Received: 27 May 2016 | Revised: 26 September 2016 | Accepted: 30 September 2016 DOI 10.1002/ajpa.23115 RESEARCH ARTICLE The vanishing Black Indian: Revisiting craniometry and historic collections Pamela L. Geller1 | Christopher M. Stojanowksi2,3 1 Department of Anthropology, University of Miami, Miami, Florida 2 School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University, Arizona Abstract Objectives: This article uses craniometric allocation as a platform for discussing the legacy of Samuel G. Morton’s collection of crania, the process of racialization, and the value of contextual- 3 Center for Bioarchaeological Research, Arizona State University, Arizona Correspondence Pamela L. Geller, Department of Anthropology, University of Miami, P.O. Box 248106, Coral Gables, Miami, FL 33124. Email: [email protected] Funding Information This research was supported by the University of Miami’s Provost Research Award (2013 and 2014). ized biohistoric research perspectives in biological anthropology. Materials and Methods: Standard craniometric measurements were recorded for seven Seminoles in the Samuel G. Morton Crania Collection and 10 European soldiers from the Fort St. Marks Military Cemetery; all individuals were men and died in Florida during the 19th century. Fordisc 3.1 was used to assess craniometric affinity with respect to three samples: the Forensic Data Bank, Howells data set, and an archival sample that best fits the target populations collected from 19th century Florida. Discriminant function analyses were used to evaluate how allocations change across the three comparative databases, which roughly reflect a temporal sequence. Results: Most Seminoles allocated as Native American, while most soldiers allocated as EuroAmerican. Allocation of Seminole crania, however, was unstable across analysis runs with more individuals identifying as African Americans when compared to the Howells and Forensic Data Bank. To the contrary, most of the soldiers produced consistent allocations across analyses. Repeatability for the St. Marks sample was lower when using the archival sample database, contrary to expectations. For the Seminole crania, Cohen’s j indicates significantly lower repeatability. A possible Black Seminole individual was identified in the Morton Collection. Discussion: Recent articles discussing the merits and weaknesses of comparative craniometry focus on methodological issues. In our biohistoric approach, we use the patterning of craniometric allocations across databases as a platform for discussing social race and its development during the 19th century, a process known as racialization. Here we propose that differences in repeatability for the Seminoles and Euro-American soldiers reflect this process and transformation of racialized identities during 19th century U.S. nation-building. In particular, notions of whiteness were and remain tightly controlled, while other racial categorizations were affected by legal, social, and political contexts that resulted in hybridity in lieu of boundedness. KEYWORDS biohistory, craniometry, history of physical anthropology, racialization, repatriation 1 | INTRODUCTION and nation-building during the 19th century. U.S. Army surgeons, for Samuel G. Morton (b. 1799, d. 1851) is a disciplinary ancestor who has tlefields. In doing so, they set a precedent that guided future relations long engendered controversy. He is perhaps best known for the size- between science, government, and the military. Physical anthropology able collection of crania, 967 in total, he acquired prior to his death. continues to navigate the intellectual and ethical repercussions of these Less well known, however, is the means by which he acquired them, a historic events (Cantwell, 2000; Geller, 2015; Kakaliouras, 2008, 2012; process often couched within a violent history of settler colonialism Mukhopadhyay & Moses, 1997; Ousley & Jantz, 2005; Roseman, instance, often gifted him with “specimens” taken from graves and bat- Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 2016; 1–18 C 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. V | 1 2 | GELLER AND STOJANOWKSI 2014; Rose, Green, & Green, 1996). From his study of these crania, Hefner, 2009; Hefner & Ousley, 2014; Hefner, Spradley, & Anderson, Morton developed craniometry, an analytical method that was founda- 2014; Klales & Kenyhercz, 2015; Spradley & Jantz, 2016), despite the tional for physical anthropology in the U.S. and for which he gained controversy its assessment generates (Brace, 1995; Albanese & Sand- international prominence. Based on calculations of cranial capacity, ers, 2006; Armelagos & Van Gerven, 2003; Cartales, 2015). An under- which was assumed to measure intelligence, Morton (1839) made standing of human difference in typological terms has shifted to a inferences about racial hierarchical ranking. Big brained Caucasians, he populational view, however. Determination of “race” (or ancestry) is argued, were superior to small skulled Native Americans and people of more accurate, investigators maintain, when multiple measurements African descent. His work also contributed to formation of the “Ameri- are taken; the standards established by Howells (1973, 1989, 1995) can School” of ethnology; along with Louis Agassiz, George Gliddon, are particularly influential in research design and implementation. For and Josiah Nott, Morton advanced polygenism, the misguided notion example, the variable definitions provided by Howells are still in wide- that human races have distinct origins (Gould, 1981; Horsman, 1975; spread usage and the 28 populations comprising the Howells data set Stanton, 1960). Euro-Americans invested in colonial expansionism and provide a reference sample for both CranID (Wright, 2012) and Fordisc enslavement cited Morton’s and colleagues’ studies to legitimize state (Ousley & Jantz, 2005), computer programs that determine ancestry sanctioned violence against races they deemed separate and intellectu- through discriminant function analysis. Their creators argue that a cor- ally inferior. The scrutiny of this history continues today. Accounts of relation does exist between cranial morphology and geographic origin, “skull wars” and “bone rooms,” which have been written for a more and given this relationship researchers can assess population affinity general audience, challenge the negotiation of our discipline’s past and when they use the programs with correct reference samples and follow future within the public realm (see Fabian, 2010; Redman, 2016; proper statistical protocol (Fordisc 3.1 has an 83 page user manual) Thomas, 2000). (see also Freid, Spradley, Jantz, & Ousley, 2005; Ousley et al., 2009; Given the racist underpinnings of his work, anthropologists have Wright, 1992, 2008). come to regard craniometry with ambivalence. Franz Boas’s (1912) Many evaluative studies of forensic discriminant function analysis immigrant study with its focus on the cephalic index provided a turning exist in the literature (Belcher, Williams, & Armelagos, 2002; Campbell point [and still engenders debate (Gravlee, Bernard, & Leonard, 2003a, & Armelagos, 2007; Cross & Wright, 2015; Elliott & Collard, 2009; Gravlee, Bernard, & Leonard 2003b; Jantz & Logan, 2010; Sparks & Freid et al., 2005; Kallenberg & Pilbrow, 2012; Keita, 2007; Kosiba, Jantz, 2002, 2003; Sutphin, Ross, & Jantz, 2014)]. Evidence for cranial 2000; L’Abbe, Kenyhercz, Stull, Keough, & Nawrocki, 2013; Leathers, plasticity pointed to environmental influences on cranial form. The rela- Edwards, & Armelagos, 2002; Ross, 1999; Ross, Slice, Ubelaker, & tionship between genotype and phenotype was also brought into ques- Falsetti, 2004; Sejrsen, Lynnerup, & Hejmadi, 2005; Sierp & Henne- tion, as was race’s immutability and discreteness. Scholars have berg, 2015; Spradley & Jantz, 2016; Williams, Belcher, & Armelagos, continued to offer critical assessment of Morton’s conclusions. Stephen 2005; Wittwer-Backofen et al., 2014; Ubelaker, Ross, & Graver, 2002; Jay Gould (1978, 1981), who never directly examined the crania, was Urbanova, Ross, Jurda, Nogueira, 2014). Detractors argue that these the most notable critic of their scientific value. Racism, he and others programs are of little use if unknown individuals do not fall within the agree, has had a heavy hand in making and naturalizing race (see also reference populations’ geographic or temporal limits (Belcher et al., Barkan, 1992; Blakey, 1987; Brace, 2005; Montagu, 1997; Stocking, 2002; Campbell & Armelagos, 2007; Elliott & Collard, 2009; Keita, 1982; Thomas, 2000). Among anthropologists, the crania collection still 2007; Kosiba, 2000; Leathers et al., 2002; Williams et al., 2005). The generates research queries about methodology and scientific racism Forensic Data Bank (FDB), for example, is