The Road to Zero: A Strategic Approach to Student Loan Repayment

Financial Education
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Setting yourself up for successful loan repayment takes strategy and planning. 

Creating your individual path to pay your loans down to zero requires an awareness of your financial goals, your career goals, your personal and family goals, and an acknowledgement of your current financial situation. The information here can help you find your way.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: A federal court has issued a stay preventing the U.S. Department of Education from operating the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan. Given this stay, aspects of this guide referencing SAVE, PAYE, and ICR income-driven repayment plans may be subject to changes pending outcomes of this litigation. For the most recent information on this and more involving income-driven repayment updates, please visit

Download the Spanish Version (Note: updates to this version to include the newest information available on the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) income-driven repayment plan, are coming soon.)