Delaware: Barking Dogs Legislation Amended in Senate Scheduled for House Vote Sunday (6/30)
The Delaware House of Representatives will be considering a bill to regulate barking dogs in the state during Sunday’s (June 30, 2024) Sine die session starting at 2:00pm. Delaware residents are encouraged to contact the members of the House of Representatives to express your concerns with House Bill 124 which seeks to regulating barking dogs.  […] | June 28, 2024
MA Update: House Amendments Impacting Dogs Rejected
Yesterday, the Massachusetts House of Representatives voted on an omnibus economic development bill, H. 4789, and rejected four dog-related amendments that had been filed for consideration. An amended H. 4789 will be given a new bill number and advance to the Senate. Similar amendments are expected to be filed for the Senate’s consideration in July. […] | June 28, 2024
CA: Fresno City Council Adopts Mandatory Spay/Neuter- Contact the Mayor Today
Summary: On Thursday, June 20, the Fresno City Council unanimously adopted a resolution that suspends the issuance of new unaltered dog licenses until the 3-month shelter occupancy rate average drops below 75 percent. As the city is currently above this threshold, the issuance of new unaltered dog licenses is to be immediately suspended if Mayor […] | June 27, 2024
Pennsylvania: Bill Regarding Boarding Dogs from Out-of-State Set for Action TOMORROW (6/28)
The Pennsylvania Senate has passed legislation aimed at addressing questions surrounding requiring dogs from out of state to have a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) in order to be boarded in the Commonwealth. As currently written, dogs from out of state are exempt from the CVI requirement for out of state dogs entering a boarding […] | June 27, 2024
Rhode Island End-of-Session Report: Four Dog Bills Become Law
Four dog-related bills tracked by the American Kennel Club (AKC) were recently signed into law by Rhode Island Governor McKee. HOUSE BILL 7294/SENATE BILL 2732 – CAPTIVE HUNTING PROHIBITED H.7294 amended/S.2792 amended were signed into law on June 24 and are effective immediately. The law prohibits captive hunting of domestic or wild animals but, does […] | June 27, 2024
MA Alert: Oppose Amendment #133 Eliminating Consumer Protections, Support #192 Commission on Service Animal Misrepresentation
Yesterday, four dog-related amendments were filed to an omnibus economic development bill, H. 4789, that the Massachusetts House of Representatives is scheduled to debate and vote on Thursday, June 27, 2024. The American Kennel Club (AKC) encourages Massachusetts residents to review amendment text below for any concerns and consider AKC’s recommendations. OPPOSE AMENDMENT #133, ELIMINATION […] | June 25, 2024
Delaware: Senate Committee Considering Barking Dogs Legislation Tomorrow (6/26)
On Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at 2:00pm, the Delaware Senate Elections and Government Affairs Committee will be considering a bill, which has already passed the House of Representatives, seeking to regulate barking dogs in the state.  See previous alert. Delaware residents are encouraged to contact the committee and express your concerns with House Bill 124.  Scroll […] | June 25, 2024
Florida Update: Three Bills Affecting Dogs Enacted
On Friday, June 21, 2024, Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law three bills that affect dogs and dog owners in Florida: CS/HB 87, among other provisions, allows the use of lethal force against a bear when necessary to avoid an imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury to a person or pet, or substantial […] | June 24, 2024
CDC’s Dog Import Rule: Contact CDC and Congress – and Why it Matters
On August 1, 2024, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will implement new restrictions and requirements for the entry of dogs into the U.S. The American Kennel Club (AKC) recognizes the serious health threats posed by the recent, continuing import of unhealthy dogs using fraudulent veterinary/import paperwork, and supports CDC’s intention of protecting […] | June 21, 2024
CDC’s New Dog Import Rule: Updates and Information for Dog Enthusiasts
American Kennel Club Government Relations (AKC GR) staff have met with staff of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as key members of Congress to discuss the CDC’s recently finalized rule on the importation of dogs.  AKC continues to be concerned with the disproportionate impact the new rule will […] | June 21, 2024

Showing 1-10 of 28 results