appropriate for forensic (e. g., Lewis et al., 2011; Lieberman, 2001). Lewis et al. (2011), for anthropologists with contemporary medicolegal concerns (Dirkmaat, instance, recently re-measured 308 crania and found Morton’s scien- Cabo, Ousley, & Symes, 2008; Jantz, 2001; Jantz & Meadows Jantz, tific methods “sound,” a point that Michael (1988) drew attention to 2000; Ousley & Jantz, 1998, 2012; Wescott & Jantz, 2005). Yet, the some two decades earlier. Such technical accuracy, Lewis et al. claim, database may be less applicable to remains that are not modern in demonstrates that Morton’s results were not racially biased. Other date. Additionally, reliability can be reduced by using too few (Hubbe & scholars have deemed this conclusion illogical or at least in need of Neves, 2007) or too many measurements (Konigsberg, Algee-Hewitt, & debate (Marks, 2011; Tattersall, 2013; Weisberg, 2014). Steadman, 2009; Ousley et al., 2009; Ubelaker et al., 2002) and also by Despite the controversy, and to varying degrees, forensic anthro- loading the allocation space with samples that are not of likely rele- pologists continue to voice support for craniometry though eschew the vance to the specific research question or case at hand (Algee-Hewitt, hierarchical ranking of races (Bass, 2005; Byers, 2010; Gill, 1998; Ous- 2016; Konigsberg et al., 2009). That is, human cranial variation is not ley, Jantz, & Freid, 2009; Relethford, 1994, 2009; Sauer, 1992, 1993; discretely distributed (Strauss & Hubbe, 2010), although it is broadly Stojanowski & Duncan, 2009). Perhaps, they do so because of the and geographically patterned (Manica, Amos, Balloux, & Hanihara, method’s connection to ancestry assessment, which the subfield’s prac- 2007; Relethford, 1994, 2004, 2009; Roseman & Weaver, 2004; von titioners have long regarded as a key aspect of the biological profile Cramon-Taubadel, 2014), and to assume regional discreteness asks too (Birkby, 1966; Gill, 1998; Gill & Rhine, 1990; Giles & Elliot, 1962; much of the data. Critics also echo Boas’s statements about plasticity Sauer, 1992). Work on the racial dimensions of biological profiles, now in their rejoinder that “racial” traits are not unchanging through time commonly referred to as ancestry, continues (Berg & Ta’ala, 2015; (Belcher et al., 2002; Williams et al., 2005), which further emphasizes GELLER AND T A B LE 1 | STOJANOWKSI 3 Sample of Seminole with information about collector, age, sex, identification, and provenience Current catalogue # Collector Age Sex Identification Provenience 97-606-604 Dimick, Justin 401 M Warrior Battle of St. Joseph’s Plantation, St. Johns Co., FL 97-606-698 Abert, John J. 30–40 M Warrior FL 97-606-707 Abadie, Eugene H. 20–30 M? Eoklo-Emathla 12 miles south of Sewanee River (near Tampa), FL 97-606-730 Abadie, Eugene H. 25–35 M Warrior Lake Okeechobee Battlefield, FL 97-606-732 Abadie, Eugene H. 30–45 M Warrior Lake Okeechobee Battlefield, FL 97-606-754 Walker, Joseph 30–45 M Warrior FL 97-606-1105 Robertson, Francis M. 35–45 M? Warrior Dade’s Battlefield, Sumter Co., FL the importance of contextualization when informing a specific analysis essarily a place of origin, for those men whose lives converged as a (Algee-Hewitt, 2016; Brues, 1992; Konigsberg et al., 2009; Stojanowski consequence of historical events and political circumstances. & Duncan, 2009). Here, we present a series of craniometric allocations using the For- This article contributes further to the ongoing debate surrounding disc 3.1 software. In addition to using the Howells data set and the For- craniometric analysis by reexamining crania in the Morton Collection. ensic Data Bank, we also implement the specific population approach Specifically, we focus on those individuals acquired from Florida that of Brues (1992), which uses samples of the most appropriate temporal Morton labeled Seminole (n 5 16).1 Although, as noted above, there is and geographic provenance for comparative purposes. While not a cor- considerable controversy surrounding craniometry, we do not offer rective for all of the challenges of craniometry, implementing a contex- another assessment of whether the technique works or not. Nor are tualized approach to ancestry assessment does allay concerns about we concerned with evaluating the protocols needed to ensure its accu- overly typological approaches wherein racial taxonomies allow substitu- racy. Instead, we adopt a best practices methodology (following Ousley tion of samples across broad swaths of space and time. Furthermore, & Jantz, 2005, 2012) to demonstrate how study of the Morton Collec- we show that the inferences drawn from biological data deepen and tion extends understanding of population affinity and social concep- become relevant to a broader array of scholarly and nonscholarly audi- tions of race by adopting a biohistorical and contextual approach (for ences when researchers engage with historically important collections example, de la Cova, 2010, 2011, 2012; Edgar, 2009; Rankin-Hill, and archival sources. There is much information to extract from these 1997; Rose, 1985). To be clear, the focus here is not on race per se. resources that enriches biological anthropology beyond simple ques- Rather, the concern is with racialization. We see the race concept as tions of practice and method (de la Cova, 2010, 2011, 2012; Herring & being constrained to identities, while racialization requires that we Swedlund, 2003; Watkins, 2012; Wittwer-Backofen et al., 2014). For think about the sociopolitical and historical processes at work in the example, the research presented here was undertaken at nine institu- constitution (and reconstitution, for they are not static) of such social tions (the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and identities. In doing so, we use the collection to explore shifting notions of hybridity and race in the United States over the last two centuries. More specifically, in this article we analyze the crania of seven male Seminole “warriors” in the Morton Collection, supplemented with the nearly contemporaneous crania of 19th century U.S. Army soldiers (all presumably Euro-American) buried in Florida’s Fort St. Marks Military Cemetery. These two collections are not combined haphazardly. Seminole Indians and the U.S. military clashed throughout Florida from roughly 1812 to 1858, a period of time that is more familiarly known as the Seminole Wars. The men included in this analysis died during the course of these wars and, situated as such, were then physically buried in Florida. Florida, then, represents a spatial backdrop, not nec- Anthropology; University of Miami’s Special Collections; American Philosophical Society; Academy of Natural Sciences; Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Library Company; College of Physicians of Philadelphia; Wistar Institute; and National Archives). Source materials from these archives included personal letters, photographs, original research notes, and book marginalia that held information about Morton’s biography, the collection’s history, individuals who obtained crania for him, and named decedents in the collection. Our discussion, then, involves both forensic and bioarchaeological frames to “people the past” in a way that humanizes biophysical data, demonstrates the importance of the preservation and re-analysis of collections, and adds new perspectives on craniometry that embrace analytical complexities as a space for exploring the process of racialization within the U.S. 1 For a comparable reassessment of the Morton Collection, see Emily Renschler’s (2007) study of crania belonging to enslaved African-born decedents who died shortly after arriving in Cuba (n 5 51). Archival documentation contains information about the geographic origins of these decedents, which craniometric analysis in turn supports. Renschler did, however, find a high degree of individual heterogeneity within the sample. In explanation, she notes, historical accounts of the Cuban slave trade indicate native-born Africans were from diverse cultures and locations. 