The Washington State Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers enhanced Work/Life Resources (legal assistance, financial counseling and an employee support website) by contract to state agencies, higher education institutions and other public organizations throughout Washington State. Employees of contracting organizations gain access to these enhanced resources by logging in below with their specific Work/Life Access Code. To determine whether your organization has contracted with EAP for Work/Life Resources and to obtain your Work/Life Access Code, contact your HR department or call EAP at (877) 313-4455.

Disclaimer: Your employer and the Washington State Employee Assistance Program provide access to these services from a third party entity because it offers information or features that may be of interest to you. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed, advice given, or the facts presented through these services. Furthermore, we do not endorse any commercial products that may be advertised or available on this site. This site contains both work-related content and content intended for personal use; please follow all applicable ethics rules (including WAC 292-110-010) around use of work time and equipment for personal use.

By entering your Work/Life Access Code below to gain access to this site, you are acknowledging that you have read, understand and accept the above Disclaimer.

Please login with your Work/Life Access Code to gain access to Work/Life Resources (legal assistance, financial counseling and employee support website):
