gray zone' operations are designed to 'win without fighting' by overwhelming the adversary with swarms of fishing vessels," Derek Grossman, a RAND Corp defence analyst, wrote last year.
Jay Batongbacal, director of the Institute for Maritime Affairs at the University of the Philippines, summed up what Beijing has done in recent weeks at Whitsun Reef and recent years across the South China Sea - 3.4 million sq/km of water, almost all of which Beijing claims as Chinese territory.
Philippine government officials released pictures of what they said were 220 Chinese vessels moored at the boomerang-shaped Whitsun Reef
Philippine government officials released pictures of what they said were 220 Chinese vessels moored at the boomerang-shaped Whitsun Reef (AP)
"They are now essentially occupying Whitsun Reef by the mere presence of their vessels," Mr Batongbacal said in an interview with the US National Public Radio.
"That's actually the objective of the Chinese strategy, to establish de-facto control and dominance over the entire South China Sea through these incremental moves."
From a tactical standpoint, the fishing boats represent hundreds of obstacles an adversary such as the US Navy would have to work around.
And the US Navy could likely only deploy a few destroyers at any one time to challenge them.
That puts huge numbers in China's favour.
"Because they are cheap, fishing vessels will always outnumber warships," Johns Hopkins University researcher Shuxian Luo and Columbia University researcher Jonathan Panter wrote in the US Army's Military Review journal earlier this year.
So even real, unarmed fishing boats acting under the leadership of maritime militia vessels can be an effective military force.
From a strategic standpoint, "challenging these vessels is dangerous," Mr Luo and Mr Panter wrote - especially for other Southeast Asian nations that have claims to features in the South China Sea but don't have the military might to stand up to China.
Mischief Reef in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea is one artificial reef claimed by Beijing. (Getty images)
And it's not just interactions with US ships that could spark wider conflict.
A statement from the White House said US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan spoke with his Filipino counterpart and said the US-Philippines Mutual Defence Treaty applies in this case.
That would mean any hostile action against Philippine forces or territory by China could bring a US military response.
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