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This paper looks at the journey of eleven counsellors in marital counselling centres in French-speaking Belgium, from the creation of the centres in 1953, to the 1970s, when contraception became legal, and abortion became a public issue.... more
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      SociologyContraceptionMedicineRoman Catholicism
In this research, the Gobi and Ghali maps, the two most significant maps concerning Cyprus put forth until now, have been addressed. Based on this, the main purpose of this research is to present the significance, technical dimension,... more
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      SociologyLandHuman SciencesMap
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      SociologyPolitical ScienceHistorical StudiesSouth European Society and Politics
Social research increasingly involves multi and interdisciplinary collaboration, across a range of disciplinary and organisational boundaries. In the UK, this has been driven in part by the fact that academics are urged to document their... more
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Drawing on empirical data from two recent research studies in post-Apartheid South Africa, this paper asks what it means to be poor, young and black, and belong in a society that has suffered debilitating and dehumanising racial... more
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      SociologyYouth StudiesYoung PeopleBelonging and Citizenship
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSociology of CultureCultural Geography
Tant au niveau de la litterature que des pratiques, ce n’est que recemment que la GRH considere la composante emotionnelle au travail (Allouche, 2012). Pourtant, le courant des Relations Humaines, et diverses disciplines distinctes de la... more
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Follow three families as they move to New Jersey in search of a better life in the early twentieth century.  Discover the origins of the civil rights movement between 1920 and 1950.
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      SociologySocial WorkGlobal GovernancePolitical Science
The purpose of this study was to investigate the current academic research foci in peer-reviewed studies on gambling. The researchers used co-citation analysis as a bibliometrics method. All the gambling-related publications indexed in... more
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      SociologyCritical Gambling Studies
A lot of later life care is centred on the family. A member of a family, usually an adult daughter or son, informally care for an older parent. Families often include people who are biological kin but who hold a similar status – ‘fictive... more
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      SociologyPsychologyAgingQuality of life
Roskilde Universitet " Nowadays we are all on the move " (Bauman 1998: 77) " It sometimes seems as if all the world is on the move " (Urry 2007: 1) Introduktion Dette kapitel saetter fokus på mobiliteten og bevaegelsens sociologi. Det... more
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      SociologyGeographyTourism StudiesGlobalization
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      SociologyAgronomyInterdisciplinarityPeasant Studies
This pioneering book, in considering intellectually disabled peoples lives sets out a care ethics model of disability that outlines the emotional caring sphere, where love and care are psycho-socially questioned, the practical caring... more
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      SociologyPhilosophyCritical Disability StudiesFeminist Ethics
n his 1976 dedication of the Connecticut College library, Kurt Vonnegut compared a library to a noodle factory, noting that in a society where many people do not really enjoy reading,"Noodles are okay. Libraries are okay. They are... more
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      SociologyPolitical ScienceNewspaperFull Text Vol 5
Analisi dei casi di Zurigo, Bruxelles, Barcellona, Milano, Roma e Napoli
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      SociologyItalian (European History)Italian StudiesSwiss History
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      SociologySociology of Health and IllnessPublic health systems and services research
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      SociologyPeace and Conflict StudiesYouth StudiesSociolinguistics
The fall of the Muslim civilization resulted from the rejection of reason. The rejection of reason was a result of the characterization of the use of reason to know revelation as kufr. The rejection of reason became explicit in the... more
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      SociologyCriminologySocial Theory
Abstract: Patients and their families are often concerned to find a material cause for suffering rather than to accept the mystery of its ontological necessity. In modern healthcare settings, in which medicine is rightly based upon the... more
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When seeking drug reform we should avoid the deeply entrenched anti-drug narratives that have dominated drug policy debate. These narratives are often rooted in fallacy, distortion and sweeping generalisations, whereas, reform must... more
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      SociologyCriminologyCriminal LawCriminal Justice
The objective of this study was to examine the feasibility (limited effectiveness, acceptability and practicality) of the Strengthening Families Program, a universal preventive intervention, for Brazilian families. A pre-experimental... more
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      SociologyPolitical Science
The central focus of this paper is the notion that the home can provide a locale in which people can work at attaining a sense of ontological security in a world that at times is experienced as threatening and uncontrollable. The paper... more
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      SociologyProperty RightsPropertyMeaning
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      MarketingSociologySocial CapitalSocial Control
The bereaved by suicide are rapidly catapulted into not only making sense of the death of their loved one but also dealing with the multiple social prescriptions about what can and cannot be discussed. This presents those bereaved by... more
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      SociologyCollective Narrative PracticeSuicide Bereavement Free book available in PDF at this link This book lifts the veil to identify the puppet masters behind the MK Ultra Mind Control shills that front the New World Disorder Dystopia. The usual suspects are... more
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RESUMO: O artigo apresenta resultados de pesquisas relacionadas especificamente às atividades corais a capella desenvolvidas e/ou patrocinadas pela Sociedade de Cultura Artística Brasílio Itiberê (SCABI), desde a sua criação, em Curitiba,... more
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Wir bloggen Jan/Feb 2016 zum Forschungsverbund ForGenderCare auf dem Blog der Deutschen Gesellschaft f. Soziologie (DGS)
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      SociologyEuropean StudiesGerman StudiesGender Studies
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      SociologyCultural StudiesEconomicsPolitical Science
The paucity of literature on the black woman is outrageous on its face. But we must also contend with the fact that too many of these rare studies must claim as their signal achievement the reinforcement of fictitious cliches. They have... more
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      SociologyBlack Scholar