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Extension cord running across a footpath to charge an EV sparks fierce debate

A morning walker posted a photo to social media of the electrical cord stretching from the top floor of a unit block to the car parked at the curb side.  A debate about EV etiquette followed.
Extension cord running along pavement and grass charging an Electric vehicle

Canberra couple awarded damages after wife awoken by a real estate agent in her bedroom conducting an inspection

The Canberra couple were awarded $1,500 in non-economic damages after a real estate agent entered their bedroom while the wife was in bed asleep with her infant son.
A close-up shot of a person's hands holding a set of silver house keys.

What issues are on your mind ahead of the Queensland election? We want to know

From the cost of living and transport to housing and the environment, we want to know what's impacting you or your community.
A grey background with a photo of a hand putting a piece of paper in a ballot box, question marks surround.

'Up-and-coming Barossa Valley' pushes back against large solar farm

Residents in the regional Victorian community are concerned a proposed 665-hectare solar farm would change the microclimate of the renowned grape-growing region and drive away tourism.
Four people standing in front of a vineyard, green paddocks, and a blue sky.

Hybrid sales are outstripping EVs, sounding alarm for emissions reductions

Car buyers looking for low-emission options are choosing hybrid vehicles over fully battery-powered EVs, according to latest sales figures.
Hand of man inserting a power cord into an electric car

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Business Analysis

analysis:'Bad mistake to set policy on one number': RBA deputy plays down this week's inflation shock

The Reserve Bank's new deputy governor plays down this week's inflation surprise, saying there is plenty of economic data between now and the bank's next interest rate meeting in August.

analysis:Dutton's swing to nuclear power heralds a return to nationalisation

Since the Menzies era, the Liberal Party's mantra has been built on a free market and small government. But Peter Dutton's nuclear power plans mean the opposition's ambitions have turned the party's ideology on its head.

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