


Roman Numerals

Questions and answers related to the symbols used by the ancient Romans to represent numbers. These include the numerals: I, V, X, L, C, D and M.

13,672 Questions

What is the numbers in Roman?

According to me The numbers that we normally use (1, 2, 3 etc) are called "Arabic numbers". But we sometimes use another system for writing numbers called Roman numerals. 1 = I 2 = II 3 = III 4 = IV 5 = V 6 = VI 7 = VII 8 = VIII 9 = IX 10 = X

What countries under monarchy rule today?

In Europe; Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain

NB Great Britain, because of its Imperial Past has its King (Charles (III)) reign over, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.

In Asia,; Saudi Arabia, Thailand, (empire of ) Japan.

What does roman numerals xxxvi means?

As 'xxxvi' it means nothing. However, as 'XXXVI' lnote the capitals.

Then XXXVI = 36.

NB Roman Numerals are ALWAYS quoted as CAPITAL letters.

How do you write 1963 in roman numerals?

Add together the individual numerals (M = 1000, D = 500, C = 100, L = 50, X = 10, V = 5, I = 1) unless a smaller numeral precedes a larger one in which case subtract it from the larger one.

→ 1963 = 1000 + (-100 + 1000) + 50 + 10 + 1 + 1 + 1 = MCMLXIII

What is the roman nemeral of 114?

'Nemeral' !!! What is 'nemeral'? I think you mean 'numeral'

For '114' it is C (100)+ X(10) + I(-1) + V(5) = CXIV

What is a Roman commoner?

A 'Plebian'. from which we have the modern 'slang' word for a commoner of 'pleb'.

Socially, below plebians were the 'servii'. The plural of 'servus' , which translated from Latin, means 'slave', from which we have the modern words of 'Servant', and .Service'.

Hindu Arabic numerals to roman numerals?

1-I,2-II,3-III,4-IV,5-V,6-VI,7-VII,8-VIII,9-IX,10-X,.........20-XX,......50-L.......90-CX....100-C......500-D.....1000-M.That's all I know.But remember roman numerals like I, X, C and, M can't repeat more than 3 times.

Improved Answer:

In Roman numerals V, L, and D are used only once in row while I, X and C can be used four times in a row proof of this can be seen in the Roman numerals for 1999 which in its additional format are MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII.

Glance at any watch or clock face that have Roman numerals embellished on them and invariably you'll notice that the fourth hour is given as IIII.

Furthermore, in the ruins of the Coliseum in Rome, the number 29 is inscribed in stone as XXVIIII.

1999 is MIM nowadays, most of the 1900s were MCM....

How far back do Roman numerals go?

Well over 2000 years. However the Roman Numerals we use today are not the Roman Numerals that the Romans used.

As the Romans used them there was no ordering: IV & VI were both six, four could only be written as IIII, etc.

It was monks in the middle ages that introduced modern Roman Numerals as a shorthand form.

What is 5 written in Roman numerals?

Here is the table of Roman Numerals.

M = 1000

D = 500

C = 100

L = 50

X = 10

V = 5 ( THe answer to your question).

I = 1

What is the Roman numeral for the number 222?

The number 222 can be represented by the Roman numeral CCXXII

What is the roman numeral for dm?

The question doesn't make any sense. Do you mean what is the Arabic number corresponding to the Roman numeral DM?

he Romans themselves didn't use shortcuts, and DM would just be 1500 (as would MD ... order didn't matter, you just added up the values).

Under the shortcut rules developed in the middle ages, DM would be D less than M. The problem is that no one would write it that way; since D is 500 and M is 1000, DM is exactly the same as the simpler and shorter D.

What does MXXX stand for in roman numerals?


M = 1000

X = 10

XXX = 10+10+10 - 30


MXXX = 1030 .

What is ccclll in Roman Numerals?

No such Roman numeral as 'ccclll'. Roman Numerals are ALWAYS written in Capital letters, so I think you mean 'CCCIII'.

C = 100 (Centum) as in 'Century, Cents(coinage) etc.,


CCC = 100 + 100 + 100 = 300

I = 1


III = 1+1+1 = 3

It follows that

CCCIII = 300+3 = 303

What is roman numeral for 15 November 1971?

15 November 1971 = XV(day) XI(Month) MCMLXXI (Year)

What does vXXX represent in Roman numerals?

In Roman numerals, "vXXX" is not a standard or valid notation. Roman numerals follow specific rules and conventions for their notation. Here is a brief explanation of how Roman numerals work:

  • I = 1
  • V = 5
  • X = 10
  • L = 50
  • C = 100
  • D = 500
  • M = 1000

When combining these symbols, there are rules such as:

Smaller numbers before larger numbers indicate subtraction (e.g., IV = 4).

Smaller numbers after larger numbers indicate addition (e.g., VI = 6).

The notation "vXXX" does not conform to these rules. Roman numerals are typically written in uppercase letters, and lowercase "v" is not standard.

If we correct the notation to "VXXX", it would represent 5 (V) followed by three tens (XXX), which is:

  • V = 5
  • XXX = 30

So, "VXXX" would be 5 + 30 = 35.

What is 2004 in greek numerals?

NO such numerals. However, if you mean ROMAN Numerals then

2004 = MMIV

What is the Roman Numeral for hundred?

C = 100

Remember your Latin ; 'C'; is 'Centum, which means One hundred.

Other letters used in Roman numerals are :-

M = 1000

D = 500

C = 100

L = 50

X = 10

V = 5

I = 1

The current year, 2024, is ' MMXXIV'.

What is this roman numeral cxv?


C = 100

X = 10

V = 5

CXV = 100 + 10 + 5 = 115

What is MMD in roman numerals?

MMD = 2500


M = 1000

MM = 1000 + 1000 2000

D = 500

Hence MMD = 2000 + 500 = 2500

What are the numeral of number of 2599?

If you mean the Roman Numeral of 2599 then it is



M = 1000

MM = 1000 + 1000 = 2000

D = 500

IC = 100 - 1 = 99

NB When a smaller value numeral is to the left of a larger value numeral, it means subtract. Hence 'I = 1' is smaller than 'C = 100' . Hence IC = 100 - 1 = 99