2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 | Materials 2.1.1 | The Samuel G. Morton crania collection The materials used in this study derive from the Samuel G. Morton Crania Collection, which is housed at the University of Pennsylvania 4 | GELLER AND STOJANOWKSI Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. In total, Morton acquired roughly contemporaneous with crania in the Morton Collection. It is 967 skulls prior to his death in 1851. Approximately 25% of the Mor- important to note that in both analyses we excluded populations that ton Collection, about 250 to 300 individuals, was comprised of Native are not relevant to the specific research question (Konigsberg et al., American decedents with diverse cultural affiliations. Here we are con- 2009; Ousley & Jantz, 2012). cerned with crania labeled Seminole, an attribution supported by Finally, we compared each specimen to a broader array of samples archival sources (Geller, 2015). That is, Morton rarely acquired crania that are contemporary with or slightly older than the Seminole and St. firsthand and much of the collection was obtained because he was a Marks individuals (some of which may have been born in the late 18th prolific letter writer with an extensive network of colleagues willing to century). Given the changes in biology that occurred throughout the procure “specimens” for him. Military officers answered many of his colonial period due to demographic collapse, in-migration, and gene flow, requests. Men living or stationed in Florida, for instance, acquired six- this “Contemporary” database best reflects implementation of the spe- teen crania (some of which had mandibles) between 1831 and 1852. cific population approach advocated by Brues (1992). For the sake of This period of time roughly coincides with the Second Seminole War consistency, and to reflect 19th century notions of human variation, (1835–1842). Hence, these individuals’ crania were acquired in the these individual sites were collapsed into three populations: Euro- aftermath of violent conflicts and forced relocation policies associated American, African American, and Native American. Sample details are as with U.S. expansionism (Geller, 2015). While all Seminoles were follows. impacted by these events, here we focus on the seven crania of adult The Euro-American sample (n 5 85 males) represents constituent males (or possible males). Archival documents indicate that these indi- English, Scottish, Spanish, and French populations that migrated to the viduals were warriors, and in many cases military officers collected their New World and comprised the early “White” population of the east crania directly from battlefields (see Table 1). coast. This sample is most appropriate because archival data suggests 2.1.2 | The Fort St. Marks military cemetery the St. Marks soldiers predominantly originated from the mid-Atlantic The Fort St. Marks Military Cemetery (8WA108), hereafter the St. Marks cemetery, was excavated in 1966 and is currently housed at Florida State University. The sample includes 19 male soldiers who died between 1818 and 1819 while stationed at the fort, which is located in Wakulla County, Florida. They were likely associated with Andrew Jackson’s invasion of Florida during the First Seminole War. All were assumed to be of European descent based on archival records (Dailey, Morell, & Cockrell, 1972). The site offers a useful point of comparison to the Seminole crania in the Morton Collection; both samples date to the first half of the 19th century and derive from Florida contexts. region of North Carolina and Virginia (Dailey et al., 1972), which matches the sample composition of the J. Lawrence Angel archives at the Smithsonian Institution (see Angel, 1976). The Angel archives data consist of 17th, 18th, and 19th century individuals predominantly from the eastern U.S., including historic samples from well-known colonial sites such as Carter’s Grove, Flowerdew Hundred, Gloucester Point, Martin’s Hundred, and St. Anne’s Church, among other singleton specimens from a variety of contexts throughout the U.S. The African American sample (n 5 149 males) also derives from the Angel archives and includes data from Catoctin Furnace and College Landing, among other proveniences heavily representing Mary- 2.1.3 | Comparative databases land, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. These data were supplemented with Seminoles in the Morton Collection and St. Marks cemetery soldiers specimens from the Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta (Beck, 1980), the Virgin were compared to three databases. We first compared individuals to the Islands (Buxton, Trevor, & Julien, 1938), and Cunningham Mound D, Forensic Data Bank with the following populations selected: White Male Georgia (Thomas, South, & Larsen, 1977). (20th century birthdate, national distribution), Black Male (20th century The Native American sample (n 5 138 males) includes both postcon- birthdate, mostly mid-Atlantic, largely from the Terry Collection; see tact samples from the Howells database (Arikara and Santa Cruz) supple- Hunt & Albanese (2005)), and Amerind Male (Ousley & Jantz, 2005). The mented with data from late precontact (Irene Mound, ca. 1300–1500) Amerind male sample includes a variety of proveniences including some and early postcontact (Santa Catalina de Guale (ca. 1600–1675), Santa mid- to late-19th century individuals (Ousley & Jantz, 2005). Catalina de Guale de Santa Maria (ca. 1675–1700) sites located along We then compared each cranium to the Howells database in For- the Georgia coast. The colonial period sites from Georgia are the abso- disc with the following male populations selected: 19th century Black, lute best geographic fit for the Florida Seminole. They are, however, at 19th century White, Arikara, and Santa Cruz. The Black and White least a century older than the 19th century Seminoles in the Morton Col- sample data derive from the Hamman-Todd and Terry collections and lection. As such, they represent southeastern U.S. Native American biol- are more relevant to this analysis than the Old World European (Norse ogy prior to tribal ethnogenesis (Stojanowski, 2005, 2013). This process (Medieval Norway), Zalavar (9th to 11th century Hungary), Berg (multi- was set in motion with the destruction of the Spanish missions during generation family, Austria) or African (Dogon (Mali), Teita (Kenya)) sam- the first decade of the 18th century, and ultimately gave rise to the ples included in the Howells database (according to Bateman (2002) Creek, Seminole, and Mikasuki identities recognized today. the Kongo-Angola region was the source of many Black Seminole pop- In combination, the Contemporary, Howells, and Forensic Data ulations; see also Humphries (2011)). While neither the Santa Cruz Bank databases represent a loose temporal sequence with some over- (“recent” Chumash, California) nor Arikara (17th century, South Dakota) lap of specimens deriving from the inclusion of data in the Angel samples are a strong geographic fit for the Seminole, both samples are archives. This sequence allows us to evaluate how craniometric GELLER AND | STOJANOWKSI allocation for each specimen changes through time, where time represents both emergent processes of contested biohistory and hybridity 5 Measurement abbreviations and definitions after Howells (1989) and Martin (1928) T A B LE 2 as well as secular changes of a strictly biological nature (see Albanese, Abbreviation Definition GOL Glabello-occipital length XCB Maximum cranial breadth ZYB Bizygomatic breadth 2.2 | Methods BBH Basion-bregma height Morton’s sex assessments were confirmed based on cranial variation BNL Basion-nasion length following Buikstra & Ubelaker (1994). Tooth wear (Miles, 2001) and BPL Basion-prosthion length ectocranial suture closure (Meindl & Lovejoy, 1985) were used to esti- MAB Palate breadth, external MAL Maxillo-alveolar length the protocol of Howells (1989) and Martin (1928). Data from the St. AUB Biauricular breadth Marks cemetery were recorded by CMS using the same measurement NPH Nasion-prosthion height and observational protocols as above (see Table 2). UFHT Upper facial heighta WFB Minimum frontal breadtha ples using Fordisc 3.1. Initial analysis runs used all available measure- UPBR Upper facial breadtha ments, but this usually resulted in an over-fit model reflected in low v2 NLH Nasal height and rank order typicality probabilities (Ousley & Jantz, 2005, 2012). To NLB Nasal breadth OBB Orbit breadth, left OBH Orbit height, left (forward mean %, forward min %, forward Wilks) and present the EKB Biorbital breadth results that maximized the cross validation rate, typicality probabilities, DKB Inteorbital breadth FRC Nasion-bregma/frontal chord PAC Bregma-lambda/parietal chord provided in the extended results option in Fordisc 3.1 (Ousley & Jantz, OCC Lambda-opisthion/occipital chord 2005, 2012). FOL Foramen magnum length FOB Foramen magnum breadth MDH Mastoid height/length most spatially and temporally appropriate samples available. All data ASB Biasterionic breadth from published and archival sources were entered into a database, and ZMB Bimaxillary breadth then variables and individuals were winnowed until an acceptable level MOW Mid-orbitale width JUB Bijugal breadth OBH, OBB, EKB, NLH, NPH (see Table 2)), which is generally consid- NOL Nasio-occipital length ered sufficient for craniometric allocation depending on the degree of WMH Cheek height between group dispersion (Ousley & Jantz, 2005, 2012). Case-wise