Marketing strategy Digital is a pen but not a magic wand Don’t wait an impact on your turnover to react The beauty of consumer has changed: Connected&informed Growth expectations Shorter attention span Non linear Purpose driven Social media is not only : Being of social networks Create specific content Ecommerce website Emblematic brand Better understand to better react: The most dangerous is “we have always done it in that way” ex of a lot of luxury brand is down by 20% in the last 5 years, brand answer is still to create more brand content, pay more attention to maintain your engagement rate, don’t show your product but what you can achieve with it, User Generate contents look less like ads CPGP (consumer package goods product) What does it take to be a good target: Position on a niche; enter the community; care for the experience; make sure to have reviews « Build sth that 100 love, not sth 1 million people kind of like » Inside brand is entering the dance The individual brand is good because they: Position on a niche; master the GAFA; Integrate the consumers; Humility to enter a community Good ex of Glossier : collaboration, community, direct commerce What is Luxury in 2017 ? Unmaterialistic 74% of millenials want tactile experience Digital is mostly a culture : Customer centric; Collaborative; Open; Less control What (product and service) How WHY Focus on experience/ Pain point like “Nest” You can drive value from hospitality and experience Social Media What should brand do in a content marketing age? Not every brand has an amazing story or at least know how to tell them What is going on with social? You don’t have a brand community, A community is based on sharing the same value Most brand cannot build a community since they don’t even know who they really are The communication tool really doesn’t count that much, it’s the real relationship that matters Integrate vertical community The web is naturally structured with multiple vertical communities and the brands should try to integrate some of them instead of trying to create their own, even REDBULL cannot compete rank #184 youtube channel with a good content strategy The problem is structural not creative Consumers don’t trust you Most marketers treat social media as a distribution channel We are living in a new social media relation How brands integrate collaborative economy in the brand strategy: you need to realize that nobody pays attention your self-centric content. Change the mindset for customer, what is in it for our customers instead of for you. There are no short term and direct financial resolutions on the social web Go for SEA and affiliation for direct financial solution, social media is about relationship Back to basic Social media is built on values and utility: values, sense of purpose, utility Listen listen listen What is the value of 10M fans Data should help marketer to take better actions Build a relationship Meet them in real life, connect them, Don’t believe the hype TECHNOLOGY IS NEVER A STRATEGY A GOOD STRATEGY IS NOT ABOUT BEING ON THE LATEST OR TRENDIEST SOCIAL NETWORK BUT THINKING ABOUT THE REASON WHY YOU ARE THERE AND WHAT VALUE IT BRINGS TO THE CONSUMERS. REPEATING THE SAME MESSAGE EVERYWHERE IS USELESS AND PAINFUL FOR THE USERS. #1 SOCIAL WEB IS NOT FOR FREE #2 WEB IS SOCIAL: YOU HAVE NO CHOICE #3 RULES OF THE GAME HAVEN’T CHANGED BUT HAVE EVOLVED #4 DON’ T ACT AS IF YOU HAD A COMMUNITY OR FANS #5 INTEGRATE VERTICAL COMMUNITIES #6 SOCIAL WEB IS A GREAT SOURCE OF KNOWLEDGE #7 THE KILLER APP: BUILD HUMAN RELATIONS Influenceur Storytelling from another point of view The social conversation : The social conversation is driven by media, entertainment, artists, creators, celebrities, influencers. Brands are still to find or enhance a legitimate place in the conversation and become more culturally relevant.