AAEES Awards Criteria and Candidate Nomination Forms

You may nominate yourself or another individual for the awards below.  Nominations are open between June 1 and August 31 of each year.  The 40 Under 40 Recognition Program has a second submission period between January 1 and February 28.

Nominations are held for up to two years.  Example: if you nominated someone for an award for the 2024 awards and they were not selected by the Awards Committee as a recipient, that nomination will also be among those evaluated for 2025.


40 Under 40 Recognition Program

This program was introduced to recognize talented individuals who have, either personally or as part of a team, been responsible for helping to advance the fields of Environmental Science or Environmental Engineering in a demonstrable way within the last 12 months.  A nominee must be under 40 at the end of the calendar year in which they are nominated.

Winners are chosen by a panel of past recipients who weigh equally business successes and civic/philanthropic activities.

Click here to nominate yourself or
another candidate for the 40 Under 40 Award.

The Ralph and Joe Bales Graber Science Award

Technical Criteria

  1. Demonstrated technical excellence in excess of 15 years of professional practice.
  2. Excellence may be measured by recognized superiority in the development and implementation of environmental science projects or programs, including such things as:
    1. Originality and inventiveness in devising new technical approaches for dealing with environmental protection.
    2. Environmental management and control projects.
    3. Environmental analysis and monitoring.
    4. Peer reviewed body of works (technical manuals, books, journal articles, etc.) in an environmental science field.
    5. Creation and establishment of environmental science educational (academic and post-graduate) programs for professionals and others working in the field.

Administrative and Public Service

  1. Demonstrated administrative excellence in excess of 15 years of professional practice.
  2. Excellence may be measured by recognized superiority in the management of environmental science programs and projects, including:
    1. Management of such programs and projects under either public (local, state, regional, federal, or international) or private sector auspices.
    2. Recognition of the programs by political, regulatory, or professional societies as a program or organization that has demonstrated on a continuing basis a commitment to environmental excellence.
    3. Exemplary professional conduct.
    4. Distinguished qualities of personal leadership.
    5. Originality and inventiveness in devising new management techniques for dealing with environmental issues.
    6. Sensitivity and responsiveness to the impact of social and political influences on the conduct of environmental programs.

Environmental Scientists and Environmental Engineers are eligible for this award.

Click here to submit a candidate for the
Ralph and Joe Bales Graber Science Award.

Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science Education

This award is managed by the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors. For additional information, go to: https://aeespfoundation.org/awards/e4.

The Edward J. Cleary Award

Award criteria include the following:

Technical Criteria

  1. Demonstrated technical excellence in excess of 15 years of professional practice.
  2. Excellence may be measured by recognized superiority in the development and implementation of environmental engineering events including such things as:
    1. originality and inventiveness in devising new technical approaches for dealing with environmental protection,
    2. environmental management and control projects,
    3. publishing technical manuals and books in an environmental engineering field, and
    4. the creation and establishment of environmental protection educational (academic and post-graduate) programs for professional and others working in the field of environmental protections.

Administrative and Public Service

  1. Demonstrated administrative excellence in excess of 15 years of professional practice.
  2. Excellence may be measured by recognized superiority in the management of environmental protection enterprises including such measures of management practice as:
    1. the management of such enterprises under either public (local, state, regional, federal, or international) or private sector auspices,
    2. a recognition of the enterprise by political, or regulatory, professional societies as an organization that has demonstrated on a continuing basis a commitment to environmental protection,
    3. exemplary professional conduct,
    4. distinguished qualities of personal leadership,
    5. originality and inventiveness in devising new management techniques for dealing with environmental protection, and
    6. sensitivity and responsiveness to the impact of social and political influences on the conduct of environmental programs.

Environmental Engineers and Environmental Scientists are eligible for this award.

Click here to submit a candidate for the
Edward J. Cleary Award.

The Gordon Maskew Fair Award


  1. Awarded to a Board Certified Environmental Engineer, Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member, or Board Certified Environmental Scientist of the Academy who is judged to have contributed substantially to the status of the environmental engineering or science professions by:
    1. exemplary professional conduct,
    2. recognized achievements in the practice of environmental engineering and science,
    3. significant contributions to the control of the quality of the world's environment,
    4. other evidence of merit which advance the Academy's objectives.