XFB Maximum frontal breadth Osley, & Tuck, 2012; Angel, 1976; Ousley & Jantz, 1998; Jantz, 2001; Jantz & Meadows Jantz, 2000; Ross, Ubelaker, & Kimmerle, 2011; Wescott & Jantz, 2005). mate age. Seminole individuals in the Morton Collection were measured by PLG using traditional landmark-based measurements following The population affinity of each specimen was assessed with respect to the Contemporary, Howells, and Forensic Data Bank sam- correct this, we used the stepwise procedure where the maximum number of variables allowed in the model was equal to one-third of the smallest comparative sample size. We ran all three stepwise options and number of variables used. In most cases, the allocation results were consistent regardless of selection method. Homogeneity of variance-covariance matrices was evaluated using the Kullback test The Contemporary population database derived from archival sources was used to allocate each specimen into one of three populations (Euro-American, African American, Native American) using the of missing data could be estimated. We began with a list of 14 standard measurements (GOL, FRC, PAC, OCC, XCB, ASB, AUB, ZYB, MAB, deletion for cases with less than nine variables resulted in a sample of 372 individuals with 247 missing data points (5208 total cells or 5% a After Martin (1928). missing data). These data were estimated using the EM algorithm in Systat v. 11.0. Missing data cells for the Seminole and St. Marks ceme- 3 | RESULTS tery individuals were not estimated. The complete data set was imported into Fordisc 3.1. The same analytical procedure was then Analyses using the Contemporary database analyses are presented in used as described above, thus assuring consistency of methodology Tables 3 and 4. Results for the Morton Collection’s Seminole crania across the three data sets. To consider the reliability of allocations (Table 3) indicate a Native American ancestry for all seven male individ- between analysis runs, we used Cohen’s generalized j following Fleiss uals. In general, the step-wise selection process was able to identify (1981); see also Urbanova et al. (2014). discriminant models for all specimens with a sufficient number of 6 | GELLER T A B LE 3 AND STOJANOWKSI Comparison of Seminole crania to the “Contemporary” sample Typicality prob. ID Predicted Group F v Rank Post. Prob. D2 % Corr. No Vars. VCVM p 604 Native American .88 .85 .64 .66 8.6 74.4 14 .01 Euro-American .74 .70 .56 .21 10.9 African American .66 .62 .52 .13 11.8 74.4 14 .01 74.4 9 .01 74.4 14 .01 74.4 13 .01 74.1 13 .01 74.4 14 .01 Variables: ASB, AUB, EKB, FRC, GOL, MAB, NLH, NPH, OBB, OBH, OCC, PAC, XCB, ZYB 698 Native American .82 .79 .53 .46 9.6 Euro-American .79 .76 .66 .38 10.0 African-American .67 .63 .52 .16 11.7 Variables: ASB, AUB, EKB, FRC, GOL, MAB, NLH, NPH, OBB, OBH, OCC, PAC, XCB, ZYB 707 Native American .78 .74 .50 .78 10.3 African American .50 .45 .37 .12 14.0 Euro-American .48 .43 .36 .10 14.3 Variables: ASB, EKB, FRC, GOL, MAB, NLH, NPH, OBB, OBH 730 Native American .87 .89 .66 .87 8.2 African American .61 .56 .46 .10 12.5 Euro-American .42 .36 .34 .03 15.2 Variables: ASB, AUB, EKB, FRC, GOL, MAB, NLH, NPH, OBB, OBH, PCC, PAC, XCB, ZYB 732 Native American .84 .84 .62 .66 8.4 African American .71 .67 .54 .25 10.3 Euro-American .55 .51 .40 .09 12.3 Variables: ASB, AUB, EKB, FRC, GOL, MAB, NLH, NPH, OBB, OBH, OCC, PAC, XCB 754 Native American .55 .51 .33 .80 12.2 African American .30 .26 .26 .13 15.9 Euro-American .23 .19 .21 .07 17.3 Variables: ASB, AUB, EKB, FRC, GOL, MAB, NLH, OBB, OBH, OCC, PAC, XCB, ZYB 1105 Native American .99 .99 .91 .79 4.8 African American .92 .91 .87 .19 7.6 Euro-American .68 .64 .45 .03 11.6 Variables: ASB, AUB, EKB, FRC, GOL, MAB, NLH, NPH, OBB, OBH, OCC, PAC, XCB, ZYB % Corr. 5 the overall classification success rate for the cross-validation, leave-one-out procedure. No Vars. 5 the number of variables selected, if variable list is alphabetized then no stepwise procedure was needed, otherwise order as determined by stepwise method in FORDISC that maximized the cross-validation rate. VCVM p value 5 the homogeneity of covariance matrix test of Kullback. Bold entries indicate posterior probabilities greater than .66. variables (13 or 14), high typicality probabilities, and moderate to high significant; however, none were less than 1 3 1026 and the per- classification success rates. However, all Kullback tests were significant formance of the allocation may not be affected (Ousley & Jantz, 2012, indicating a violation of the assumption of equality of covariance matri- pp. 317). ces. This does not necessarily invalidate the allocations, however (see Ousley & Jantz, 2005, pp. 54; Ousley & Jantz, 2012, pp. 317). Analyses using the Howells database are presented in Tables 5 and 6. Six of seven Seminole crania allocate as Native American (Table Results for the St. Marks cemetery burials (Table 4) were more 5). The typicality and posterior probabilities indicate a strong model fit mixed. Six of 10 individuals allocated as Euro-American, three as Afri- with very high cross validation allocation success rates for most cases. can American, and one as Native American. Posterior probabilities In fact, when the posterior probabilities are combined for the Arikara were low for several cases that likely reflect the higher rate of cross and Santa Cruz samples (see bold entries in Table 5) there is very validation error between African American and Euro-American individ- strong support for the Native American identity of these individuals. uals, which approached 30 to 40%. This rate of error indicates limited The single exception is the individual numbered 730,2 who allocated as separation between African and Euro-American samples, and could reflect hybridity among these populations or errors of classification in the Angel archives data. The Native American sample, however, was well differentiated from both African American and Euro-American samples in the graphical Fordisc output. Another factor to consider is that the number of variables recorded was low (n 5 5) for several specimens, reflecting poor preservation. As with the analyses of the Seminole crania most of the Kullback tests of variance homogeneity were 2 Morton originally labeled crania with a number. After his death in 1851, the collection was purchased by the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (ANSP). In 1966, ANSP loaned the collection to the University of Pennsylvania’s Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Penn Museum amended Morton’s cataloguing system by adding the prefix L-606; the “L” designated that the collection was on loan. When the loan was formally gifted to Penn Museum in 1997, the catalogue number changed again; the L became 97. For example, 730, today is catalogued as 97-606-730. GELLER AND T A B LE 4 | STOJANOWKSI Comparison of St. Marks crania to the “Contemporary” sample Typicality prob. ID 3 7 Predicted Group F v Rank Post. Prob. D2 % Corr. No Vars. VCVM p 72.4 10 .01 74.3 9 .01 71.8 5 .42 74.4 12 .01 71.8 5 .42 72.4 10 .02 72.4 10 .01 73.5 11 .01 71.8 5 .22 72.9 11 .01 African American .09 .07 .09 .53 17.2 Euro-American .08 .07 .09 .46 17.5 Native American .01 .00 .01 .01 25.7 Variables: AUB, EKB, FRC, GOL, NLH, OBH, OCC, PAC, XCB, ZYB 6 Euro-American .86 .85 .74 .61 4.8 African American .78 .76 .76 .38 5.8 Native American .12 .10 .12 .00 14.8 Variables: AUB, EKB, GOL, MAB, OBH, OCC, PAC, XCB, ZYB 9 Euro-American .97 .97 .96 .55 0.9 African American .93 .93 .95 .42 1.4 Native American .27 .25 .25 .03 6.6 Variables: AUB, GOL, OCC, PAC, XCB 10 African American .97 .97 .94 .72 4.7 Euro-American .90 .88 .77 .28 6.6 Native American .31 .27 .19 .01 14.5 Variables: AUB, EKB, FRC, GOL, MAB, NLH, OBB, OBH, OCC, PAC, XCB, ZYB 13 Native American .57 .56 .46 .79 3.9 African American .24 .23 .26 .18 6.9 Euro-American .11 .10 .13 .06 Variables: AUB, GOL, OCC, PAC, XCB 14 Euro-American .85 .83 .76 .86 5.8 African American .52 .49 .54 .14 9.4 Native American .10 .08 .12 .00 16.7 Variables: AUB, EKB, FRC, GOL, NLH, OBH, PAC, XCB, ZYB 15 Euro-American .90 .89 .80 .72 5.0 African American .75 .73 .79 .27 6.9 Native American .24 .21 .15 .01 13.2 Variables: AUB, EKB, FRC, GOL, NLH, OBH, OCC, PAC, XCB, ZYB 16 Euro-American .72 .70 .65 .50 8.2 African American .67 .64 .66 .38 8.8 Native American .47 .44 .33 .12 11.1 Variables: AUB, EKB, FRC, GOL, MAB, NLH, OBH, OCC, PAC, XCB, ZYB 17 Euro-American .15 .14 .15 .74 8.4 African American .07 .06 .10 .26 10.5 Native American .00 .00 .01 .00 20.7 Variables: AUB, GOL, OCC, PAC, XCB 18 African American .81 .80 .73 .58 7.1 Euro-American .76 .73 .65 .40 7.8 Native American .31 .27 .19 .03 13.4 Variables: AUB, EKB, FRC, GOL, MAB, NLH, OBB, OBH, OCC, PAC, XCB % Corr. 5 the overall classification success rate for the