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Forster - 2428

'Too cold to sleep': Homeless campers battle rain, mould and the unknown as winter temperatures plummet

Parts of Australia are recording their coldest temperatures in more than a decade, and people sleeping rough are bearing the brunt more than ever. 
Sweeney teaser image

Stingrays' decline could spell trouble for delicate estuarine ecosystems, fisheries

Using drones, aerial imagery, and 3D modelling to map and identify stingray feeding pits on the estuary floor, a study has found they play a significant role in health of estuarine ecosystems.
Grey stingray in water

Rebecca found moving to Australia challenging in the 1980s. Now she helps other Filipinos find their feet

Soon after arriving, Rebecca Macdonald knew she needed to "find some Filipinos" to help her settle into her new home. At 78 years old, she is paying forward their kindness.
Rebecca Macdonald smiling standing on her front porch

Humpback whale entangled in fishing rope off NSW coast as marine crews on standby for multiple rescues

Marine rescue authorities are searching waters near Port Macquarie for the whale, which is the fourth to have been entangled off the northern NSW coast this holiday weekend.
A whale as seen from the air, swimming in the ocean, entangled with a long rope.

As school refusals rise, this college offers students like Emily a creative alternative

With 38 per cent of Australian students classed as "chronically absent", Alesco Secondary College, in the Hunter region of New South Wales, offers students a flexible approach and an alternative to mainstream schooling.
A woman stands in front of a school smiling.

Waterspout wreaks havoc after making landfall in NSW town

Terrified Green Point residents heard an "almighty roar" as a suspected waterspout made landfall in their street and essentially turned into a tornado.
Tree debris on the ground, trampoline blown into trees.

Chatnika feared falling victim to trafficking, now she's studying law to help other girls

Chatnika Yat was at risk of falling into the clutches of sex and people traffickers until an Australian-Cambodian charity saved her and gave her the "hope, resilience and power" to help other vulnerable girls.
Chatnika Yat holding a book, at Auscam in Cambodia

Northern NSW residents rescue white-bellied sea eagle at Wallis Lake

A man was paddle-boarding at Wallis Lake near Forster when he saw a huge raptor struggling in the water. A crew of locals then stepped in to help, after realising there was a shortage of wildlife volunteers in the area.
ABC News Current
Duration: 50 seconds

Wounded eagle rescue restores vet's faith in people after residents rally in lieu of experts

Chris Tippett says he has helped small birds and even pelicans before but a large eagle presented a bigger challenge. With no trained specialists available, he called on people power.
A large bird, with a white head and grey wings sits among mangroves on a lake.

Hundreds of cownose rays filmed off NSW coast

A large gathering of hundreds of cownose rays off the NSW coast prompt questions from scientists, who know little about the sea creatures.
ABC News Current
Duration: 3 minutes 23 seconds

Hundreds of cownose rays at Forster, NSW

Amateur photographer captures this footage 150 metres off Forster Main Beach.
ABC News Current
Duration: 32 seconds

Drone operator films cownose rays that 'looked like glitter' in rare mass migration off NSW coast

Daniel Lukic's spectacular vision of a massive fever of rays off a Forster beach has caught the attention of a researcher, who says it may contribute to ongoing research about the species.   
Close up of fever of Australian cownose rays off Forster Main Beach

Rare loggerhead turtle eggs moved from path of dangerous king tides

The precarious location of a rare Mid North Coast loggerhead turtle nest prompted rescuers to act quickly to give any hatchlings the best chance of survival.
Sea turtle hatchling sitting in the palm of a man's hand

Family farewells fallen RFS firefighter at a funeral service in Forster.

Over 600 people have bid a sad farewell to fallen NSW RFS Captain Leo Fransen at a funeral in Forster.
ABC News Current
Duration: 1 minute 26 seconds

'It still doesn't seem real': Fallen volunteer firefighter farewelled by devastated family

More than 600 people including top emergency officials gather to farewell 75-year-old RFS captain Leo Fransen, who's been remembered as a generous, loving and loyal father who was a dedicated volunteer.
Mr Fransen smiling with lizard

Local council's 'disappointing' Christmas decorations have gone viral

Christmas tree decorations in Forster on the state's mid north coast has attracted viral disappointment, with some describing the decor as 'embarrassing'.
ABC News Current
Duration: 33 seconds

Self-styled vigilante elf seizes control after council's 'absolutely pathetic' Christmas effort goes viral

Forster resident Adam Fitzroy says MidCoast Council's Christmas tree decorations reminded him of a "spider doing its business". The council has admitted to falling short and will let the locals handle the Yuletide displays from now on.
poor christmas tree decorations in Forster on the Mid North Coast

Police charge man with murder over alleged home invasion gone terribly wrong

Zachery Davies-Scott was fatally shot in front of his partner when a group allegedly forced their way into his home in the NSW Hunter region. Police today charged a 25-year-old over the death. 
A topless man with his face blurred out surrounding by police detectives.

Private hospital on NSW Central Coast to close as industry struggles to stay afloat

The newest private hospital on the NSW Central Coast is set to close as the private health industry faces major challenges right across Australia.
Large, new green and grey hospital building.

Tens of thousands of Australians hit the streets in support of the October 14 referendum

From Sydney to Broome, to Burnie and Townsville, Australians have hit the streets in a show of support for the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum.
Two young indigenous boys told an Aboriginal flag.

Have you heard of 'nature's Warheads', 'citrus caviar' or a sunburn-relieving flower?

A sour plum, finger limes and a flower used to soothe sunburn are among the plants being grown at a coastal holiday park so locals and visitors can learn how to use native ingredients.
Deadly Ed worker smiles next to one of the native plants in the bush tucker garden

Enough carbon to fill a coal train: How did this cattle farmer store it?

Most farming achievements – fat cattle, healthy crops and good returns – are seen above the ground. But by tweaking their soil, the Mackenzie family says they are seeing all those things succeed, but also balancing out their emissions.
A man stand on a hill with fog in the background below and the sun creeping up behind hills in the distance.

Charities struggle to meet rising demand as donations drop

More people are turning to charities for help as the cost of living rises but the increased demand for services is not being met with more funding or resources.  
People queue for food.

Tributes flow for long-serving Nationals MP Stephen Bromhead

The Myall Lakes MP retired from state politics in October last year, after revealing his diagnosis of mesothelioma.
Myall Lakes MP Stephen Bromhead smiles at camera

Aussies in Bali knew this bridge. Why are people getting tattoos of landmarks?

Jason Manewell wears his heart on his sleeve when it comes to his home town of Forster. He's one of a growing number of people getting tattoos of places they love.
A man with long brown hair holds out his left arm showing a tattoo of a bridge over clear blue waters with boats.