Board Certified Environmental Engineers, Board Certified Environmental Engineering Members, and Board Certified Environmental Scientists are eligible for this award.

Click here to submit a candidate for the
Gordon Maskew Fair Award.

The Stanley E. Kappe Award

Award criteria may include the following:

  1. Demonstrated extraordinary and outstanding service to the objectives of the Academy such as:
    1. Exhibited outstanding leadership skills within the BOT, leading to expanded or improved Academy programs.
    2. Through service to the Academy, effectively brought about improved Academy services to the membership.
    3. Instrumental in bringing about an effective operational structure for the management of the Academy.
    4. Served and led Academy committee(s) that resulted in the development and implementation of one or more effective Academy programs.
    5. Worked successfully to integrate the missions and operations of Sponsoring Organizations with the mission of the Academy to bring about more effective incorporation of environmental engineering and public health protection principles within Sponsoring Organizations and their membership.
    6. Opened new lines of communication with other organization(s) resulting in greater recognition of the Academy as a promoter of environmental engineering excellence.
    7. Contributed to the significant advancement of public awareness to the betterment of the total environment.

Environmental Engineers and Environmental Scientists are eligible for this award.

Click here to submit a candidate for the
Stanley E. Kappe Award.

The Honorary Member Award

Award criteria may include any of the following:

  1. Has attained a position of eminence in the environmental and/or human health protection field:
    1. eminence - is recognized by his/her peers as attaining a level of recognition and excellence in some field of environmental protection.
    2. recognition - is based on long term and sustained performance demonstrated by extraordinary achievements in education, publication, research and development, practical application of his/her knowledge on a continuing basis in an organization or system.
  1. Has made a singular noteworthy contribution, or sustained contribution to the advancement of environmental protection or environmental engineering in a specific area:
    1. noteworthy contribution - development of a specific technology, device, process, analytical process, major capital project, establishment and sustained progress of an organization.
    2. sustained contribution - long term contribution to an organization or system that has been a major reason for the organization/system to be recognized to have achieved a significant positive impact on environmental protection or environmental engineering.
  1. Has rendered outstanding service over a long period of time to the advancement of the affairs of the Academy:
    1. noteworthy contribution - has served an exemplary and contributory sustained role of service to the Academy that has resulted in the well-being and success of the Academy.
    2. employee - has served an exemplary and contributory and sustained role of service to the Academy that has resulted in the well being and success of the Academy.
    3. others - has served an exemplary and contributory sustained role of service to the Academy that has resulted in the well being and success of the Academy.
Click here to submit a candidate for the
Honorary Member Award.

The International Honorary Member Award

Award criteria may include any of the following:

  1. Has attained a position of eminence in the environmental and/or human health protection field internationally or in his or her own country:
    1. eminence - is recognized by his/her peers as attaining a level of recognition and excellence in some field of environmental protection.
    2. recognition - is based on long term and sustained performance demonstrated by extraordinary achievements in education, publication, research and development, practical application of his/her knowledge on a continuing basis in an organization or system.
  1. Has made a singular noteworthy contribution, or sustained contribution to the advancement of environmental protection or environmental engineering in a specific area internationally or in his or her own country:
    1. noteworthy contribution - development of a specific technology, device, process, analytical process, major capital project, establishment and sustained progress of an organization.
    2. sustained contribution - long term contribution to an organization or system that has been a major reason for the organization/system to be recognized to have achieved a significant positive impact on environmental protection or environmental engineering.
  1. Has rendered outstanding service over a long period of time to the advancement of the affairs of the Academy internationally or in his or her own country:
    1. noteworthy contribution - has served an exemplary and contributory sustained role of service to the Academy that has resulted in the well-being and success of the Academy.
    2. employee - has served an exemplary and contributory and sustained role of service to the Academy that has resulted in the well being and success of the Academy.
    3. others - has served an exemplary and contributory sustained role of service to the Academy that has resulted in the well being and success of the Academy.
Click here to submit a candidate for the
International Honorary Member Award.

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