cross-validation, leave-one-out procedure. No Vars. 5 the number of variables selected, if variable list is alphabetized then no stepwise procedure was needed, otherwise order as determined by stepwise method in FORDISC that maximized the cross-validation rate. VCVM p 5 the homogeneity of covariance matrix test of Kullback. Bold entries indicate posterior probabilities greater than .66. African American, overwhelmingly so based on the posterior probabil- Typicality and posterior probabilities were generally lower than those ity. Given how much of an outlier this individual is he may represent a for the Seminole cases, despite using the same comparative database. “Black Seminole,” an interpretation supported by macromorphoscopic Cross validation success rates were also more variable and slightly variation (after Hefner, 2009). None of the Kullback tests indicated sig- lower than for the Seminole comparisons. None of the Kullback tests nificant differences in the sample covariance matrices. indicated significant differences in the sample covariance matrices. Results for the St. Marks cemetery cases using the Howells Analyses using the Forensic Data Bank are presented in Tables 7 database (Table 6) indicate that seven of 10 individuals allocated as and 8. Allocation of the Seminole crania (Table 7) becomes more com- Euro-American, two as African American, and one as Native American. plicated inasmuch as three individuals were identified as African 8 | GELLER T A B LE 5 AND STOJANOWKSI Comparison of Seminole crania to the Howells data set Typicality prob. ID Predicted Group F v Rank Post. Prob. D2 % Corr. No Vars. VCVM p 604 Santa Cruz .96 .96 .83 .88 4.4 87.5% 11 .97 Arikara .10 .70 .65 .10 8.7 87.5% 11 .99 87.5% 11 .99 87.5% 11 .99 87.5% 11 .99 84.9% 7 .74 87.9% 9 .78 Black .45 .40 .53 .02 11.6 White .07 .05 .08 .00 20.1 Variables: PAC, MAB, AUB, DKB, NLB, BNL, ASB, BPL, EKB, GOL, JUB 698 Arikara .81 .78 .54 .83 7.3 Santa Cruz .55 .50 .23 .17 10.4 19th c. White .03 .01 .02 .00 23.6 19th c. Black .01 .01 .08 .00 25.8 Variables: PAC, MAB, AUB, NLB, ASB, BNL, BPL, EKB, GOL, JUB 707 Arikara .68 .63 .30 .85 8.9 Santa Cruz .36 .31 .10 .12 12.8 19th c. White .18 .14 .23 .03 16.0 19th c. Black .08 .06 .19 .01 19.2 Variables: PAC, MAB, AUB, DKB, NLB, ASB, BNL, BPL, EKB, GOL, JUB 730 19th c. Black .24 .19 .36 .74 14.8 Arikara .12 .08 .03 .16 17.9 Santa Cruz .10 .06 .02 .10 18.8 19th c. White .02 .01 .02 .00 25.4 Variables: PAC, MAB, AUB, DKB, NLB, ASB, BNL, BPL, EKB, GOL, JUB 732 Arikara .73 .68 .42 .49 8.3 Santa Cruz .72 .68 .39 .47 8.4 19th c. Black .25 .20 .36 .02 14.7 19th c. White .23 .19 .28 .02 14.9 Variables: PAC, MAB, AUB, DKB, NLB, ASB, BNL, BPL, EKB, GOL 754 Santa Cruz .21 .18 .04 .90 10.1 Arikara .05 .04 .02 .07 15.1 19th c. Black .02 .02 .09 .02 17.3 19th c. White .00 .00 .01 .00 26.3 5.0 Variables: PAC, MAB, NLH, AUB, ASB, EKB, OBH 1105 Arikara .86 .84 .70 .65 Santa Cruz .74 .70 .48 .33 6.4 19th c. White .21 .18 .29 .01 12.6 19th c. Black .20 .16 .37 .01 13.0 Variables: PAC, BPL, BNL, NLB, ZYB, DKB, XCB, FRC, NPH % Corr. 5 the overall classification success rate for the cross-validation, leave-one-out procedure. No Vars. 5 the number of variables selected, if variable list is alphabetized then no stepwise procedure was needed, otherwise order as determined by stepwise method in FORDISC that maximized the cross-validation rate. VCVM p 5 the homogeneity of covariance matrix test of Kullback. Bold entries indicate posterior probabilities greater than .66. American despite continually strong cross validation success rates. the Kullback tests indicated significant differences in the sample covari- None of the Kullback tests indicated significant differences in the sam- ance matrices. ple covariance matrices. Comparison of the typicality and posterior probabilities in Tables 5 and 7 suggests a stronger fit with the Howells 4 | DISCUSSION data set samples than with the Forensic Data Bank. Of particular interest is the individual labeled 730 who allocated to an African American This article uses comparative craniometric analyses to consider how sample in both comparisons. 19th century Seminole crania from the Morton Collection allocate with Results for the St. Marks cemetery (Table 8) indicate that eight of respect to biological diversity in 18th, 19th, and 20th century America. ten individuals allocated as Euro-American, one as African American, As a point of comparison we also included individuals from a 19th cen- and one as Native American. Most individuals demonstrated an tury military cemetery from Wakulla County, Florida. Results from the increase in posterior and typicality probabilities in the Forensic Data different analysis runs are summarized in Table 9. In general, the cra- Bank comparisons. Cross-validation success rates were mixed, how- niometric analyses performed as expected. The majority of Seminole ever, and generally lower than those seen in Tables 4 and 6. None of crania allocated as Native American and the majority of St. Marks GELLER AND T A B LE 6 | STOJANOWKSI Comparison of St. Marks crania to the Howells data set Typicality prob. ID Predicted Group 3 19th c. White .33 .28 .41 19th c. Black .19 .14 .32 F v Rank Post. Prob. D2 % Corr. No Vars. VCVM p .79 13.2 85.7% 11 .88 .20 15.9 85.7% 13 .99 70.7% 7 .77 87.5% 17 .99 70.7% 7 .77 77.0% 9 .62 85.7% 11 .88 88.7% 11 .80 71.8% 5 .18 88.7% 12 .97 Arikara .05 .03 .02 .01 21.7 Santa Cruz .01 .00 .02 .00 28.1 Variables: PAC, NLB, AUB, BPL, BNL, EKB, GOL, OBH, NLH, XCB 6 19th c. Black .42 .35 .52 .60 14.4 19th c. White .33 .27 .46 .32 15.6 Santa Cruz .19 .14 .06 .07 18.6 Arikara .04 .02 .02 .00 25.3 Variables: AUB, BBH, BPL, EKB, FOL, GOL, MAB, NLB, OBH, OCC, PAC, XCB, ZYB 9 19th c. White .86 .85 .87 .77 3.4 19th c. Black .50 .47 .53 .15 6.6 Arikara .32 .28 .23 .06 8.6 Santa Cruz .20 .17 .08 .02 10.3 Variables: AUB, BBH, FOL, GOL, OCC, PAC, XCB 10 19th c. White .62 .54 .71 .84 15.8 Santa Cruz .33 .23 .06 .07 20.8 Arikara .32 .23 .09 .06 21.0 19th c. Black .25 .17 .45 .03 22.3 Variables: AUB, BBH, BPL, DKB, EKB, FOL, FRC, GOL, MAB, NLB, NLH, OBB, OBH, OCC, PAC, XCB, ZYB 13 Arikara .46 .43 .30 .70 7.0 Santa Cruz .29 .26 .15 .28 8.9 19th c. White .06 .05 .10 .02 14.1 19th c. Black .03 .02 .11 .01 16.7 Variables: AUB, BBH, FOL, GOL, OCC, PAC, XCB 14 19th c. White .15 .12 .17 .79 14.1 Santa Cruz .06 .04 .17 .16 17.3 19th c. Black .03 .02 .12 .06 19.4 Arikara .01 .00 .02 .00 24.7 Variables: PAC, NLH, EKB, AUB, ZYB, FOL, OBH, XCB 15 19th c. White .12 .09 .13 .99 17.8 Santa Cruz .00 .00 .02 .00 31.1 Arikara .00 .00 .02 .00 31.3 19th c. Black .00 .00 .01 .00 33.0 Variables: PAC, NLB, AUB, BPL, BNL, EKB, GOL, OBH, NLH, XCB, ZYB 16 19th c. White .23 .19 .35 .64 14.9 Santa Cruz .13 .09 .02 .17 17.6 Arikara .13 .09 .05 .15 17.8 19th c. Black .06 .04 .19 .04 20.2 Variables: PAC, MAB, AUB, DKB, NLB, BNL, GOL, XCB, NLH, OBH 17 19th c. White .06 .05 .10 .50 10.9 19th c. Black .06 .05 .12 .42 11.3 Santa Cruz .01 .01 .02 .05 15.6 Arikara .01 .01 .02 .03 16.6 Variables: PAC, AUB, XCB, GOL, BBH 18 19th c. Black .82 .79 .89 .61 8.0 19th c. White .74 .70 .79 .37 9.0 Santa Cruz .28 .22 .08 .02 15.4 Arikara .22 .16 .07 .01 16.7 Variables: PAC, MAB, AUB, NLB, EKB, OBB, BNL, BPL, GOL, OBH, NLH, XCB % Corr. 5 the overall classification success rate for the cross-validation, leave-one-out procedure. No Vars. 5 the number of variables selected, if variable list is alphabetized then no stepwise procedure was needed, otherwise order as determined by stepwise method in FORDISC that maximized the cross-validation rate. VCVM p 5 the homogeneity of covariance matrix test of Kullback. Bold entries indicate posterior probabilities greater than .66. 