Out There Web Designs, Grove City OH

Out There Web Designs

Grove City, OH
Our Ideal Customer

Manufacturers and service based industries that want to improve their presence on the web, attract more relevant traffic and get more conversions. Our goal is to help you grow your business.
We work across a multitude of platforms including Wordpress, Joomla, Wix and Squarespace or we can build you a custom platform.
Tell us what you need and we'll work with you to get you there.

Who we’d like to partner with

Fractional Chief Marketing Officers (CMO), marketing planners and marketing strategists.
We can implement the plans and strategies you design for your clients. We work on a collaborate basis to ensure your clients get the results you have laid out for them.

Partner types we’d like to work or share referrals with
About Us

We take your business from Bland to Grand with our effective web design service. We can work with Joomla, Wordpress, Wix, Squarespace, GoDaddy, Shopify or Google websites. We can work on other platforms as well, but we need to see them before we can commit.
Our web design approach is unique, most web designers have very little knowledge or experience with marketing. A website can look awesome but if your visitors aren't actively contacting you all you have is a pretty website. This is what we look at and work towards in all our designs.
Our custom web development can take your ideas and make them a reality. Think of it this way, you've seen project management software out there that looks nice but doesn't do exactly what you need it do or you need it to work with your current system or you handle real estate transactions but the platforms you use are cumbersome and don't sync with your accounting software, etc. We can build you a custom solution to resolve these issues.
Getting your website ranked well in the search results is a necessity in today's digital world. If people can't find you when they need you it's lost business. Our SEO programs are designed to get your ranked well for your main keywords & not just your home page but all pages of your website.
Running a Paid Ads Campaign is not for the faint of heart. Ad campaigns can be complex trying to figure out your target audience or what areas you should run a campaign in, not to mention putting together the ads themselves. Let us take on that headache for you. We can run Ads on Google, Facebook & LinkedIn.

Web Design/Development
Search Engine Optimization
Hosting Services
Webmaster Services
Web Applications
Custom Software Development

Products & Services
Web Design  by Out There Web Designs
Elevating How Clients Perceive Your Brand.  At Out There Web Designs, we take pride in presenting our diverse portfolio of web design and digital ...
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by Out There Web Designs
Unlock the full potential of your online presence with our meticulously crafted SEO programs. We understand that no two businesses are alike, and t...
Small Business Websites by Out There Web Designs
Out There Web Designs specializes in designing custom websites for small businesses to help you connect with your customers. We're experts in bring...
Recommendations Given (17)
"Jen is one of the best, very experienced and can take care of all your graphic design needs."
"Shirley is just plain awesome. "
"AmSpirit Business Connections is a great networking organization and has helped my business grow..." Read more "AmSpirit Business Connections is a great networking organization and has helped my business grow over the years. Frank is a master networker and I highly encourage you to check out your nearest AmSpirit meeting."
Recent Activity

Patrick from Out There Web Designs Answered this on January 11, 2024
Understand the difference between difficult, rude and plain mean. Difficult clients might just have very high standards and they can raise yours by working with them. Rude or mean clients are that way for a reason, try to find out why. If it's something you did, eat crow and resolve the issue.... (more) Understand the difference between difficult, rude and plain mean. Difficult clients might just have very high standards and they can raise yours by working with them. Rude or mean clients are that way for a reason, try to find out why. If it's something you did, eat crow and resolve the issue. If you resolve it and they are still rude or mean, fire them.  Never be afraid of firing a client, too many good ones out there. As for rude prospects, walk away. They are more trouble than they are worth.

Patrick from Out There Web Designs Answered this on February 20, 2023
What platform to use depends on what your needs & budget are. For a basic brochure style website Wordpress is adequate, if you have a lot of content go with Joomla, need E-Commerce go with Wordpress and WooCommerce or use BigCommerce.  If your budget is limited go with Wix or Squarespace until... (more) What platform to use depends on what your needs & budget are. For a basic brochure style website Wordpress is adequate, if you have a lot of content go with Joomla, need E-Commerce go with Wordpress and WooCommerce or use BigCommerce.  If your budget is limited go with Wix or Squarespace until you have the budget to work with a professional web designer.  Or you may be in position where you need more a web based application.  Each platform has it's pros and cons and you have a lot of choices, it all comes down to what your actual needs are. Work with a web designer who knows the different platforms and isn't stuck on using just one. 

Patrick from Out There Web Designs Answered this on August 09, 2022
I absolutely do this and I give my clients a choice they can pay the fee (minimal for smaller transactions) or can pay by check or ACH. My business is B2B so this hasn't been an issue, for B2C it might be a different matter. (more) I absolutely do this and I give my clients a choice they can pay the fee (minimal for smaller transactions) or can pay by check or ACH. My business is B2B so this hasn't been an issue, for B2C it might be a different matter.

Patrick from Out There Web Designs Answered this on May 20, 2022
I love networking, most of my business is from referrals. Work on building long lasting relationships and find the right referral partners to work with & it'll pay off in spades. (more) I love networking, most of my business is from referrals. Work on building long lasting relationships and find the right referral partners to work with & it'll pay off in spades.

Patrick from Out There Web Designs Answered this on May 18, 2022
Working with a coach. Find one 5 minutes after you go from being a sole proprietor to a S Corp. (more) Working with a coach. Find one 5 minutes after you go from being a sole proprietor to a S Corp.

Patrick from Out There Web Designs Answered this on May 18, 2022
Networking, networking and networking (more) Networking, networking and networking

Patrick from Out There Web Designs Answered this on December 03, 2021
Started working with a coach and nailing down exactly who my Ideal Client is. (more) Started working with a coach and nailing down exactly who my Ideal Client is.
1 Reply

Patrick from Out There Web Designs Answered this on November 19, 2021
Thomas, thanks for specifics. With the answers I've been getting it really does depend on quality of service, location and industry. There is no real 1 size fits all solution here. (more) Thomas, thanks for specifics. With the answers I've been getting it really does depend on quality of service, location and industry. There is no real 1 size fits all solution here.
1 Reply

Patrick from Out There Web Designs Answered this on November 16, 2021
GoDaddy charges for each additional service. Go with MDDHosting or Siteground, better service & support.  (more) GoDaddy charges for each additional service. Go with MDDHosting or Siteground, better service & support.