Aprender Design

Certificate of completion.

Liderando Times de Design

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We are pleased to certify that Karina Tronkos has successfully completed the Liderando Times de Design course, instructed by Letícia Pires, held between 05/26/2021 and 06/09/2021, remotely, with a total duration of 15 hours.

Acknowledgment from

Letícia Pires


Gláuber Sampaio

Co-founder of Aprender Design

Gustavo Bittencourt

Co-founder of Aprender Design

This certificate is automatically generated by our system upon course completion. Its automatic generation serves as evidence that the student in question was enrolled, successfully completed the course, and has records in our system.

Certificate ID


Aprender Design

CNPJ 31.097.612/0001-78