9 10 | T A B LE 7 GELLER Predicted Group 604 STOJANOWKSI Comparison of Seminole crania to the Forensic Data Bank Typicality prob. ID AND F v Post. Prob. Rank D2 % Corr. No Vars. VCVM p 88.6% 13 .98 88.6% 13 .98 89.0% 13 .99 90.8% 14 .99 85.7% 12 .98 84.3% 12 .99 87.7% 11 .99 Black Male .86 .85 .82 .63 8.0 Amerind Male .78 .75 .69 .33 9.3 White Male .42 .38 .39 .04 13.8 Variables: NLB, AUB, BPL, BNL, OBH, DKB, EKB, ZYB, XCB, FOB, FRC, MAB, WFB 698 Amerind Male .56 .56 .45 .48 13.0 White Male .39 .36 .33 .30 14.3 Black Male .30 .26 .35 .14 15.8 Variables: NLB, AUB, BPL, BNL, OBH, DKB, EKB, ZYB, XCB, FOB, FRC, MAB, WFB 707 Amerind Male .38 .33 .37 .70 14.7 White Male .21 .18 .19 .17 17.5 Black Male .19 .15 .22 .13 18.2 Variables: NLB, AUB, BPL, BNL, OBH, DKB, EKB, ZYB, XCB, FOB, FRC, MAB, MDH 730 Black Male .36 .36 .29 .85 16.5 Amerind Male .19 .13 .25 .15 20.0 White Male .01 .00 .01 .00 33.5 Variables: ZYB, BBH, EKB, NLB, ZMB, ASB, AUB, MDH, MAB, BNL, BPL, OBH, DKB, GOL 732 White Male .90 .90 .90 .67 6.4 Black Male .73 .71 .70 .19 8.9 Amerind Male .70 .66 .64 .14 9.5 Variables: NLB, BBH, BPL, BNL, AUB, OBH, DKB, EKB, MAB, FOB, FRC, XCB 754 Black Male .21 .18 .28 .98 16.3 Amerind Male .03 .02 .15 .02 23.7 White Male .01 .00 .01 .00 29.4 Variables: MAB, AUB, BBH, DKB, OBH, BNL, FOB, ZTB, FRC, XCB, OBB, EKB 1105 Amerind Male .90 .88 .89 .43 5.9 Black Male .89 .88 .85 .43 5.9 White Male .72 .70 .65 .14 8.1 Variables: NLB, AUB, BPL, BNL, OBH, DKB, EKB, MAB, FRC, XCB % Corr. 5 the overall classification success rate for the cross-validation, leave-one-out procedure. No Vars. 5 the number of variables selected, if variable list is alphabetized then no stepwise procedure was needed, otherwise order as determined by stepwise method in FORDISC that maximized the cross-validation rate. VCVM p 5 the homogeneity of covariance matrix test of Kullback. Bold entries indicate posterior probabilities greater than .66. cemetery soldiers allocated as Euro-American regardless of the com- allocate as Native American and seven of ten St. Marks soldiers allo- parative database used. Deviations from these expectations are dis- cate as Euro-American. cussed further below and provide some of the more compelling results from this study. The Contemporary database was constructed from a variety of sources to mitigate a typological approach and focus on the specific It is important to note that the comparative samples represent a populations from which the Morton Collection Seminole and St. Marks loose temporal sequence. The Contemporary sample includes individu- cemetery burials are thought to derive given archival documentation. als roughly of the same antiquity or slightly older than the Morton Col- For example, the Contemporary database uses late pre-contact and lection and St. Marks cemetery crania; the Howells database includes early historic period data from Native American sites in Georgia to sup- individuals primarily from the 19th century; and the Forensic Data plement the two North American series provided by Howells. The geo- Bank includes individuals primarily from the 20th century. None of the graphic fit is strong but the samples are older than the 19th century samples is a perfect replication of the target population. The Howells Seminole crania included here. Importantly, the Georgia data pre-date data set is the standard used in many analyses of craniometric varia- the complex processes of Seminole ethnogenesis, which involved tion. For this study, it maximizes temporal fit between target and demographic collapse, population aggregations, and long-distance relo- source populations and thereby reduces the effects of secular trends. cations during the 18th century (Sattler, 1996; Stojanowski 2010; Stur- Use of 19th century White and Black samples in Fordisc is appropriate tevant & Cattelino, 2004; Wickman, 1999). Comparative samples of here; however, the geographic fit is poor for the Native American sam- African and Euro-Americans derive from a diverse array of contexts ples (California Chumash, South Dakota Arikara) provided by Howells. from the eastern U.S., largely representing colonial period sites from Despite this, the Howells allocations are robust. Typicality and poste- the 18th and 19th centuries. For the Seminole allocations, all seven rior probabilities are high. Six of seven Morton Collection Seminole individuals allocated as Native American with strong typicality and GELLER AND T A B LE 8 | STOJANOWKSI Comparison of St. Marks crania to the Forensic Data Bank Typicality prob. ID 3 11 Predicted Group F v Rank Post. Prob. D2 % Corr. No Vars. VCVM p 88.0% 10 .98 79.6% 7 .37 69.9% 9 .82 88.7% 12 .99 69.6% 10 .36 78.4% 9 .86 88.0% 10 .98 86.2% 13 .99 68.0% 8 .80 86.0% 12 .99 White Male .57 .55 .57 .73 8.8 Black Male .37 .35 .36 .23 11.1 Amerind Male .16 .14 .17 .04 14.9 Variables: BPL, BNL, NLB, AUB, OBH, ZYB, EKB, FOB, XCB, FRC 6 White Male .32 .31 .31 .52 8.2 Black Male .27 .25 .27 .36 9.0 Amerind .15 .13 .28 .12 11.1 Variables: XCB, NLB, BBH, FOB, WFB, OBH, ZYB 9 White Male .97 .97 .95 .89 2.9 Black Male .62 .61 .55 .10 7.3 Amerind Male .27 .24 .33 .01 11.5 Variables: AUB, BBH, FOB, FOL, GOL, OCC, PAC, WFB, XCB 10 White Male .50 .48 .46 .99 11.6 Black Male .01 .00 .01 .00 29.4 Amerind Male .01 .00 .04 .00 29.4 Variables: NLB, AUB, BPL, BNL, OBH, DKB, ZYB, EKB, XCB, FOB, FRC, MAB 13 Amerind Male .41 .31 .67 .61 11.6 White Male .25 .24 .23 .33 12.8 Black Male .10 .09 .14 .06 16.4 Variables: AUB, BBH, FOB, FOL, GOL, OCC, UFBR, WFB, XCB 14 White Male .31 .30 .29 .97 10.7 Black Male .05 .04 .07 .03 17.6 Amerind Male .01 .01 .04 .00 23.8 Variables: FOB, XCB, EKB, AUB, ZYB, BBH, OBH, BNL, FRC 15 White Male .58 .56 .57 .99 8.7 Amerind Male .02 .02 .08 .00 21.8 Black Male .00 .00 .01 .00 27.9 Variables: BPL, BNL, NLB, AUB, OBH, ZYB, EKB, FOB, XCB, FRC 16 White Male .35 .32 .32 .67 14.9 Black Male .25 .21 .24 .26 16.8 Amerind Male .15 .12 .26 .08 19.2 Variables: NLB, XCB, FOB, BBH, MAB, OBH, AUB, DKB, BNL, FRC, ZYB, OBB, NLH 17 White Male .39 .38 .38 .63 8.6 Black Male .31 .29 .34 .37 9.6 Amerind Male .05 .03 .08 .01 17.5 Variables: AUB, BBH, GOL, OCC, UFBR, PAC, WFB, XCB 18 Black Male .10 .08 .13 .62 19.4 White Male .07 .05 .05 .29 20.9 Amerind Male .04 .03 .12 .09 23.3 Variables: NLB, BBH, BPL, BNL, AUB, OBH, EKB, OBB, FOB, FRC, MAB, XCB % Corr. 5 the overall classification success rate for the cross-validation, leave-one-out procedure. No Vars. 5 the number of variables selected, if variable list is alphabetized then no stepwise procedure was needed, otherwise order as determined by stepwise method in FORDISC that maximized the cross-validation rate. VCVM p 5 the homogeneity of covariance matrix test of Kullback. Bold entries indicate posterior probabilities greater than .66. posterior probabilities. The allocations for the St. Marks soldiers were African American (burial 18), regardless of the database to which each less robust; six of ten were identified as Euro-American. was compared (see below). The largely 20th century Forensic Data Bank samples suffer from With these results in mind, the rest of the discussion focuses on both a poor geographic and temporal fit for the Morton Collection two key aspects of the analyses. First, we discuss the overall patterning Seminole, and as shown in Table 9 produce the most divergent results of the craniometric analysis and how the results change for each sam- with a greater percentage of Morton Collection crania allocating as ple with respect to the populations to which they are compared. Sec- African American. Results for the St. Marks burials were more consist- ond, we discuss those cases that deviate from the expected ancestral ent with eight of ten individuals allocating as Euro-American. Two population affinities and contrast methodological and biocultural exceptions consistently allocated as Native American (burial 13) and aspects of these results. 12 | GELLER Summary of allocation results for the Seminole and St. Marks crania T A B LE 9 Morton seminole Contemporary Howells FDB 604 NA (.88, .66) NA (.96, .88) AA (.86, .63) AND STOJANOWKSI allocate as African American as one moves closer to the present, while individuals identified as Euro-American increasing allocate as such as one moves closer to the present. Previous work on comparative craniometry might interpret low repeatability as a methodological issue—that the dependence of the 698 NA (.82, .46) NA (.81, .83) NA (.56, .48) 707 NA (.78, .78) NA (.68, .85) NA (.38, .70) acy of comparative craniometric analysis as a whole. And while surely 730 NA (.87, .87) AA (.24, .74) AA (.36, .85) some errors have crept into this analysis, three outlier cases are of par- 732 NA (.84, .66) NA (.73, .49) EA (.90, .67) 754 NA (.55, .80) NA (.21, .90) AA (.21, .98) 1105 NA (.99, .79) NA (.86, .65) NA (.90, .43) St. Marks Cemetery allocation on the specific samples used reflects instability and inaccur- ticular interest: burials 13 and 18 from the St. Marks cemetery and individual 730 from the Morton Collection. With respect to the St. Marks soldiers, burial 13 was identified as Native American and burial 18 was identified as African American in all three allocation runs. There is little indication of individuals of a non-White ancestry in the published descriptions of these crania or in the archival roles from the St. 3 AA (.09, .53) EA (.33, .79) EA (.57, .73) 6 EA (.86, .61) AA (.42, .60) EA (.32, .52) 9 EA (.97, .55) EA (.86, .77) EA (.97, .89) 10 AA (.97, .72) EA (.62, .84) EA (.50, .99) 13 NA (.57, .79) NA (.46, .70) NA (.41, .61) 14 EA (.85, .86) EA (.15, .79) EA (.31, .97) 15 EA (.90, .72) EA (.12, .99) EA (.58, .99) 16 EA (.72, .50) EA (.23, .64) EA (.35, .67) of Andrew Jackson’s invading force (Dailey et al., 1972). Although the 17 EA (.15, .74) EA (.06, .50) EA (.39, .63) allocations of burials 13 and 18 may be in error, several things point to 18 AA (.81, .58) AA (.82, .61) AA (.10, .62) their validity. First, the allocations are consistent across