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Model Rules & Standards

The ARCI Model Rules of racing and wagering are recognized worldwide as a standard for the independent and impartial regulation of horse and greyhound racing as well as the conduct of pari-mutuel wagering.
In some racing jurisdictions, the Model Rules have the force of law as they have been adopted by reference statutorily or through a regulatory rule making.   In others they form the basis upon which rules are written ensuring substantial uniformity in the regulation of the sport.

Current Model Rules and Standards

Model Rules Version 13.1 — August 2024 Update (PDF Version)

The following changes were made to the Model Rules:

1. Section ARCI-010-030 - Added (31) - limitations for toe grabs on quarter horses

2. Section ARCI-022-015 - Amended to define owner's beneficial interest

3.  Section ARCI-020-015 - Amended to define when judges are required to be in the stand

4.  Section ARCI-023-015 - Amended to define splitting divisions in harness races

5.  Section ARCI-024-030 - Amended to require taped hobbles and driving lines

6.  Section ARCI-021-020 - Added N - requiring warning light system at every extended pari-mutuel track (Harness)

7.  Section ARCI-021-020 - Amended A (6-9) - to define requirements for presence of human ambulance during racing hours

Model Rules Version 13.1 — August 2024 Update (WORD Version)

Historical Horse Racing Standards Version 1.0 — April 2023

Controlled Therapeutic Medication Schedule for Horses Version 4.2.1 — December 2020 Update 

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Model Rules Archive

Please note: Current version of ARCI Model Rules is 13.1

Model Rules Version 13.0 - March 2024 Update (PDF Version)

The following changes were made to the Model Rules:

Section 006-015 & 020-015 were modified to remove ROAP as the designated accreditation program for stewards and judges.

Model Rules Version 12.1.3 — December 2023 Update (PDF Version)

The following changes were made to the Model Rules:

1. Section 008-010 & 022-010 were modified to include language about illegal racing subject to future resolution.

Model Rules Version 12.1.3 — December 2023 Update (Word Version)

Model Rules Version 12.1.1 — July 2023 Update

The following changes were made to the Model Rules:

  1. Typo correction in ARCI-007-025 Operations, Subsection A which listed a 45 hour restriction on substances.  It was corrected to 48 hours.
  2. Correction of several spelling errors.

Model Rules Version 12.1 — June 2023 Update

The following changes were made to the Model Rules:

  1. 007-025 OPERATIONS; Subsection A. Security – changed Restricted Administration Time from 24 hours to 48 hours with list of exceptions.
  2. 007-025 OPERATIONS; Added Subsection J – Biosecurity Protocols (Flat Racing) Protocols provided in Appendix A
  3. 011-015 PROHIBITED PRACTICES – changed Restricted Administration Time from 24 hours to 48 hours.
  4. 011-023 TESTING; Added Subsection G – Results Management Reporting – Reporting requirements for ADMC results on annual basis
  5. 021-025 OPERATIONS; Added Subsection G – Biosecurity Protocols (Harness Racing) Protocols provided in Appendix A
  6. 024-035 RACING RULES; Added Subsection O – No Contest Rule – provides guidance for Judges for consideration of declare a heat or race a no contest
  7. Added Appendix A – Biosecurity Protocols from AAEP which are referenced in 007-025 J and 021-025 G.

Model Rules Version 12.0 — April 2023 Update

The following changes were made to the Model Rules:

  1. Section ARCI-004-050 was added detailing the rules for Historical Horse Racing
  2. Section ARCI-004-105 Part II detailing rules for instant racing was removed.

Model Rules Version 11.1 — July 2022 Update

The following language was added to ARCI-023-020 Claiming Races:

(11) A claim shall be voided if a horse is a starter and the horse: 

(1) Dies on the racetrack; or 

(2) Suffers an injury which requires the euthanasia of the horse, as 
determined by a State veterinarian, while the horse is on the racetrack.

(12) A claim is voidable at the sole discretion of the new owner, for a period of up to 1 hour after the race is made official, for any horse that: 

(1) Is vanned off the track after the race at the discretion of the State or racetrack Veterinarian; or
(2) Is sent to the detention barn and observed to be lame by the State Veterinarian. 

Model Rules Version 11.0 — December 2021

Footnote added to thyroxine noting the requirement of a hypothyroid diagnosis.

Model Rules Version 10.1 — November 2021

Minor clerical correction from Version 10.0, Scale of weights was referenced but not included at ARCI-010-020 Weights, (D) Scale of Weights

Model Rules Version 10.0 — May 2021

Model Rules Version 9.5 — December 2020

Model Rules Version 9.3 — October 2020

Model Rules Version 9.2 — December 2019

Model Rules Version 9.1 — August 2019

Model Rules Version 9.0 — April 2019

Model Rules Version 8.5 — December 2018 

Model Rules Version 8.4.1 — September 2018

Model Rules Version 8.4 — July 2018

Model Rules Version 8.3 — April 2018

Controlled Therapeutic Medication Schedule Archive

Please note: Current version of CTMS is 4.2.1

Controlled Therapeutic Medication Schedule for Horses Version 4.2

Controlled Therapeutic Medication Schedule for Horses Version 4.1

Endogenous, Dietary, or Environmental Substances Archive

Please note: Current version of EDES is 4.1

ARCI Endogenous, Dietary, or Environmental Substances Schedule
Version 4.0 — December 2018 Update