databases with Marks cemetery (Dailey et al., 1972). Although burial 13 was too poorly preserved for assessment, macromorphoscopic variation supports the Note. In Howells column NA indicates either an allocation to the Arikara or to the Santa Cruz samples. Bold entries indicate an allocation that did change not across analysis runs. The parentheses are (F typicality probability, posterior probability). NA 5 Native American, EA 5 Euro-American, AA 5 African American. African American identity of burial 18 (summed score 5 3; after Hefner (2009)). That an African American or Native American may have been buried at Fort St. Marks may not be so unusual since Florida was a contested frontier zone during the 19th century. Large, enslaved African populations were recorded and Creek warriors comprised the majority high probability values and variable numbers that are comparable to those for the other individuals. There is no reason to discount these results on methodological grounds. Second, both men were buried with plain, handmade bone buttons, a contrast to the majority of burials containing pewter buttons with military designs (see Dailey et al., 1972, pp. 4). Although inconclusive, this serves as independent evi- With respect to the general patterning of allocations presented in dence that burials 13 and 18 may have had a status distinct from other Table 9, it is interesting to note that only three of seven Seminole cra- individuals interred in the cemetery. Third, military posts in Florida dur- nia produce the same population allocation regardless of the database ing this time period were multiethnic. For example, at the mid-19th used. Instead, Seminole individuals allocate as African Americans as the century Fort Brooke cemetery (also in Florida), it was observed that, “a comparative samples become more modern in age (0 individuals in the standard procedure for corpse disposal, in which the dead were buried Contemporary sample, one in the Howells data set, and four in the For- in coffins in a cemetery, was followed regardless of the racial origin of ensic Data Bank). To the contrary, the St. Marks cemetery individuals— the deceased” (Piper, Hardin, & Piper, 1982, pp. 130, emphasis added). comprised of mostly White (Euro-American) soldiers—show relative As such, it is entirely possible the craniometric analyses are accurate in consistency in the results. Seven of ten individuals do not change pop- their assessment of population affinity. However, given the lack of sup- ulation allocation across the three databases and there is only a single porting documentation little more can be inferred from these analyses. difference between the Howells and Forensic Data Bank results. In The same cannot be said for individual 730 from the Morton contrast, only three of seven Seminoles return the same allocation Collection, an outlier identified as African American in both the depending on whether the Howells or FDB database is used. The gen- Howells and FDB analyses. As with burial 18 from St. Marks, individual eralized j for the Morton Collection crania measured across all three 730 preserves cranial macromorphoscopic variation consistent with an databases was zero (j 5 .000, p 5 .999), indicating very poor repeat- African American identity (summed score 5 3; after Hefner (2009)). He ability. Most of this results from the inclusion of the Forensic Data was a male who died between the ages of 25 and 35. Although he dis- Bank. Repeatability for the St. Marks crania was moderate across the plays no ante- or perimortem trauma, this individual was killed on 25 three databases and significantly different from 0 (j 5.565, p 5 .019). December 1837 at the Battle of Lake Okeechobee. A month later, U.S. Repeatability was lowest for the Contemporary-Howells database Army Surgeon Eugene H. Abadie collected his cranium and a second comparisons, the opposite of that observed for the Seminole crania. In cranium for Morton. “I collected two fine skulls which were the only other words, individuals labeled as Seminole by Morton increasingly two out of the 12 Indians killed which could be taken the others being GELLER AND | STOJANOWKSI 13 very offensive,” Abadie (1838) explained in a letter. When examined by Even prior to the Battle of Lake Okeechobee, the relationship PLG, soft tissue still adhered to the palate of both of these individuals; between Seminole Indians and their Black allies had troubled members skeletonization was largely though not entirely complete when Abadie of the U.S. government and military. Major General Thomas Jesup, encountered the bodies, but exposure after death hastened the pro- Commander of the U.S. Army during the Second Seminole War, vocal- cess. Abadie also identified these individuals as warriors. After receiv- ized this concern in an 1836 letter to Acting Secretary of War B.F. ing the crania, Morton inked “Seminole” across both of their foreheads. Butler: “This, you may be assured, is a negro, not an Indian war; and if Based on this we propose that individual 730 was a Black Seminole it be not speedily put down, the South will feel the effects of it on their and his presence in the Morton Collection provides important insights slave population before the end of the next season” (as quoted by into the production of race as a category of social identity during the Montgomery, 1839, pp. 269). But, Jesup also realized that Seminole th 19 century, a process known as racialization. Indians would not relocate without their Black allies. So he went on to Based on similarities between naming practices, Rebecca Bateman broker various treaties, starting in March 1837 with the Camp Dade (2002) has argued that people from the Kongo-Angola region in Africa accord, in support of westward immigration of Seminole Indians and were well represented amongst Blacks living in 19th century Florida. Blacks (Mulroy, 2007, pp. 46-50). But, there was still much ambiguity Their paths often crossed with Seminole Indians, whose own ethno- built into treaties that functioned to locate Native and African Ameri- genesis occurred after arriving in northern Florida at the start of the cans in the developing nation, both physically and conceptually. 18th century (Sturtevant & Cattelino, 2004, pp. 429). Prior to 1822 Namely questions remained about the status of Blacks removed to when Florida officially became a U.S. territory, this frontier held the Indian Territory as “bona fide property” of Seminole Indians or freed- promise of emancipation for enslaved Blacks, as historians of the colo- men. Whether strategic or unconscious, the nature and complexity of nial period have discussed extensively (e.g., Aptheker, 1939; Corbett, Seminole Indians and Black Seminoles’ interactions went undiscussed 1974; Landers, 1990; Missall & Missall, 2004; Riordan, 1996; Schafer, in official discourse. Rather, during this period of nation-building, one’s 1993; Twyman, 1999). Its sheltering swamps acted as refuge and pro- access to or denial of American citizenship was predicated on observ- vided the backdrop for Black Seminole ethnogenesis.3 Terrence Weik’s able, measurable, and clear-cut boundaries between racial groups. In (1997, 2007, 2009) investigations of colonial Florida have documented this regard, Morton’s craniometric studies, which reified race as the archaeological evidence for these experiences and processes. But, bounded, natural, and hierarchical, were particularly influential. as he also recognizes, sociopolitical relations between Blacks and Semi- For those peoples such as Black Seminoles whose hybridity defied nole Indians were complex and multi-faceted—contoured by econom- racial categorizations, public policies and scientific study worked to ics, procreation, desire, and combat (see also Katz, 1986; Littlefield, erase them from the national consciousness and official histories. For 1977; Mock, 2012; Mulroy, 2007; Porter, 1996). Some individuals the former, social and legal policies like the one-drop rule for Blacks were brought into the fold of natives’ bands through marriage or adop- and blood quantum for Native Americans were effective. In the case of tion. Others formed independent communities and acted as tributary the latter, Morton’s own scientific work on hybridity was demonstra- allies. Many Blacks were re-enslaved by the Seminole themselves. tive. Amongst his collection were “Mixed Races,” including two individ- Regardless of the nature of their relationships with Seminole Indi- uals described as “Negro and Indian” (Morton, 1849, pp. vi). ans, Blacks ran the risk of recapture by White Euro-Americans and “Dr. Wilson, who dissected this man, considered him a full-blooded Creeks whose variant of bondage was described as far harsher than Choctaw, but the skull strongly indicates a mixture of the Negro,” he Seminole enslavement (Missall & Missall, 2004; Simmons, 1822). In an wrote of one (Morton, 1849, pp. 76). Morton designated this individual attempt to resist encroachment by White frontier settlers, as well as “Choctaw and Negro?” The question mark signals his categorical confu- the U.S. government’s relocation policies and violent incursions, Semi- sion. Such an identification also contrasts with the individual he labeled nole Indians and Blacks fostered strong military alliances. Warriors 730 and Seminole. In this instance, morphological analysis revealed fought and died together at all battles of the Second Seminole War, as nothing of the decedent’s “Blackness” to Morton. It is not clear many chroniclers of the time remarked. U.S. Army Surgeon Jacob Rhett whether the identification was a result of willful ignorance or flawed Motte, for instance, offered a firsthand account of the Battle of Lake analysis. Okeechobee, which supplied two of the crania analyzed here (see Morton did not begin to explore the issue of hybridity in depth Table 1). “The number of Indians engaged,” he wrote, “were estimated until the end of his life. In the 1847 article “Hybridity in Animals, Con- from two to three hundred warriors and there were with them prob- sidered in Reference to the Question of the Unity of the Human Spe- ably as many negroes” (Motte, 1953, pp. 195). We believe “specimen” cies,” he argued that procreation between individuals of different kinds 730, collected during this same battle, is one such individual whose could result in fertile offspring despite their sharing a “natural repug- African heritage was erased by Morton’s call for Indian crania. nance” for each other (Morton, 1847, pp. 210). However, the physician’s interest in hybridity should not be mistaken for acceptance of 3 Here we use “Black Seminole” though Weik prefers African Seminole so as to avoid homogenization and racialization. He (2009, pp. 207) writes, “Although ‘Blackness’ has been historically reclaimed (e.g., ‘Black Power’), it does not explicitly acknowledge the biological and cultural African connections that contributed to African-Native American belief and physiology.” hybrid humans. Rather, Morton (1851) suggested that miscegenation was objectionable because it likely decreased a pure race’s fertility rate. Desire to the contrary was deviant and worthy of juridical punishment and anti-miscegenetic policies, which had existed since the 17th 14 | GELLER AND STOJANOWKSI century but were normalized and nation-wide by the mid-19th century To document the events and materiality of hybrid lives long silenced (Curtin, 2012). While racial categories changed over time, social and is no easy task given the asymmetrical power relations involved in his- legal thought promoted the notion of White superiority and the need tory’s production. It requires a certain amount of strategizing about the to maintain Whites’ racial purity. It is not surprising, then, that certain availability of source material, a sentiment echoed by anthropologist hybrid individuals, like individual 730 included here, may have gone Michel-Rolph Trouillot (1995, pp. 49) who noted, “Silences are inherent undocumented in historic skeletal collections. in history because any single event enters history with some of its consti- In contrast, African and Native American communities neither fos- tuting parts missing.” The biohistoric approach we have laid out here— tered such ideological beliefs nor created regulatory practices about one that brings together comparative craniometric data, archival sources, social and sexual interactions. Our analysis shows that it is difficult to and critical race scholars—can offer an account of the past, in this case differentiate between African and Native American affiliations as the 19th century nation-building, which counters official versions. Hence, we comparative samples become more modern in age. This is because do not see our methods as attempting to use the master’s tools to dis- gene flow continued to occur between these two communities in Flor- mantle the master’s house, a strategy that Audre Lorde (1984) sees as ida in ways not observable in Euro-American specimens. That is, disingenuous and ineffective. Rather, we seek to reinvent those tools hybridity did not carry as great a social stigma for Blacks and Native entirely. In doing so, we deepen understanding of racialization processes Americans as it did for Whites. During this critical juncture in the 19th that brought races into being and the machinations of racism during a century, Whiteness solidified and came to undergird a conception of pivotal moment in American history. national citizenship whereas categories of Black and Indian continued Yet, hybridity does not only raise a potential complication to our his- to evolve in response to social mores and the legal realities of minority toric understanding of racialization processes that defined national citi- status. Our results show it was easier to be identified as White, while zenship. We also see the issue of hybridity as impacting contemporary the categories of non-White blended through time (see also Algee- repatriation practices that rely on racial categorizations. To make amends Hewitt, 2016). Hence, the Black Indian vanished. Recognizing this pro- for the interpersonal violence of colonial expansionism that begot collec- cess remains critical in contemporary medicolegal practice if the sam- tions like the one compiled by Morton and the structural violence result- ples used to define ranges of biological variation are themselves the ing from its analysis, the Native American Graves Protection and products of multiple centuries of hybridity. Forensic anthropologists are Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) was passed in 1990. Nevertheless, for Native now addressing these issues for Hispanic populations (e.g., Edgar, 2013; American and Hawaiian groups whose ancestors have comprised it, the Hefner, Pilloud, Black, & Anderson, 2015; Hughes, Tise, Trammell, & Collection continues to evoke strong sentiments (see Dumont, 2003; Anderson, 2013; Spradley & Jantz, 2016; Tise, Kimmerle, & Spradley, Pensley, 2005). NAGPRA is silent on the subject of mixed races, how- 2014). Results presented here suggest processes, which are often subtle ever. Institutions receiving federal funds are only obligated to consult and difficult to disentangle, affect many postcolonial sites, cemeteries, with or repatriate to federally-recognized Indian tribes in the U.S. Conse- and samples. quently, contemporary Black Seminole communities, which are currently We see hybridity as no less germane today though for reasons that depart conceptually from Morton. Henry Louis Gates has explored how located in Oklahoma, Texas, Mexico, and the Bahamas (Mock, 2012), have no official recourse to repatriate their ancestors. dominant discourses can be appropriated and revised to catalyze socio- In the case of the decedent labeled 730, on 12 October 2015 the political and intellectual change. More specifically, he has discussed “sig- Penn Museum repatriated his cranium and those of the 15 other Semi- nifyin(g),” a strategy that relies on doubling to trigger sociopolitical noles in the Morton Collection to the Seminole Tribe of Florida. Black transgression or transformation (Gates 1988). Signifyin(g) can involve Seminole communities were not involved in the consultation process. repetition and difference (i.e., parody) or formal revision. Hybridity is Ethically speaking, their absence may compel native peoples, policy  a (1987, pp. one example of signifyin(g). Chicana feminist Gloria Anzaldu makers, and anthropologists to reflect on the repatriation process’s 77), for instance, did touch on this double nature of hybridity: “At the shortcomings. Nevertheless, all 16 crania were reinterred at Lake confluence of two or more genetic streams, with chromosomes con- Okeechobee Battlefield, a setting that brings “specimen” 730 full circle stantly ‘crossing over,’ this mixture of races, rather than resulting in an 178 years after a U.S. Army surgeon initially fragmented his head from inferior being, provides hybrid progeny, a mutable, more malleable spe- his body in the name of nation and science. cies.” She continued by stressing that the biological, whether born of corporeal violation or desire, is only one facet of hybridity. Cultural, racial, or ethnic hybridity—she and other feminist writers have ACKNOWLEDGMENTS expounded (e.g., Mohanty, 1988; Visweswaran, 1993)—begs considera- Appreciation goes to Stacey Espenlaub and Janet Monge at Penn tion of existences that are liminal, negotiable, empowering, transgres- Museum for access to archival materials and the Samuel G. Morton sive, situational, and auspicious. 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